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Topics - Boloss31

Bugs / cannot make kibble : need material
June 21, 2020, 12:16:30 AM
i try on discord this morning but no one answered. I have three electric butcher butcher boards : there is a stockpile on the right of them, with red meat (whatever it is, they are all ticked in green in the details tab) and lots of hay grass. When i set the ingredient radius to five, none of pawns would work saying : "cannot make kibble : need materials" if i put the ingredient radius off, they start getting materials from the main stock pile far away.
How can I solve this problem?
I use mods :
rimcuisine 2 core
haul to stack
Stack XXL (the red meat was about 150 unities when the bug occured)
Share the load
Allow tool...
lots of others.
hi i'd like to make my pawns take their meal altogether at the same time. I let them two hours of free time at twelve, + hours of hobby, i have table fridge beer meals sushi, they never gather around the table for lunch and diner.
How could i correct that?
Hi . Now that I remove the pusher from the angle on the left, chunk come from the junkyard(A) without doing anything and do a circle : they move all around and are drawn into the junkyard with the puller on the right(A'). I don't know how the chunk go onto the rollers at the A spot. And most of the time, items needed to the butcher board on the right (B-here hay grass, but it could be snakesea, snails) are stopped from moving always as the same place (B'), where the grass is on the pic. I have no problem with settings for the different zones, don't know what's wrong, no problem of electricity, all roller's piece in the same way...
I can't find any documentation about industrial roller, the mod, is it stuffed with bugs?on discord they say no bug
it must come from me
anyway thanks for reading.
i made rollers all over my base and lot's of different items are carried. Here chunks, sea food for butcher board, raw grains...but the seafood, approaching the junk yard, refuse to follow the roller down the junk yard to the space in blue, next to the butcher board (and both the small zone and the extractor are programmed to receive seafood.
hi canute i don't have any rimfactory in my mods. But i am looking for a tool in industrial's tab. I made a branch from main roller, that goes into my junk yards where i stack my marble chunk. neither pusher or puller can't fit cause they need to be connected to a stock pile. I just want to extract from main stream (which contains chunk, wood, vegetables, grains...) the chunk to lead them to the junk yard zone and let the rest go into the main stock pile. At the place of the interogation point on the picture, I need something to separate the chunk from the rest and lead it to the junk yard.
Do u have any ideas? thanks u for your time I
hi lots of my pawn haul items from a stack form one zone to another stack from another zone. For example i have a big zone of loading (inclunding rocks) but i create a smaller zone with a puller that only allows rocks. So the pawns spend their time from one zone to the other loading unloading, even if i put hauling to 9.
he was working five minutes ago, i have no electricity cut, most of the yield has been harvested, but he doesn't finish the work. Stack of barley's remain on the ground. it 's not the first time it happened to me
Bugs / Mods "pick up & haul" and "haul to stack
June 14, 2020, 04:57:41 AM
hi i am not sure this is a bug but i set hauling priority to one, and there are stack of component rotting in the huge river since the beginning of the game i have to manualy click right on the pile to make the pawn haul them...And they never finish.
Support / what can i do with mud?
June 13, 2020, 01:07:58 AM
i haven't played for a year and i don't remenber what to do with mud. impossible to build or to grow anything...
hi there !
is there a vgp vegetable mod compatible with that version 1.1.2654?
hello i want to start a new game after two years away from the game. The version has changed and lots of mods are obsolete. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this pics?
Help / error when launching the game
June 11, 2020, 03:24:12 AM
hi i use a lot of mods tried to put them in order...Comin' back to rimworld after two years and the version has changed apparently/
but got this window at the launching of the game
don't understand anything. Could anyone read a bit of it to explain to me what's going on?
see the attachment

I know that's boring but thanks to those who will read it.
hello my batteries never filled up, the geothermic and solar systems don't provide any energy to my rollers & fridge. what's the problem ?
another. I set little stock pile specifficly to the work bench but instead working on the bench (set to 1) they take the items from the little stock pile and place them in the stock pile. hauling priorirty set  to 0 i don't understand. All priority of stock pile are important
Hello i've noticed that there are features near the kitchen, the medical bed, the research bench...i need some antiseptic bodies and others stuffs. i want to know from which mod it stems from.
i play for one season in game nearly and none of my pawns had a artistic illumination yet. they seem rather happy : nice room, lots of fun, few works
hello i noticed that my paws let rot the lobster and fishes from the shell fish traps. I thought it was high priority on hauling but no is it the fishing category?
in particular bones of elephant in the way that i can't haul anywhere there are too heavy what shall i do?

[attachment deleted due to age]
Video / what's wrong with my rollers?
June 11, 2019, 03:10:36 AM sometimes it works sometimes it do'nt