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Topics - Wanderer_joins

When a faction base has a mortar on its perimeter, the guy manning the mortar only fires one mortar shell. He loads a second one but stops his task short of aiming, he then leaves the mortar and wanders around.

In previous versions he would man the mortar until he couldn't find any shell left.

To reproduce: enter a base with a mortar, the behavior is always the same.

Edit: After investigation: we don't get this bug if we use the classic mortar in the custom difficulty.... weird if the new mortar only changes the radius.
Bugs / [1.1.2647] adaptation days cap out at 100
June 01, 2020, 02:21:27 PM
This one is rather technical but it seems adaptation days cap out at 100. If i understand the storyteller description there shouldn't be such a cap:

        <li>(-30.01, 6)</li>   <!-- under: 8.00 -->
        <li>(-30,    3)</li>   <!--   -30: 3.00 -->
        <li>(-0.01,  3)</li>
        <li>(0,      1)</li>   <!--     0: 1.00 -->
        <li>(59.99,  1)</li>
        <li>(60,     0.5)</li> <!--    60: 0.50 -->
        <li>(119.99, 0.5)</li>
        <li>(120,    0.25)</li> <!--  120: 0.25 -->
        <li>(-30, 0.40)</li>  <!-- recover in 10 days -->
        <li>(  0, 0.80)</li>  <!-- start at     0.80  -->
        <li>( 30, 1.00)</li>  <!-- 0.5 years to 1.00  -->
        <li>( 60, 1.20)</li>  <!-- 0.5 years to 1.20  -->
        <li>(120, 1.60)</li>  <!-- 2   years to 1.60  -->
        <li>(180, 2.00)</li>  <!-- 4   years to 2.00  -->

example of adaptation days flat for 30 days at 100 days in attachement pics

So i've had this mech cluster landing on top of overhead mountain tiles. It resulted in the cluster being crushed, leaving only one minislug turret.
So usually when a party is called i draft/undraft all colonists so they stop their activity to join the party immediately. For the last 2 parties it resulted in the party being called off without any other reason (no threat) :/
During a raid, all pawns were assigned to a restricted area, one of them went to medidate on a spot outside the allowed area.
This one is not strictly a bug, and is old, but since we now have toxic spewers w/ area of effect, it feels all the more cheesy to be able to form a caravan to have your animals graze on the next tile when there's a toxic fallout.

I'd love to see a random patch of tiles affected by the toxic fallout around the colony or at least a minimal radius around the colony.
Bugs / [1.1 / Royalty] Party called off for minor threats
February 29, 2020, 09:01:19 AM
I've seen parties being called off for minor events like a lancer produced by the mech assembler or a social fight. I guess both events where linked since they prompted simultaneously in the log.
Bugs / [1.1 / Royalty] Monument marker
February 25, 2020, 12:23:00 PM
Maybe i'm missing something obvious but it seems i can't complete the monument though everything is built. It mentions 2/4 sarcophagus while 4 sarcophagi are built (2 normal quality, 2 good quality):

Edit: i could built it using the monument maker menu, the issue may have appeared when i used the copy or architect menu to build the steel sarcophagus
Hi, i've released Adaptive Cassie Storyteller, which works as intended based on a suite of playthroughs i've done. Even though i've extensively tested it, the more the save files, the better i can adapt it.

The idea of this storyteller is to give players an incentive to fight raids actively, play permadeath and go explore. She'll adapt much more significantly to the death of experienced colonists or when your best shots are on the roads, wealth is less the main driver of raids size and increasing the number of colonists will actually helps you defend your colony (instead of proportional threat increase).

In order to test it in the most extreme situations, i'd like more saves, of flourishing colonies, but of collapsed/ failed colonies as well.

Players should be able to come back from ashes.


Edit: save files can be vanilla, i just need to check the threat points with the stotyteller
Help / Removing kidnapped pawns from world pawns
July 20, 2019, 06:39:21 AM

I've given a try a while ago for a mod to rescue kidnapped pawns (Kidnapped colonist camp).
There is a reported issue with pawns not being correctly removed from world pawns. I've looked into a similar vanilla incident (ransom demand) and couldn't see where the pawns were removed. I concluded they were automatically removed thanks to the KidnappedPawnsTracker:

public class KidnappedPawnsTracker : IExposable
private Faction faction;

private List<Pawn> kidnappedPawns = new List<Pawn>();

private const int TryRecruitInterval = 15051;

private const float RecruitMTBDays = 30f;

public List<Pawn> KidnappedPawnsListForReading
return this.kidnappedPawns;

public KidnappedPawnsTracker(Faction faction)
this.faction = faction;

public void ExposeData()
if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Saving)
this.kidnappedPawns.RemoveAll((Pawn x) => x.Destroyed);
Scribe_Collections.Look<Pawn>(ref this.kidnappedPawns, "kidnappedPawns", LookMode.Reference, new object[0]);

public void Kidnap(Pawn pawn, Pawn kidnapper)
if (this.kidnappedPawns.Contains(pawn))
Log.Error("Tried to kidnap already kidnapped pawn " + pawn, false);
if (pawn.Faction == this.faction)
Log.Error("Tried to kidnap pawn with the same faction: " + pawn, false);
if (pawn.Spawned)
if (!Find.WorldPawns.Contains(pawn))
Find.WorldPawns.PassToWorld(pawn, PawnDiscardDecideMode.Decide);
if (!Find.WorldPawns.Contains(pawn))
Log.Error("WorldPawns discarded kidnapped pawn.", false);
if (pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer)

public void RemoveKidnappedPawn(Pawn pawn)
if (!this.kidnappedPawns.Remove(pawn))
Log.Warning("Tried to remove kidnapped pawn " + pawn + " but he's not here.", false);

public void LogKidnappedPawns()
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.AppendLine(this.faction.Name + ":");
for (int i = 0; i < this.kidnappedPawns.Count; i++)
Log.Message(stringBuilder.ToString(), false);

public void KidnappedPawnsTrackerTick()
for (int i = this.kidnappedPawns.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (this.kidnappedPawns[i].DestroyedOrNull())
if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 15051 == 0)
for (int j = this.kidnappedPawns.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(30f, 60000f, 15051f))
this.kidnappedPawns[j].SetFaction(this.faction, null);

But i may have misinterpreted the code. Does anyone have an idea how i could check for kidnapped pawns and remove spawned pawns from the list?

Thank you,

Edit: i'm narrowing down the issue and thinks the magic happens here in vanilla. Unfortunately, I can't see what exactly the code is for this letter and have to use a work around to fix the issue:

public class ChoiceLetter_RansomDemand : ChoiceLetter
public Map map;

public Faction faction;

public Pawn kidnapped;

public int fee;

public override IEnumerable<DiaOption> Choices
ChoiceLetter_RansomDemand.<>c__Iterator0 <>c__Iterator = new ChoiceLetter_RansomDemand.<>c__Iterator0();
<>c__Iterator.$this = this;
ChoiceLetter_RansomDemand.<>c__Iterator0 expr_0E = <>c__Iterator;
expr_0E.$PC = -2;
return expr_0E;

Mods / [Mod Request] Selective stripping
September 10, 2018, 03:29:44 AM
Pretty self-explanatory, i'd like to be able to remove only a given apparel on a corpse or unconscious pawn.

It can get quickly messy notably with mods which add multiple layers of clothing (see Medieval times), you have to completely strip the pawn to get his devilstrand t-shirt or good flak armor.

It'd be like the 'drop' order for apparels in the gear tab for colonists but with a 'strip' order for each apparel.
Bugs / [1.0.1962] Colonist left unburied
July 13, 2018, 03:51:32 AM
It's not a new topic, not technically a bug, but it can still be confusing. When a colonist is left unburied and dessicated on the map, your colonist still have the -10 mood debuff for colonist left unburied. It's not easy to locate the corpse (he's no longer in the colonists bar) or even understand why your colonists have the mood debuff (often, if the corpse is dessicated, it's because you've already forgotten the colonist)
There is no cover possible for autocannons from North and East directions.

On the other hand from South and West directions they can benefit from.

It's the same thing with mortars (interaction spot S-W by default) but we can rotate them.
When they spawn on an encounter map, you can instantly reform the caravan on the world map if they're still sleeping, which may be a good thing if you can't fight them.

The bug is if you destroy a wall of the item stash at range distance to reveal the content you can reform the caravan with the content of the item stash without approaching the sleeping mechanoids, same thing for incap pawns, you can reform your caravan instantly with the incap pawn without risking to awake the mechs.

I thought it had been reported on previous versions but couldn't find a topic.
I've just recruited a pyro who decided to ignite the firefoam poppers in the workshop. It turned out rough stone floor doesn't track dust and firefoam.

To reproduce just trigger a firefoam pooper on rough stone floor.
When outposts or faction bases are generated on water/ marsh, there is no waterproof conduit connecting power sources to the batteries/ base.

Here is an example:

Bugs / [1.0.1942] AI Core offer
June 22, 2018, 09:33:26 AM
I've got the "AI Core offer" letter from a neutral tribal faction (+20). It informs me i've to contact them with the comms console if i'm interested but there is no special offer. There is the grey option to ask for the location of one for 1500 silver (if goodwill +40), but as i had before and as i have for the other neutral outlander faction.

I expected to have the location for free or some sort of special deal.
I have my colonists restricted to indoors area during a manhunter pack of wargs. They ignore the restriction to haul stuff just next to the zone.

Here is an example: Irabiarro restricted to zone 3 (indoors) is going outside to haul a dead warg
Releases / [B19] Cassandra Hardcore
February 17, 2018, 05:24:15 AM
Cassandra Hardcore 1.0


Cassandra Hardcore 1.0 is Cassandra's twin. She will throw larger threats cyclically, and has no limit.

Difficulty-wise she is overlapping 2 levels. For example 'savage hardcore' difficulty will be oscillating between 'savage classic' and 'merciless classic' after the grace period and a progressive start.

The cycles are hidden, and world dependent.

Otherwise the pop intent is slightly increased and there is no cap to the threats (20k in vanilla).


Cassandra Hardcore 1.0

Cassandra Hardcore b19


Based on Cassandra Classic, she shares the same principles of 'on and off cycles' and a steady difficulty progression with a few differences:

1/ 'off cycles' are shortened to 5 days instead of 6

2/ large threats are slightly more frequent and have a shortened cooldown

3/ she adds a built in ramp up factor

4/ she adds a system of cycles ~2 quadrum long which add +/-10% fluctuation on the difficulty scale, the timing of these cycles is world dependent

5/ she has a higher population target

Since this storyteller is more oriented on base defense, even if you master merciless i would recommend to play savage-hardcore. Take advantage of the first two years to build solid defenses and a skilled team, then the difficulty will match up and overcome merciless. The only significant difference will be the +5 permanent mood boost from savage compared to merciless, which won't be useless to fight the larger, more frequent raids.


Cassandra Hardcore b19

Cassandra Hardcore b18


Cassandra's hardcore twin, she's based on the same threat cycle but changes the threat scale over time.

After a very similar start, the difficulty curve will get steeper, making it harder to establish and defend a large, wealthy colony. Still, the time factor is capped, leaving a door open for your colonists to escape the planet or to try to settle down.

At low population and low wealth, Cassandra Hardcore is very similar to Cassandra Classic. But for mid-late game colonies, the challenge is real.

There are two difficulties in the mod settings menu:
- Low: vanilla friendly
- High: more aggressive, requires strong/modded defenses and firepower

Here is an example of the threat over time for identical colonies (500k storyteller wealth +/- 20% and a population of 28 colonists after 6 years - 290k and 24 colonists at year 4) with different storytellers :


Cassandra Hardcore

Better Rewards b18


Betters rewards increases the number (at least 3) and the total market value of bandit camps' item collections. The total market value increases with time, so if you destroy a bandit camp, the next one will be more valuable +/- random margin. The outpost's manpower is also scaled with time, starting easier, it will progessively catch up with vanilla and then keep building up more slowly.


Better Rewards

Cassandra Random b18


Similar to Cassandra Classic, she's the same threat cycle with on/off cycles, she progressively adds randomness to the size of the threats. This randomness starts significantly at the end of year 1, ultimately it's +/- 50% raid points (similar to Randy).


Cassandra Random

Hardcore Raids b18


Hardcore raids add combat points to turrets and traps:

1 trap == 20 pts
1 turret == 160 pts

The chance of this event is split 50/50 with standard raids. The total chance of raids is unchanged compared to vanilla.


Hardcore Raids

Crazy Cassie b18


An extremely difficult start with a quick pace, 3 difficulties: Low comparable to Cassandra Hardcore, High closer to Pandora.


Crazy Cassie

3/2: introduced three difficulty levels for Crazy Cassie in the mod option menu
3/13: added Hardcore Raids with combat points for turrets and traps
3/15: introduced two difficulty levels for Cassandra Hardcore high and low
3/24: rebalanced Hardcore Raids
3/27: added Cassandra Random
4/2: added Better Rewards
5/21: scaled outposts and 3 levels added to Better Rewards
8/26: added Cassandra Hardcore b19
11/16: added Cassandra Hardcore 1.0
Ideas / Beds and bedrolls
December 22, 2017, 03:16:35 AM
I really love the bedroll addition in B18, and did a whole journey with them. But now beds seem a bit OP compared to bedrolls.

In another topic excellent suggestions have been made by scrabbling

What i would consider is:

  • Increase the cost of beds and introduce cloth in the recipe. A dining chair is 60 wood, a billars/poker table 110 wood and 80 cloth. A bed would be like 70 wood and 35 cloth. It would mean you could not as casually build/ deconstruct beds to get a high quality bed (superior bed day 1 = .9 comfort, 1.1 rest effectiveness...), and starting with leather bedrolls with endtables and dressers would be a reasonable early game trade off
  • Bedrolls recipe is fine, but they could prevent a mood debuff in a caravan for "sleeping on the ground" or give a siginificant mood buff.

Edit: typo