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Topics - confusedwings

Help / Changing things in CORE (not mod)
August 31, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
hi all,

I would love to know what and where i would have to change a core file to get a higher output from the solar generator.

I love the game but i keep running in some problems.
1. My colony is more like a warehouse because it's loaded with items, stuff and/or food.
2. I make my base inside a mountain. Outside it's a mess... full of solar generators, wind turbines etc
so much it's almost impossible to protect anything.

- download a mod to store more things (and get a *** load of stuff extra).
- Change the game (core)

i did the last.
- Download Notepad++ (
- Searched for 'stacklimit' in core.
- look at every result and changed what i wanted to be changed.

but for the solar generation i don't know how or what to look for.
could anybody help me?

hi all,

I would like to edit some values of some objects.
I would love to schange the output of solar panels and change the value of storred energy of the battery.

Who could give me hand in this?

Mods / [Mod Request] steel plant
August 02, 2015, 07:28:50 AM

I would love to see a plant (Parsley) to grow steel/metal.
for game ballance it would take a while to grow and drop about 2 - 4 steel.
For the kind of plant: I know parsley has a lot of iron in so maybe that wil work.

i would be happy to see only this (simple) mod... but i guess i'm to simple myself to do it...

for those who would love a extra touch... make the plant only possible with Hydroponic and after a research to 'clone plants with metal/steel).

for those who would love a extra hard to add the hydroponic and research there is also a option to add a drying rack...
- drying rack: plants have to hang in this rack for a 2 days, stacks of 25.
If a drying rack is add it would be better that a full grown plant give some unusable steel/metal like thing that has to dry before real metal/steel show up that can be used.
- chopping table: this table is to cut all plants for better drying...
The stack of 25 unusable steel/metal stack would be changed in a 15 usable steel/metal after drying.
- temprature: if the drying rack is added, maybe it's possible to add to the game that it only dries whent i'ts 18 to 27 °C.
- humidity: if the stack of 25 is getting wet by rain only 50% of the final steel/metal is left.

(maybe it's possible to use a drying rack for other things...)

If any one is willing to take on the challenge, is it possible to give my name a little place for the idea/texture(s)... that's all i want... nothing more nothing less...

attachment contains a idea for the plant itself and the dried 'chopped' and a small schematic summary.

But i think this will be a other idea that will never see the daylight... or rimlight...

[attachment deleted due to age]
Help / 2 problems but 1 simple mod
April 17, 2014, 05:04:36 PM

For my first mod i wanted to add a special plant...
Everything is working fine, the plant grows (you see it become bigger and bigger).
I can harvest it and get the intended goods from it.
But i still have 2 problems:

- Texture problem:            _--> fixed thx to iame6162013 <--_
When the plant is panted it's like a white square with the plant. So it doesn't change the white to the background of the game. If the plant grows the white square grows with it...
I guess my 'TestPlant.png' is fine since it's just the basic clear white i used.

- Research problem:
The plant should be researched first. So that part doesn't work at all... at the start the plant is free to plant... and not only after research... the research project is added to research and kan be researched but since it's already possible there is no fuction for it.

This is my 'TestPlant.xml'

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

   <ThingDef Name="PlantBase" Abstract="True">
   <!--=========================== Crops ==============================-->

   <ThingDef ParentName="PlantBase">
      <label>Test Plant</label>
      <description>A cross breading that you researched. </description>


I don't want to let other know what i'm working on so that's why i use those '***'

could somebody help me?
Industrial RIM v1.0.0 + Power Switch + Wood 0.94.1

3 mods but only 1 thing adding to your 'mods' screen
No more endless scrolling to look for a good mod combination

So no i did not create any new mod i just took those and make it 1...

more info:

I merged everything and just ran the game... all texture etc should be there... but not fully tested... keep me posted when there is trouble.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Help / Help with Mod [BUG]
April 13, 2014, 11:00:52 AM
Hi i've got those (see picture) mods...
But i don't have a 'launch pad' when i was playing...
I was able to get the picture of 'launch pad' into the game but when it's build no building appears... so no stockpile, no trading

i don't know more what i could do... pls help me

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Ideas / Mini map before and in-game
April 12, 2014, 08:51:45 PM

it would be nice that if you start a new world before you start loading there is a mini map...
that would help a lot for playing a game... off course it's a rough map not a detailed map.
You just see land and places where to mine... a 'pick other map' option is always welcome 2.
So players who love small pieces of rock can pick there map and ppl who loves huge mountains can also get what they want without doing the 'loading' time.

also i have a idea for 'mapping'... don't know for sure if it's ok to post that here...

A (maybe) good idea is to add a research that gives you the option of a mini map...
I was even thinking of using 'mapping' skills. Those would (in time) give a more detailed map.
1st stage... the map with only the general looks (mining places, walkable land)
2nd stage... map with more better details (green collors for grass, white for sand, etc.) are added
3th stage... map where even moving objects are showing (only own colonists), also faming ground is showing.
4th stage... map where ALL moving things are showing (even animals)

1st stage (rough map): colonist draws the map wherever he is
2nd stage... (detailed map): colonist needs a mapping table (needs to be reseached) to draw this better map
3th stage... (gps map): after even more research te mapping table is updated/changed (demands power).
4th stage... (satelite map): after last time researching a worker must build a 'rocket' like structure.
Once finished it leaves the ground and only a 'transmitter' is left behind.

greetings and sorry for my bad english...
Video / [REQUEST] for promo movie (alpha 3)
April 12, 2014, 01:20:06 PM
Hi all...

I wanna make a nice promo video but since i don't have the game anymore i want to make a nice promo movie... but since i can't 'film' it i have to do it with requests...

NEEDED (best High Quality):
- Video of the beginning point (i would think it's still 3 stranded colonists) +- 20 sec
- Video of evolution of building a base (first you will see nothing but as time passes you see that there is being a base builded... bigger and bigger)
Yes it is allowed to do it in faster speed then normal time :p
i would like to see a HUGE base at the end but also a nice and orderd one... (fast forward movie min. 3min.
- parts of 'being' a colonist (seeing a colonist: doing research, planting/harvesting, fighting (against raid/animals),...) every aspect you can think off... +- 5 sec for every aspect.
- i also would need a clear video of a exploding animal... few seconds before exploding until it exploding if possible with the death of the colonist :p

more ideas or other nice pieces of video are also welcome...

THX all
and sorry if my english s*cks... i really try not to make mistakes
Help / Think my Rimworld is illegal
April 10, 2014, 02:34:45 PM

I've been playing the game for a few weeks now and now i discover i might have a big problem.
I got the game of my best friend. I asked if it was a legal game or not (I do download games but only verry old games and never online). He said that it's all ok etc etc.

But now (with the update) i realise it's a paying game and i didn't...
And to be honnest i kinda freaking out... don't know what to do now...
- Delete the game (but i like it so far)
- keep playing the (not updated) game
- buy the game (but there is totally no budget for it (divorce, son,... and i did something like that with 'minecraf' and the game changed to more 'magic' etc. witch i don't like so i it's money lost...)

Pls help and pls don't judge me... i'm so sorry
Ideas / [request]/[idea] bills on 'tables'
April 09, 2014, 03:23:46 AM

i think it would be a good idea to have a extra option when working on tables (butcher table, stone cutting,...).
I would love to see the option where you can say that there has to be a Min X amount of a item and a Max Y amount of items.
I want, Min 5 simple meals and max 10.
A colonist wil start making those meals until i have 10. When he has the 10 he wil stop making more.
Only when less then 5 meals are left he (or a other) would start making more. Again when hitting the 10th meal he would stop.

this is a Idea for a mod but it would be a good idea for the game in general also.

again... sorry for my english i'm sorry for any mistake but he... nothing wrong with trying right...?
Ideas / protection/help against 'events'
March 28, 2014, 06:23:29 AM
got some idea:

for every 'natural' event there should be something you can do...

solar flair -> 'emp' resistant battery
why not including some kind of battery that still works when there is a solar flair?
to make it even better i was thinking about that while there is a solar flair only metal walls work and not those conduits...
a other idea is to lower the % of working power from battery or even the buildings that make power...

fire -> sprinkler system 
maybe it's a good idea to add buildings for this (example: pumping station to pump up water or a building that get's water from the rain, pipes to get water to sprinklers, some big tank to store water,...)

dist -> cleaning bot
this would need a new building that get the dirt on the ground in a radius of X in the same room so it won't 'open' doors. it's doesn't really need a moving robot or person for it it could work with 'blowing air' or 'sucking air'. This building is was thinking about it to work verry slow but when more research is done it could work a bit faster.

collapsing cave -> shoring
this would be a cheap metal contruction that support the cave much more then a wall but slowly
destroys itself.

sorry if my english isn't that good... i normaly speek dutch (i'm from Belgium)
Mods / [REQUEST] auto Timer/complex power Mod
March 26, 2014, 06:23:44 AM
Hi all,

I've got some idea for a mod but i just can't do any modding...

Is it possible for a 'timer' mod?
the idea
- you place a 'timer' between 2 power lines. Power runs only when you timed it to do so.
that way you can let you 'sun lamp' automaticly turn on and off when you want to (when sun sets...). At the start of a game this could make a big difference..

Off course sometimes something goes wrong with it so some mallfuctions are also nice...
Maybe some research could get a better timer... less broken/mallfuctioning or something like that.

maybe is it a good idea to have also some 'power-timer-wall' like the metal one but with timer.

-  For even more complexer ppl... maybe you can find a way so when 2 power lins crosses they keep there power a part...
i will try to illustrate it with a mini-drawing:
   normal power going to some building

    ----+------> power going to a 'timed' sun lamp

the possibility for 'complex' power grid should be only unlocked when research. So in ppl should think about it before they set up there power grid

i hope you understand what i'm trying to tell... i'm sorry for my english but i'm from belgium so Dutch is my normal lang...

Pls somebody this mod would give extra dimension to the game and it would be fun...

Keep me posted if you want to... thx