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Topics - TeiXeR

I've found out that there is no real "official" translation for the ocurrence that multiple of your animals get a disease. (Picture attached for the Russian version). It's missing in a lot of translations.
This is easily tested if you open the 'debug actions menu' -> 'Do incident (Map)' -> 'Disease_AnimalFlu'

You need to insert the following (red) text into Keyed/Alerts.xml in order to fix it. This example fixed the issue for the German translation.

<!-- EN: Colonist needs treatment -->
  <ColonistNeedsTreatment>Behandlung benötigt</ColonistNeedsTreatment>
  <!-- EN: These colonists need medical treatment. Without it, they may die of their wounds, or their wounds may become permanent.\n\n{0}\nTreat them by sending them to a medical bed.\n\n(First, assign a medical bed by selecting it and toggling it into a medical bed. Then, select the wounded colonists and right-click on the medical bed to make them a patient.) -->
  <ColonistNeedsTreatmentDesc>Die folgenden Kolonisten benötigen medizinische Behandlung. Ohne diese können sie an ihren Verletzungen sterben oder bekommen bleibende Schäden.\n\n{0}\nBehandle sie, indem Du sie in ein Krankenbett schickst.\n\n(Definiere zuerst ein Krankenbett, indem Du ein Bett anwählst und es in ein Krankenbett umwandelst. Wähle danach den verwundeten Kolonisten aus und rechtsklicke auf das Krankenbett, um ihn zum Patienten zu machen.)</ColonistNeedsTreatmentDesc>

  <!-- EN: Animals need treatment -->
  <AnimalsNeedTreatment>Behandlung benötigt</AnimalsNeedTreatment>
  <!-- EN: These animals need medical treatment. Without it, they may die of their wounds, or their wounds may become permanent. -->
  <AnimalNeedsTreatmentDesc>Die folgenden Tiere benötigen medizinische Behandlung. Ohne diese können sie an ihren Verletzungen sterben oder bekommen bleibende Schäden.\n\n{0}</AnimalNeedsTreatmentDesc>

  <!-- EN: Hypothermia -->
  <!-- EN: These colonists are suffering from hypothermia.\n\n{0}\nMake sure their clothing is appropriate for the season and that indoor spaces are properly heated. -->
  <AlertHypothermiaDesc>Diese Kolonisten leiden an Unterkühlung.\n\n{0}\nStelle sicher, dass sie entsprechend der Jahreszeit gekleidet und Innenräume gut geheizt sind.</AlertHypothermiaDesc>


I hope it helps.

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Bugs / [1.0] Redundant 'a' in trainability info text
October 19, 2018, 06:40:55 AM
When you hover over a trainable animal skill (Obedience, Release etc.) of a "dumb" tamed animal the text
"Requires trainability a simple" or "Requires trainability a intermediate"
The 'a' is redundant and also appears in translations like the German one (as 'eine').

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I recently found a text which, it seems, can't be translated. The "required trainabilty".

If, for example, you hover your mouse over "Haul" in the "Training" tab of one of your (less intelligent) animals you can see that the required trainabilty is not translated correctly in many other languages (to be fair, I haven't tested all of them). I have attached a picture of the German, Russian and Chinese translation. In all of them the trainability is not translated and it always shows "Advanced". It's a small detail but still...

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

The string can be found in ..\Keyed\ITabs.xml:
<CannotTrainNotSmartEnough>Requires trainability {0}.</CannotTrainNotSmartEnough>

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