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Messages - mikeash

Bugs / [M|0.7.581] "Verb label"
October 03, 2014, 09:01:40 AM
Some pirates just landed, and as I was investigating their loadout, I noticed that one fellow equipped with molotov cocktails was listed as "Using Verb label on Stone wall." Screenshot attached.

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Bugs / Re: Cook Stove - only one is useable?
August 20, 2014, 11:27:32 AM
It works fine for me. My current colony has two stoves and both get heavy use. Did you add bills to both stoves? Each stove has separate bills, so if you set them for one, the second one won't have any unless you add them there as well.
Bugs / Re: [M|0.6.532] "Gets medicine" not working
August 18, 2014, 03:40:51 PM
I have medical care on, since I do want them to get doctoring, just without medicine. Should be possible, right? Otherwise, no reason to have two settings.
Bugs / Re: [M|0.6.532] "Gets medicine" not working
August 18, 2014, 11:49:26 AM
Nice idea, wish I'd thought of that!
Bugs / [M|0.6.532] "Gets medicine" not working
August 18, 2014, 11:31:11 AM
I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I don't understand what it does or if I'm just doing something wrong. If it's one of the non-bug ones, I'd love to be corrected!

Anyway, the "gets medicine" option on prisoners doesn't seem to work for me. I leave it off for almost everyone. (I figure that prisoners will probably heal up on their own, and if they don't then I can ditch them without feeling bad, and I don't want them sucking up valuable medicine if they end up permanently disabled.) However, my doctor still routinely picks up medicine and uses it to heal prisoners even when this option is off.
Ideas / Re: Cremating animal corpses?
August 14, 2014, 03:30:54 PM
You can also manually cremate them with molotov cocktails. I've been doing this for both people and animals as I haven't researched the real crematorium yet and it's easy and fun! At this rate I'll probably not even bother to research it.
General Discussion / Re: Love the new combat system
August 14, 2014, 09:50:49 AM
Agreed, the combat is a whole new game, and it's great.
Back up your stuff. Then you won't have to worry about losing the game. You'll also be safe from losing stuff that's a whole lot harder to replace than a game. The great thing about not having any DRM is that you can just keep your own copy in a safe place. It would have taken you less time to save your copy of the game somewhere safe than it took to write up this post....
I bought a slave. His backstory lists adulthood as "medieval doctor". His short-form profession that shows up next to his name is "Quack". For skills, he is incapable of medicine.

I guess I should be happy he knows enough not to try his quackery on my other colonists.
Yes, a sleeping spot placed in the room is a prison bed, and if you toggle it, the area goes back to normal. That's how I fixed mine, once I realized what was going on.
General Discussion / Re: Siege defense
August 10, 2014, 04:36:01 PM
Defense against mortars is totally doable with modern technology, and systems are currently in use in Afghanistan and Israel. You can shoot down incoming rounds with a cheap guided rocket or with an automatic gun. They're not completely reliable and they're pretty expensive, but it can be done.

As far as the game goes, turrets that shoot at nearby in-flight mortar shots might work. For added mayhem, make the missed shots fall to the ground and cause damage where they land.
I walled off my whole base, leaving a single tile opening in the walls. I figured raiders will come through that and immediately meet lead death from my turrets and fortified colonists. Yay!

I wasn't paying too much attention, and soon the mental break alerts started to go off. I check on the unlucky colonists. They're just standing around outside my walls. Not moving, but slowly going crazy. WTF?

I draft one and tell him to move into the base. "No path." Huh?

Oh... there's a cactus growing right in the doorway. It happened to pop up right when half my colony was outside the walls for some reason. Unable to find their way back in, they just stopped moving and waited to go mad.

Some quick work with the Deconstruct command and I was back in business. A couple of colonists didn't make it back in time and I had to arrest them, but it was an easy time convincing them to rejoin the fold. I paved the crap out of the doorway area after that.
I had a small prison walled off in a building that contained my stove, dining area, and meal stockpile.

Eventually, I built a larger prison and deconstructed the small one.

A little while later, I noticed that my colonists were all eating raw potatoes and the meals were piling up.

Turns out that the whole building was now marked as a prison. Presumably they took down the walls and it "spilled out" as it became one room. But all the beds were gone too. To fix it, I had to place a temporary sleeping spot, mark it as being for colonists, then remove it.

Seems like once the last bed in a prison is destroyed, it should de-prisonize.
A squirrel went mad and started attacking an exterior powered door. None of my guys went out that door so it never changed target. Every so often, somebody would stop by and repair the door back to full health. After about two days of nothing but tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap the squirrel died of starvation.
This is a rather odd and amusing one.

I was messing around with a buried mountain base, and wanted to see how long I could last if I completely cut myself off from the outside world. I was buried deep, and once I was set for power underground (using ship reactors), I walled up the entrance.

I got the AI core event, and thought I'd see if I could withstand it. Of course, I couldn't. Gradually, my guys went mad. They all went into the "dazed and wandering" state. At first, I dragged them off and rehabilitated them, but then I noticed that they were still hauling, building, cooking, etc. even while in this state. Eventually, everyone went mad except for one guy who had just been recruited, and had an enormously high mood from all the convincing. But the colony kept on running smoothly? Finally, the last guy's mood got brought down too and he started wandering in a daze. Immediately, game over.