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Topics - Illusion Distort

Not a bug, "just a feature".

When a caravan is traveling in a grassy environment, a cow would be eating grass and producing milk, increasing the food available.
Would give the player some reason to bring non-pack animals along on the journey.

If a cow uses one day to produce 8 milk, the player should be noted that for every day, the cow will produce nutrition equal to 1/4 of a meal. (or something along these lines)
Bugs / [unstable] Bulk Traders carrying only 1 Chocolate
December 17, 2016, 12:56:08 PM
Three times in a row I have requested a bulk trader from a friendly faction (the same one), and every time they bring exactly one unit of chocolate.
Seems illogical that they would split their chocolate into three different caravans, and that they would even bother bringing just one without the price being skyhigh.

Seems something is wrong with the bulk traders, or I am having the most rare RNG ever.
Ideas / No temperature warning for "Fermenting barrel"
December 16, 2016, 06:47:46 PM
A cook stove will give a warning regarding temperature in a low temperature room, however a fermenting barrel will not.
It would be expected that the player is given a warning about the barrel not being operational in a room with -14C.
I have the latest steam release of the unstable branch.
The save file is the latest version.
After loading, saving and exiting a large colony save, my game closes after reaching main menu.
The save in question is from the post

Could be related to the bug memory bug, but since I had no problem saving, and that the game shuts down in menu, not "in-game" I decided to post this.

EDIT: 4G of ram on my laptop, and some were used by other apps.
Translations / What type of translations are we seeking?
December 14, 2016, 05:03:57 AM
In the official translations, should we translate the meaning to something that sounds like a real thing in the target language, or is the official translations word for word translations?

Just want to make sure what style the community wants the translations to be formatted to.
Please leave an example of what you think is sufficient rewriting. (just rewrite something in English and use different words)
This has been a small annoyance for a long time, pre A16. Displaying a message saying that people are leaving is a lie, since no raider is capable of doing so...
Bugs / Game crash when changing ui scale from 1x to 4x
December 13, 2016, 03:17:10 PM
Unsure if this is something wrong with the game or if my pc is the perp, but when changing the ui scale from minimum to maximum the game becomes unresponsive and the game must be restarted.
All other settings are default (game and music volume almost 0)
If a tile is designated to be smoothed, it will persist even after the tile is cover by a wall.
Mods / Christmas mod?
December 09, 2016, 03:53:21 AM
We should have some sort of celebrations ingame, anyone up for making a mod with winter decorations and maby a radio that plays jinglebell?

Just trying to start the ancient struggle for a mod to play in the winter times. :D
Mods / Windows Deffender and Rimworld DLL modding
December 06, 2016, 05:32:54 PM
TL;DR: Windows Defender seems to think that Rimworld DLL mods are Trojans, what should we do?

After a week of playing Rimworld with a ton of mode, Windows Defender "found a trojan" in one of the mods i was playing with. Seeing as alot of the Rimworld Community is most likely running Windows  this should happen to alot of us in the future. I propose a quick link to a topic on this forum explaining how to get back the file from WD, and prevent this from happening in the future. Myself i am more than capable to get the files back, but for the younger/inexperienced part of the Rimworld demographics we should take measures.

A mod adding this button? Asking Tynan to add it in the mods menu? Is this something that should prioritized? Thoughts?
Ideas / What type of tech will we allow?
August 05, 2016, 07:02:32 PM
Hi, I've been playing this game since A3 and I remember there being a discussion a few Alphas ago regarding what kind of mods and techs would be "vanilla friendly", and I was wondering where we as a community think this line of what can and cant be done should be. Any thoughts on this?
General Discussion / Interesting seeds
August 03, 2016, 09:40:28 AM
Hello, I was wondering if we here at the forum have somewhere to post or lookup interesting seeds. (This covers super hot, super cold and just odly shaped worlds)

I want to play a cold azz map, and i remembered someone talking about getting a map with -93 C at max. I would like to collect a few seeds that could generate a cold map like this.
Help / Medicine for Chronic Hediffs
May 07, 2016, 07:54:43 AM
Is there a way to reverse the Headiff Alcohol?
Or any other for that matter. I am trying to make meals (drugs) that fight cancer. Is this in the game or do I have to make a .dll?

Spoiler alert: Im not gonna make a .dll
Ideas / Uninstall, reinstall heaters
May 05, 2016, 08:06:02 AM
DL;DR: Heaters should be considered small furniture and have the reinstall/uninstall options.

It seems kind of wierd that you can't "move" a heater. Is this intentional as some sort of penalty or is it just to big of an oven to justify moving it? It makes it really expensive to reorganice heat solutions.

Besides, why can you install and reinstall a 3x1 flatscreen but not a 1x1 oven. Or a 2x2 solid statue made of gold?
I've played lots of games with EPOE ( and the mod adds a -10 modd effect for paws with a silent jaw (they can't speak). I just thought this should be in the vanilla game because people unable to comunicate with others midht feel deprived.
Thoughts on this? ???
Help / Radioactive cells
June 29, 2015, 04:54:30 AM
Hello, i am working on a uranium radiation mod, i want uranium to affect the cell it is located in. The cell's "radiation" is determined by the amount of uranium and the amount of time the uranium has been located in that cell. The cell's radiation slowly wears of, perhaps 10 times longer that it takes for the radiation to bundle up. Then the pawns will get toxic-buildup based on the radiation of their position.

Q: How do i give the cells more parameters, do i have to override the cell class?

Thoughts, tips, objections?
Help / Unlock plants with research
June 23, 2015, 10:21:53 AM
I know it is posible to unlock sertain defs using xml, but i was wondering if i needed a dll to unlock a certian plant. Curently i have weak plants with a long growing timer, they drop different bionic bodyparts. I need to "nerf" it and think a reseach would be fitting. Thoughts?
Help / faction in assembly
June 19, 2015, 08:30:31 PM
I am trying to spawn a colonist near a building, in VS i get an error message
"The name 'faction' does not exist in the current context.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using VerseBase;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;

Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PawnKindDef.Named("Colonist"), faction);
IntVec3 land = GenCellFinder.RandomStandableClosewalkCellNear(base.Position, 2);

So the question is, where is the faction name located and/or what sort of namespace do i need to make this code run properly?
(i only provided the namespaces and the problem code)
Bugs / Raiders arrive in the middle of a mountain
June 16, 2015, 06:22:33 PM
0.11.834 rev897

What you would expect to happen: Raiders would land in drop-pods out in the open, not in the middle of a mountain.
What happened: They arrive in drop-pods in the middle of a mountain.

During a session some raiders droped into my mountain base...
There was nothing happening in-game that would have caused this, or so i believe. ::)
Is this just a rare thing to happen?

Enjoy :P

NOTE: The raiders arrived 10-15 squares from the foot of the mountain.
Help / Moving over to the wiki.
March 25, 2015, 11:16:36 AM
on the forums there is plenty of well explained code. As there are many posts, code gets cluttered up and the basics are mixed with intermidiate level code. Is there anyone that can help getting all this good and well documented code over on the wiki, under tutorials. ;D

On another note. Am i the only one that wants TY to do some type of stream? Moding can be one of the topics, discusions in a live enviroment where we can ask questions, hang out and just have a jolly good time.

post if you are interested.