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Topics - Idlemind79

The psychic events and items seemed like an early alpha element to add some needed game play.. there is so much else going on with the game now that it's really not needed to add some challenge. (enraged animals, drones, psychic ship, psychic pulse, etc.)

Bottom line, it doesn't add anything to the game now.  At least an option next to the story teller to turn off psychic events. I find it tacked on, immersion breaking, and frustrating to the point of rage quitting, especially if it ends up destroying your colony.

I'd be interested in hearing some positive things about the psychic game play elements because right now I absolutely loathe them.

Mods / OP'ed turret mod?
May 01, 2016, 05:04:58 PM
I'm looking for an OP'ed turret mod that is available almost immediately.. just want to mess around on a map.
Ideas / Graphics
April 18, 2016, 08:55:19 PM
I Thought originally the Prison Architect assets where placeholders.. is that still the case?

Looking at a title like Judgement you can appreciate the difference scale / detail / animations make on the characters (the only good part in my opinion, the game otherwise doesn't look appealing, but the "colonists" are well animated and detailed at least).

When this game hits Steam a lot of people are going to post how it's ripped of from P.A... which is so far from the truth but at a glance yeah you can see why people would say "why am I paying for a PA mod?".

Just wondering if this game will have it's own unique look at some point. The simplified icon art is OK but it would be pretty mind blowing with a gritty sci-fi look and realistic graphics instead of the icon / simplified look.. imho.. many will disagree with me here and I respect that.
Stories / Malaria Emotional Roller Coaster
April 14, 2016, 05:11:56 PM
His friend died during a raid.. this upset Troy. Shortly after a pyschic drone pushed him over the edge and he started going into pyschotic episodes, even after the drone ended he just couldn't get his **** together long enough to snap out of it. His sister and her husband lived at the colony with him... and for whatever reason every time he went off he would try and kill his sisters dog. Not knowing what else to do they tried to arrest him hoping some time to cool off straighten him out..  this didn't go well. Shortly after his arrest his sister and her husband both got malaria and for days had to take turns getting bed rest and treating each other. Nobody had time for Troy and he was trashing the jail.  A small group of raiders hit and Troy died, the raiders were defeated by the remaining couple and there dog but not before the raiders set the farm on fire. By this time the couple had overcome malaria and things were starting to look up but now they had to put out this huge fire that was threatening to destroy the farm house.  Troys body itself seemed to be a source of the fire as it kept spreading from him and they couldn't put it out on his corpse.. as the fire kept spreading a local tribe came through, ko'ed the dog and kidnaped the wife and husband.. at the last minute the wife escaped being kidnapped! Running back through to the farm the fire had spread out of control.. she couldn't get back in time to save the dog.. she spent her last days in a catatonic state wondering around and caught a bullet from a passing raider.

I can't believe how ridiculously good this update is. I was determined not to give up and see it through and holy shit, I lost but I'm not even mad.. maybe a little depressed lol
Mods / [Request] Friendly Fire Fix(es)
May 08, 2015, 07:07:40 AM
I'm sick and tired of seeing one colonist hunting and then another colonist wanders in front on its way to mine or something and gets shot.

They need to a do a check for colonists in there range of fire and if there is one, wait a second and check again until it's clear.. or re-position themselves.. or turn off friendly fire (although I don't like that idea totally).

I'm ok with friendly fire in a hectic fire fight where I order a guy to the front and he accidentally catches a bullet in the back.. but hunting accidents are out of control.

Edit: Maybe we can convince Lord Tynan or some modder to give us a break on the hunting. Less animal HP and much higher chance to hit when attacking an animal.. it is not the heat of battle it's a shot on unsuspecting prey. If it's possible to do this and maintain some of the danger of attacking a rhino (for example) that'd be perfect.

Edit: Saw on the changelog Tynan is now adding deadfall (box and stick) traps to the game.. trapping would be an awesome alternate / supplement to the way hunting is done now! Hope it can be used to capture some animals although I can't see catching a muffalo this way lol
General Discussion / Am I playing too much?
January 11, 2015, 07:43:13 AM
I was playing and I could hear the colonists building and other game sounds very quietly.. because my speakers were turned down low.

Wrong. They were off and my brain was filling in the blanks I guess.

I'm not hearing voices yet, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
Mods / [REQ] Mod Manager
January 11, 2015, 07:01:34 AM
Is there a mod manager yet?
Mods / Faction Relations to each other
January 09, 2015, 09:00:40 AM
What is the name of the xml file that determines faction relations with each other?

I noticed it varies game to game.

I'd like to tweek the xml file to guarantee that all factions are hostile with each other.
Stories / Amputee Hellhole
December 31, 2014, 12:42:07 AM
(Running Insominac and Panic, and Miscellaneous)

I "prepared carefully" and six well armed and educated colonists landed on the ice sheet.

Caves were dug, facilities setup, trade was was going well, and fresh recruits kept coming in to haul and clean leaving the colonists to research, craft, and battle.

Eventually though after a few years the skirmishes took their toll on the colonists. Many had missing bits and pieces, one even brain damaged. Things began really ramping things up. I made a note of what cybernetics I would need and it tallied a jaw, an eye, some brain surgery, 9 replacement arms, a few legs, and a couple exoskeletons.

And then came the realization that the wood sold off at the start was required for basic bionics. Trading with locals, and orbital ships proved fruitless, no wood to be found.

An indoor tree farm was created, late game, and while we waited for the trees to go many more of the original colonists losts more bits and pieces, some even both hands. Once the wood was finally available, nanotechnology had been researched. This took even longer to grow new nano weave but the colonists wanted only the finest prosthetics.

Only the brain damaged colonist laughed while the centipedes and scythers, in a large surprise raid, overcame the defenses and killed everyone, all they could do was sit up in their hospital beds and try to defend themselves with their stumps.

In the frozen north,
Wood > Gold
Peg Leg > No Leg

Anyways.. I love this game.. as I play it I get attached to my colonists and there is almost this dialogue going on between everyone in my mind. I started save scumming near the end to save them but it was just too late and eventually I had to let it run out. Poor bastards.
Help / [HELP] Crops replaced with beds
December 29, 2014, 08:38:47 PM
I combined "Panic & Insomina" batch with the "Miscellaneous" batch of mods and now my medical flowers (red, yellow, green) and nano fiber plants look like omni-gel, when I zoom in there are tiny beds instead!

I will probably just disable "Miscellaneous" batch of mods but I really really loved it for one mod inside it which was visitors beds.. but the batch isn't made to allow for individual mods to be turned off and on and I can't find the visitors beds mods on its own (although I will look again!)

Please confirm this is a typical indication of a mod conflict... can't think it'd be much else :)
Unfinished / [REQ] "Zerg" Rush
December 29, 2014, 11:05:35 AM
Build in a psychic drone message basically giving the player a heads up (at least 1 day in advance).

The next day spawn in X amount of low health melee rushers.

If possible have the initial rushes be a low amount of units and progressively add more each time.

It's not really my intention that they should be able to over come a reasonable defense it's just a fun diversion.

They should be butcher-able and/or drop some crafting materials.

I really wanted the zombie mod but I see it's not updated for Alpha 8, maybe someday! :)
Mods / [Mod Request] Hardened colonists or victory buff
December 24, 2014, 11:42:42 PM
I don't know if it's possible to add or remove traits to colonists after they are created but a mod which gives them the "hardened" buff after they see "x" amount of corpses would be nice. Maybe after seeing 10 dead bodies for example they are no longer affected by it.. this way your newer members are green and sensitive to it while your seasoned soldiers just accept it as a fact of war.

Alternatively a positive mood modifier for surviving a raid which more than offsets any dead body sightings might be an easier way to go. It should last half a day, at least long enough to stuff the bodies in the nooks and crannies around your base ;).
I am a very dull person  ;D and I get immense satisfaction just from the day to day going-ons of my colony and gearing up for the seasons.

I would really appreciate a mod that removes everything psychic from the game, no berzerk animals, no squirrel armies, no crashed ship, no psychic events, and so on.

Also I would like a mod that removes robots completely.

And finally, for this post anyways, something that I can construct which will spawn a set # of bad guys from a set faction.

This is all just for my sandboxing and farting around :) If they are already out there for Alpha 8 please point me in the right direction!

This is a brain dump near midnight. Yes some of these are stupid, and probably answered elsewhere, I looked at a few pages of posts prior.
Some of my questions about future features I realize probably can't be answered at this time. I tried to move the dumbest ones down to the bottom of the list. :)

Why do I need medicine to remove bionics from a corpse?

I've cooked hundred of meals but don't seem to be getting better at cooking?

Do visitors or hostiles ever try to steal from your stockpile or beat you to drop pods? Will they?

What's up with the medieval weaponry? Guns seem plentiful. Is there going to be craftable armour at some point?

Does the size of the room on the hot side of the refrigerator have any bearing on the cold side of the refrigerator? Can the hot side be 1 x 1 tile? Does the size of the room on the cold side increase the power requirement of the refrigerator? I noticed my freezer was always above 0 due to people opening and closing the door so much.. nice touch. The colder you set it, the hotter you make it? How do positive temperatures work? Is that for the hot side then, ignoring the cold side.. i.e. it's now a heater unit?

Can the wind generators please be changed to rotate to face the wind automatically, like a normal modern wind generators.

Are there going to be rivers, fishing, and other ocean / water related stuff?

Why use anything other than wood for your structure and furniture? (flammability I guess being the obvious one)

Think friendly factions will ever betray and attack you if you amass enough wealth? (If they are not honourable I guess). Maybe your visitors will take note of what's in your stockpiles.. making it essential to have a stockpile in a vault for your valuables... instead of on the front lawn.

Anyways thanks for reading.. just bought this and am having a blast, this is the essence of pc gaming, and for early access it's surprisingly stable and bug free so far.  A few more layers of content / elements and it'll be my go to for a long time.

Edit: Off to read the wiki I totally forgot about.  ::)