Hey getting back into things and wanted to do a clean install of the game. Uninstalled in Steam, deleted folder in steamapp. Made sure there is no files and all. Steamcloud's been off since day one. Yet when I installed I would get error messages about defs missing from mods that I just unsubbed before uninstalling. And it remembers all my settings. So somehow there is still info somewhere on my computer. Any thoughts on why I'm not getting a clean install?
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Mods / Looking for Programmer
December 31, 2017, 03:14:06 PM
Just putting out a general call to anyone willing to partner up with me for a mod idea. I'll be the first to say I don't know a thing about C#, but do know that it will have to be used for what the mod does. Other than that I am an artist and will be doing the art for it.
what I want to do is a mech mod for rimworld. We already have some great vehicle mods already with Cpt. Ohu's Orbital Hubs United and Roolo's Giddy-Up! mod. Thought throwing mechs into the mix might be an interesting thing for the game.
If anyone is remotely interested or give me some pointers on how to go about doing this would be much appreciated.
what I want to do is a mech mod for rimworld. We already have some great vehicle mods already with Cpt. Ohu's Orbital Hubs United and Roolo's Giddy-Up! mod. Thought throwing mechs into the mix might be an interesting thing for the game.
If anyone is remotely interested or give me some pointers on how to go about doing this would be much appreciated.
Mods / Question on Weapons
June 15, 2017, 07:16:49 PM
Hey just a quick question to the community. For a large weapon like a missile/rocket launcher would it make sense to have a front/side/back like a pawn or should I keep it a side view?
Mods / Question on Z axis
May 04, 2017, 06:56:13 PM
what would it take to create a z axis or the illusion of one for buildings? Had an idea for a gun tower or plane watch tower.
Help / pawn head placement
April 02, 2017, 08:58:52 PM
As the title says I'm wondering where the head goes for a pawn on any body/head type. Trying to draw up armor and clothing but I have no clue on head placement.
Unfinished / Rimworld Trooper [SST Mod]
March 27, 2017, 10:01:43 PM
First I would like to acknowledge that there is already a thread started by SundayTuseday. The reason for this thread is that I would like to start modding and thought it be easy to do a weapons/armor mod that can be expanded on. That also I want to dust off the old artistic skills I let waste for a good five years.
Goals: introduce the weapons, and armor of the movie Starship Troopers including squeals.
Long Term: Structures, static* Dropships to pretty up your outpost, and BUGS!
(*) There is a great mod by Cpt.Ohu that is working on flying ships. I might ask him how he does it, but that's a long way
Types of weapons: There aren't a lot of weapons admittedly, but very iconic. Wouldn't be a SST Mod without the Morita series of assault rifles and it's variants. Along with the Morita I will also work on some of the weapons seen in the television series Roughnecks: Starship Trooper Chronicles.
Morita Rifle:
Carbine-Basic automatic that has a slight shorter range than it's bigger cousins, but can still blow off warrior limbs all the same.
Long-Standard issued to all M.I. the Morita Long has a better range than the carbine and has under-slung options ranging from shotguns, G.L's, and micro-R.P.G's! (idea came from this artist: http://wolff60.deviantart.com/gallery/11968675/Starship-Troopers )
Morita D.M.R/Sniper-Semi-auto variant used to pick out targets with accuracy, but suffers from low R.P.M and aim time.
P.A issued Morita III-Seen in the animated movie Invasion this version has more power and kick behind it. It can have both a U.G.L and mini-gun.
Morita III LGM-Ice Blonds weapon of choice, slight longer range than the standard Morita III and more control than the mini-gun.
Morita XXX-Trig's custom made sniper variant, this thing is both anti-material and anti-tankerbug.
Armor: From flack vests to power suits the M.I uses it all. A few words on naming, in Mongoose Publishing O.O.P wargame they gave an actual name to the armor seen in the first three movies as the Raider Light Armor.
Raider Light Armor-The Raider is made up of a high impact flack armor covering the torso and back along with a tactical helmet. Underneath is a well insulated undersuit made up of a durable material.
Undersuit-This will come in both pants and upper suit along with variants such as the purple long sleeved, Rico's black Tee, and a more grey colored version.
Tac Helmet-this too will come in variants such as the standard, red and blue team, and visor.
Medic-This has it's own upper suit and flack armor along with a cap and backpack. Have some ideas for special abilities to it.
Ammo pack-Seen on Corp. Birdie before having her arm burn off, I'm thinking about having it give a weapon bonus on warm up and cool down. Heck even so far as giving it to pawns close to it that bonus.
FedNet pack-Seen on the ill fated cameraman this will be cosmetic (till I find an interesting use to it)
Comm Pack-Cosmetic comms pack, have ideas for it but none look promising
Power Suit-Seen in Invasion the power suit is a better form of power armor. Made up of an undersuit and outer armor. There will be variations to it such as:
-Clean version
-A-01 Version
-K-12 version
-Shock Jock's medic helmet
-Trig's Helmet
-"Shark Face" helmet for both clean and K-12
So that's what's on the drawing board for now. Going to work on art assets first while I read more on XML coding and C#. But any thought and questions would be appreciated
Goals: introduce the weapons, and armor of the movie Starship Troopers including squeals.
Long Term: Structures, static* Dropships to pretty up your outpost, and BUGS!
(*) There is a great mod by Cpt.Ohu that is working on flying ships. I might ask him how he does it, but that's a long way
Types of weapons: There aren't a lot of weapons admittedly, but very iconic. Wouldn't be a SST Mod without the Morita series of assault rifles and it's variants. Along with the Morita I will also work on some of the weapons seen in the television series Roughnecks: Starship Trooper Chronicles.
Morita Rifle:
Carbine-Basic automatic that has a slight shorter range than it's bigger cousins, but can still blow off warrior limbs all the same.
Long-Standard issued to all M.I. the Morita Long has a better range than the carbine and has under-slung options ranging from shotguns, G.L's, and micro-R.P.G's! (idea came from this artist: http://wolff60.deviantart.com/gallery/11968675/Starship-Troopers )
Morita D.M.R/Sniper-Semi-auto variant used to pick out targets with accuracy, but suffers from low R.P.M and aim time.
P.A issued Morita III-Seen in the animated movie Invasion this version has more power and kick behind it. It can have both a U.G.L and mini-gun.
Morita III LGM-Ice Blonds weapon of choice, slight longer range than the standard Morita III and more control than the mini-gun.
Morita XXX-Trig's custom made sniper variant, this thing is both anti-material and anti-tankerbug.
Armor: From flack vests to power suits the M.I uses it all. A few words on naming, in Mongoose Publishing O.O.P wargame they gave an actual name to the armor seen in the first three movies as the Raider Light Armor.
Raider Light Armor-The Raider is made up of a high impact flack armor covering the torso and back along with a tactical helmet. Underneath is a well insulated undersuit made up of a durable material.
Undersuit-This will come in both pants and upper suit along with variants such as the purple long sleeved, Rico's black Tee, and a more grey colored version.
Tac Helmet-this too will come in variants such as the standard, red and blue team, and visor.
Medic-This has it's own upper suit and flack armor along with a cap and backpack. Have some ideas for special abilities to it.
Ammo pack-Seen on Corp. Birdie before having her arm burn off, I'm thinking about having it give a weapon bonus on warm up and cool down. Heck even so far as giving it to pawns close to it that bonus.
FedNet pack-Seen on the ill fated cameraman this will be cosmetic (till I find an interesting use to it)
Comm Pack-Cosmetic comms pack, have ideas for it but none look promising
Power Suit-Seen in Invasion the power suit is a better form of power armor. Made up of an undersuit and outer armor. There will be variations to it such as:
-Clean version
-A-01 Version
-K-12 version
-Shock Jock's medic helmet
-Trig's Helmet
-"Shark Face" helmet for both clean and K-12
So that's what's on the drawing board for now. Going to work on art assets first while I read more on XML coding and C#. But any thought and questions would be appreciated
Help / on bitmaps and scaling
February 01, 2017, 06:44:15 PM
So I have a question for those that do art assets. I would like to try my hand at digital art again and what better way to practice by making simple illustrations for a game I like. That and wanting to create my own mods.
Thing is I don't have a program to do vector imaging, instead I have Clip Studio Paint which uses bitmaping. Past experience I know I can't scale up without using a larger resolution, but don't really know what happens if I scale down.
So I'm just wondering if it's a good idea to scale down images (to something like 128x128) or if I should just draw at that scale?
Thing is I don't have a program to do vector imaging, instead I have Clip Studio Paint which uses bitmaping. Past experience I know I can't scale up without using a larger resolution, but don't really know what happens if I scale down.
So I'm just wondering if it's a good idea to scale down images (to something like 128x128) or if I should just draw at that scale?
Mods / [Mod Idea] Mechs!
December 06, 2016, 04:07:07 PM
So I just want to get a general idea on what people think about big(ish) robots in their game. Since A16 previews we will be going around the planet and that caravan's going to need some protection. Enter the mech.
Got Mechanoids running amuck in your colony? Have a colonist jump in that robot and fight back on your terms. Of course it's going to be expensive to have one in the first place. And a lot of resources to keep it armed and running.
The idea I have is that since we are in the far future we have to have big exo suits or out right big bots. Also I'm not talking about Gundam or Battletech sized mechs; that would just be over kill for a frontier colony. Instead I'm thinking more of the smaller mechs as seen in Appleseed, Heavy Gear, or GITS Standalone Complex. To even have one colonists could buy parts from traders, research mech parts so that they could be crafted (which may or may not have quality to it), or recover parts or trashed mechs from a raid. Even then you need to power it and keep it's weapons armed and in good condition.
All and all I just want to have mechs that would be a pain to get and have; but would have a well earned payoff.
Got Mechanoids running amuck in your colony? Have a colonist jump in that robot and fight back on your terms. Of course it's going to be expensive to have one in the first place. And a lot of resources to keep it armed and running.
The idea I have is that since we are in the far future we have to have big exo suits or out right big bots. Also I'm not talking about Gundam or Battletech sized mechs; that would just be over kill for a frontier colony. Instead I'm thinking more of the smaller mechs as seen in Appleseed, Heavy Gear, or GITS Standalone Complex. To even have one colonists could buy parts from traders, research mech parts so that they could be crafted (which may or may not have quality to it), or recover parts or trashed mechs from a raid. Even then you need to power it and keep it's weapons armed and in good condition.
All and all I just want to have mechs that would be a pain to get and have; but would have a well earned payoff.
Mods / Has anyone thought of this yet?
November 24, 2016, 07:42:51 PM
So I couldn't find any on this but has anyone made a mod so that you can assign tables,furniture,joy items to individual or small group of colonist?
The reason being is that I set up individual "houses" for them with a bed, table, chairs, and random items. Sadly anyone could use them. This means if one of my colonist was asleep they would be disturbed by another coming in and eating at their table or use the tv. This does not sit well with me. Right know I created a common house but would like to create honest to god homes in the hellscape (we can say this right?) of a planet.
If not then I know the first thing I'm doing once I learn C#
The reason being is that I set up individual "houses" for them with a bed, table, chairs, and random items. Sadly anyone could use them. This means if one of my colonist was asleep they would be disturbed by another coming in and eating at their table or use the tv. This does not sit well with me. Right know I created a common house but would like to create honest to god homes in the hellscape (we can say this right?) of a planet.
If not then I know the first thing I'm doing once I learn C#
Stories / Random Act of God (or is it Tynan in this case?)
November 24, 2016, 07:33:54 PM
So my colony got attacked and left a hefty body count. It was in need of supplies and I have little silver so I stripped the clothing/equipment of the primitive band that attacked hoping to to trade. Low and behold a trader came buy. Sadly this guy had a silver tongue and wanted more for his wares and little for mine. I had no choice but to sell for little and pay more for the things I need which depleted my silver stores.
During this time the area caught fire from the dry storm that was going on at the time. The colony was safe due to the hills between it and the fire. As the trader trekked off passing the fire for some reason, I don't know what promoted me to watch him go off; could be that he was right next to the inferno; The game decided to do something crazy. Lightning struck him. He lit up like a roman candle and in his panic walked into the fire and died. I saw all the crap I unloaded on him go in a blaze. All but the silver. The next day the fire died out and here in the middle of a wastland is a pile of silver (I have the stack mod on) that read 1750. I got my silver back and then some.
@Tynan I don't know what you did but I know you had something to do with it some how. That saved my colony with the next trader getting better supplies.
During this time the area caught fire from the dry storm that was going on at the time. The colony was safe due to the hills between it and the fire. As the trader trekked off passing the fire for some reason, I don't know what promoted me to watch him go off; could be that he was right next to the inferno; The game decided to do something crazy. Lightning struck him. He lit up like a roman candle and in his panic walked into the fire and died. I saw all the crap I unloaded on him go in a blaze. All but the silver. The next day the fire died out and here in the middle of a wastland is a pile of silver (I have the stack mod on) that read 1750. I got my silver back and then some.
@Tynan I don't know what you did but I know you had something to do with it some how. That saved my colony with the next trader getting better supplies.