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Messages - GoblinCookie

Well the insects aren't really your friends if you eat them.....

Having the insects become out friends so we can harvest their insect jelly would be helpful.  I just cannot see how we are going to end up farming insects for meat.  Maybe a better option would be to have the hives give us insect eggs for food.  Gives me Morrowind vibes for some reason.....
I have determined that this is not a vanilla problem, it is from a mod called Dynamic Diplomacy that adds ideological conversion to the game.  Sorry.
Bugs / Re: Solar powered bases with no batteries.
July 28, 2021, 12:01:38 PM

Here is the save file. I still wish this company would pay for it's own file-storage rather than leeching off third-party entities though. :(
Quote from: Pheanox on July 27, 2021, 06:40:20 PM
I'm not sure I'm following the problem.  Visitors would complain that their current temporary leader isn't of their ideoligion.  If you could upload a saved game for me to see the behavior myself that would help.

That or give me a more detailed explanation of the problem, and what you are expecting to happen.

I explained the problem clear enough.  The faction changed religion to my religion, but when visitors from the faction arrived on my map they were complaining that their factions off-map leader belonged to the old religion.  They all belonged to the new religion themselves. 
Bugs / Re: Solar powered bases with no batteries.
July 28, 2021, 11:37:17 AM
It is unfortunate that the size of a Rimworld save file, even when compressed exceeds the maximum attachment size allowed by this forum. 

The issue is within this particular world at least reliable, I have attacked three bases so far, two mining bases and one hunting base, with all three bases lacking batteries.  All three bases did however belong to factions of the Dark Temple religion and were decorated with a large number of gibbet cages (very tasty  :) ). 

It could be that the element in ideology that causes the gibbet cages to be placed is responsible.  Rather than simply someone forgetting to add in the batteries for those particular bases, it could instead be that the gibbet cages have in all three cases overwritten the batteries by having been placed on the same spot. 
It seems that if you abandon your base with an imperial monument in, that monument counts as destroyed, harming relations.
Unless they have changed anything, insect hives are presently farmable.  You leave them alone in the daytime and sneak it to steal their insect jelly when they are asleep. 

To 'slaughter' your insects you would install a line of steel traps and bait your insects into them.
Why not make a separate contradictory meme for those who will eat animal products.  Animal Personhood implies not eating animal products as they were 'stolen'. 
One of the factions of my game changed religion to my religion.  However despite their leader now being referred to by the proper title, visitors were getting a negative moodlet for having a leader of a different religion. 
Bugs / Solar powered bases with no batteries.
July 27, 2021, 01:43:05 PM
The game generated a mining base for me to attack.  The base was however solar powered, but it had no batteries meaning that the heating would go off every night.