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Messages - GoblinCookie

Ideas / Re: Tribals with guns.
August 20, 2021, 09:33:54 AM
Quote from: Hilvon on August 20, 2021, 06:05:55 AM
With Combat Extended, high-value tribal raids include people with hunting rifles and armor vests. And it works pretty well.

They also fail to mention this on their page.  I am not particularly impressed with what is on the page however, combat is mechanically overdeveloped in the vanilla game, aside from the strange lack of bullets/ammo (I guess that is like the lack of woodcutter's axes).  Relative to most it's other mechanics, combat in this game is quite complicated. 
Ideas / Re: A charitable way to kick pawns out.
August 20, 2021, 09:16:40 AM
Why not actually have a charitable way of getting rid of pawns.  Give them a stack of actual survival goods and send them off to set up an allied settlement nearby?  We use something like the raid quest mechanic to set up a site, that creates a certain resource that you can collect. So a mine, a farm or whatever.
Quote from: AnActualDuck on August 18, 2021, 08:29:19 PM
Yeah, I definitely don't want to take away forceful proselytizing since it's a legit thing, but a few more organic ways to convert would be nice.

Also, since you mentioned the priest cooldown, I just had a moment of clarity in regards to that. Why the heck can they proselytize one person every few days? Surely it's the recipient that should have the cooldown, not the priest. Door to door knocking to convert people is totally a thing. Maybe that's OP? I dunno.

I'd make proselytizing like taming, you check off on the colonist to convert and the priest goes about it.

They have a time per priest because otherwise the conversion mechanic would be too powerful. 
Why can we not shear animals we just killed?
General Discussion / Re: Farm animals and temperature
August 17, 2021, 01:57:57 PM
Yes the new animal pens system sucks, everybody knows that.  They didn't think it though at all.  Animal behavior remains ridiculously rudimentary and we cannot really have that without giving us (the player) the ability to micromanage which we now lack. 
Yes it's very much a game, the idea of a 'story generator' is just using flowery language.  Even a game of chess can 'tell a story' quite fine.  Every game tells a story.
Quote from: Locklave on August 15, 2021, 08:31:07 PM
Tribals with guns aren't tribals. The lack of modern tech is what makes them tribals.

They can buy or steal guns from those that can make them.  The lack of tribals with guns is something I found rather annoying, because it 'quite realistically' makes them weak.  Adding occasional guns or grenades would add a degree of risk to fighting tribals. 
Yes, the inability to modify sleep schedules in caravans is something that should have been fixed ages ago.
Quote from: falanian on August 16, 2021, 01:46:41 PM
I agree for most big religions this would be the case, so I can see why changing the main game to be individual-based would be a little fraught. Cults, however, are a different story, since they often really do have just a few members whose beliefs change over time. I think the-blind-ones system would work really, really well for that. It would definitely be a good mod, but playing as a preestablished religion, it doesn't work as well.
Making the traits into individual precepts is really interesting to me though. I think the way that ideology handles individuals sinning (assuming it was forced, having the pawn take a mood debuff) is a little wacky since people willfully go against their religion all the time. Making nudist/cannibal etc. negate those precepts is a step in the right direction, and maybe general traits like "devout" or "fake believer" would help, but having individual precepts which can be slightly different from the main ideology works too.

They do negate those precepts already in most cases I think.  It certainly does in the case of clothing and nudist.  There are some holes in the system however, like charitable psychopaths.

I felt there was a better way of handling the 'are we are cult?' issue than simply having to set this up manually (though that could be an option).  The idea is that we always start with an established religion but if our actions as the player contradicts their beliefs enough we will up with a new religion forming in our colony, one heavily influenced by the original religion. 

This 'new religion' tag prevents the game from creating characters outside our colony that have that religion.  Everyone else that we encounter will *not* be of that religion.
That would make conversion seem less mechanical 'wait for our priest cooldown to recharge'.  Another idea would be to have those whose traits coincide with our religion but not their own be inspired to join when they see what we get up too.
Quote from: The_Blind_One on August 13, 2021, 04:25:01 PM
What ya all think?

> It provides more believable nuanced ideologions with a diversity of pawn beliefs who would have individual preferences.
> More interactions between pawns based on individual precept preferences forming more complex and interesting relationships.
> Organic 'norm' drift of ideoligious precepts providing natural evolution of ideologions over time.
> Conversions are based on relatedness and affinity to other ideoligions rather than arbitrary conversion mechanics.
> Diversity of colonies without everyone breaking out into full out brawls because they differ on one single precept.

In simpler terms, it's colonists that make up an ideoligion, not the other way around.

Our colonists aren't supposed to be the sum of the ideologion, our colonists may be only a few people out a religion that may well have billions of members.  Therefore our influence on the ideologion as a whole is likely to be minimal unless we really are it's own representatives (in the galaxy not just on our planet). 

As things presently stand, disagreements between individual pawns and their ideoligion is presently represented by having a trait that conflicts with their ideologion, this does directly make them easier to convert someone if they have traits that conflict with their own ideologion.  I am unclear as to why all the personal ideological beliefs cannot be incorporated into the present trait system and why they would have to be replaced.  Maybe the maximum number of traits would have to be increased, but that is trivial. 

It is unclear also how individual dissent is supposed to actually deliver change realistically.  Religions do not change much over time and for that reason all existing religions tend to agree on most practical matters of ethics (their precepts are pretty much that precepts *of* the first religion).  Basically religions only change their beliefs when their beliefs become totally untenable given the wider secular world, a world that does not really exist at the moment.  If enough people acting in secular world ignore the religions precepts enough that the only way to maintain authority is for the religion to chance it's own beliefs to conform to that world, it will change but it will do so as little as it can get away with. 

Maybe the best way to represent this is to have it that if the player ignores the precepts of their ideoligion enough for long enough, they will adopt a new ideoligion that at least does not contradict their actions.  It is hard to fathom how to fit individual pawns trait in here, maybe some folks will maintain their original ideologion and those with the traits that correspond to the new ideoligion will be more likely to join it? 
Ideas / Re: Finding other factions' relics (Ideology)
August 14, 2021, 08:07:35 AM
Quote from: mlzovozlm on August 12, 2021, 11:53:45 PM
why would the player's religion relics be on a random ass planet that their pawns fell into to begin with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and clarifying who the relics belong to is not something hard, different quest wordings, highlighting, etc, all those jazz

It really isn't the same question though.  It is plausible if unlikely that the relics all be on the same random planet, it is not however plausible that everyone's relics are on the same planet. 
Ideas / Tribals with guns.
August 12, 2021, 03:28:42 PM
What it says.  It has always annoyed me that despite being perfectly capable of buying guns, tribals in the game never ever seem to use them.  I feel that high-level tribal raids should have more than just folks with bows. 
Tribals should just get guns at higher levels.
Quote from: AileTheAlien on August 11, 2021, 01:19:37 AM
The problem with that, is that the blindness meme isn't just pawns who enjoy blindness. The game tantalizes you with cool sci-fi powers enabled by your holy un-seers, and then fails to deliver something interesting. The game's already got a plethora of difficulty sliders to adjust, without using up a piece of brand new DLC.

It is deactivated on all vanilla randomly generated religions.  As you don't get superpowers just for tearing your eyes out, so I guess it all makes total sense that the idea of blindsight sucks.