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Topics - Quasarrgames

Stories / On The Rim - a collection of stories
September 17, 2014, 09:56:33 PM
(Yes, i read 1984, and i thought it could be adapted into a cool Rimworld story. That is all.)

Story 1- the principles of RIMSOC

The twisted hunk of metal came careening across the sky, a blazing tail of flames trailing it. I looked through the makeshift binoculars with keen eyes, watching the ship plummeting toward this barren world.
"Whatcha watchin?" says Blue, her eyes full of gentle curiosity.
"Just another crashing ship" I reply.
"Cool! may i see?"
"Sure." I say, handing her the binoculars.
When Blue looks out at the ship, her face widens, like she just discovered something remarkable.
"I know that type of ship." she says, "It's a collector for the Ordo Historia."
I have no idea what that means. Realizing my utter cluelessness, she elaborates.
"That ship flies across the galaxy, collecting history and culture from other civilizations."
That makes more sense.
"Do you think it could have anything useful in it?" i ask.
"Probably not, but it's still worth checking out. We could find some interesting storybooks at the least."
"Allow me to go" says a cold, sly voice behind us.
I turn around, startled. It's O'Brien. That crazy psychopath needs to stop sneaking up on people! Josephine wasn't surprised though, and she simply turns around to thank O'Brien, who has already started running to the ship.

"I think that one's still alive!" Shouts noodle from behind the sandbags.
"Really?" i ask
"Yeah" he replies, "He's moving, see?"
It's been two days since that ship crashed. O'brien said he found nothing but slag, but it looked like he had something tucked under his coat. Ever since then he's been unusually perky.
Slowly, amid the peppered corpses and the smoking barrels of the autoturrets, the four of us emerge from our sandbag encampments. I walk over to the incapacitated soldier, gun ready in case he tries to pull anything. Sure enough, he's still moving, but barely. He's too weak to even reach for his gun, and he looks up at me with a look of helplessness in his eyes.
Well, i guess we'll have another member of the colony now. However, before i can pick him up, O'Brien walks up beside me.
"I'll take this guy to the cells." says O'Brien. Strange, O'Brien's never expressed any interest in prisoners before.
"Nah. I'll take him. You can go do better stuff." I say.
O'Brien puts his hand on my shoulder. His soulless hand sends chills down my spine. He looks at me with eager eyes.
"Josephine, I'll handle this. Don't worry." He says, and with that he scoops up the prisoner and hauls him to the cells.

The new colonist emerges from the cells. O'Brien follows him, looking overjoyed with himself. It's only been two days since we first captured him. It only took two days for O'Brien to recruit him. O'Brien spent a lot of time with the prisoner, and didn't let anyone else see him, saying that it would 'ruin his progress'. Occasionally he would even bring metal into the cells for some odd reason. I'm not sure what he did, but darn, that's the fastest recruit time I've ever seen!
That lunch we all sit down and chat while eating our potato soup and strawberry tarts. the prisoner eats too, but he doesn't chat. He doesn't look shy or reserved, he just looks... empty.
"Okay, we still have two sections of conduit to complete to reconnect the turrets after the assault." says Noodle. "Each section should cost about 2 metal."
"So you need five pieces of metal then?" Says the new colonist. We all look at him quizzically.
"2+2=4. Didn't you know that?" I say.
The smirk that has been pasted on O'Brien's face for the past 4 days fades. The new colonist hides his head and mutters something under his breath. Strange. Something's up with this guy, and i'd like to know what.

"Help! Help!" Blue yells as she runs through the bedroom complex. Me and Noodle emerge from our bedrooms, agitated that we were woken up so early in the morning, but concerned as to why Blue looks so shocked.
Blue leads us to the source of her dismay. The new colonist is lying on the floor of a hallway, blood trickling out of the bullet hole in the back of his head.
"My god. Who could have done this?" I say.
"Snipers?!" asks Blue, still alarmed at seeing a fellow colonist murdered.
"It couldn't have been. This area is entirely indoors. also, we would have heard a gunshot. Whoever did this must have had a subsonic weapon, and must have been on the inside." Says Noodle, a hint of suspicion in his voice.
"By the way, has anyone seen O'Bri-"
"GRENADE!" I interject, as a flashbang rolls into the hallway. It explodes, blinding me. The last thing i see before i go unconscious is O'Brien, his baton about to make contact with my head.

I wake up in a small, dark room. I can't move. I'm strapped to a large metal chair.
"Ah, you're awake." Says O'Brien, standing by a small control panel. He's holding a book in his hand.
So that's what he found at the crashed ship. I don't know the book, but from how the psychopath gingerly holds it, i assume it's not about rainbows and butterflies.
"What are you going to do to me?" I ask, trying not to hide my fear.
"I'm simply going to teach you." Says O'Brien. "You see, this book has taught me how to make the perfect society. This is a dog-eat-dog world where we are constantly at war with outside powers. We need a stable society to pull together and conquer them. However, we can not have a stable society when our very thoughts, no matter how irrational they are, can drive us to rebellion. That's why, i am going to teach you not to think of anything, except for the stability and unquestionable rule of the colony collective."
He's even more insane than i thought. What he's saying makes no sense.
"Shall we begin?" he asks.
"No" i say defiantly.
In response, O'Brien turns a handle on the control panel. An immense jolt of pain runs through me.
"No they don't! They make four, you maniac!"
Even more pain greets me.
The pain dies down. O'Brien has stopped concentrating on me and is instead concentrating on the screaming coming from the other room. It sounds like Noodle.
"Ah yes, he's awake," he says, "excuse me a moment."
As soon as he leaves, i hear footsteps in the room. It's Blue, sneaking in through the small window.
"Blue?" I say, not sure if i'm hallucinating or not.
"Quiet, or he'll hear you." replies Blue harshly. She presses a button on the control panel and i hear a pneumatic hiss. The clamps on the seat fall away, freeing me.
"We have to get out of here" Says Blue.
"Not so fast." says O'Brien from the doorway, holding a silenced pistol and a bloody baton. "I suppose you are too rebellious to be taught, Blue. I shall have to convert and dispose of you, like all enemies of the Colony Collective deserve."
I tense up. "You killed the other colonist, didn't you?"
"He was an enemy of the Colony Collective. He was properly punished," Says O'Brien matter-of-factly, "as you will be."
With that, he starts firing at us with his pistol. I duck behind the torture chair for cover. Blue runs at him, ready to strike. O'Brien whacks her head with his baton, knocking her to the floor.
"Now, you shall know the true might of the Colony Collective!" says O'Brien, ready to strike her and knock her out.
I will not let him take another life for his crazy cause. Before he can hit her, i quickly reach out and pull him into the chair. He hits his head on the hard metal, and before he can collect himself, i dart over to the control panel and hit the buttons. The metal straps close around him.
"Let's see how you like this!" I say, and i turn the knob to full. I guess the pain is just too much for his brain to bear, and he instantaneously goes limp, dead.

We burn his body, along with the book and the chair (because metal burns on this planet for some reason) that night. Luckily he didn't kill noodle, and we nurse him back to health. Life goes on, but we will never forget this fateful week, and we have become wiser from it. The moral of this story: We will never let a psychopath have literature again.

THE END Beat that forum this took me three hours to write!

General Discussion / FEAR
August 25, 2014, 10:13:26 PM
I know i'm  little late to the party on this one, (very sorry about that) but i've been meaning to ask, why was fear taken out and happiness was renamed to mood? Also, when will we get fear back, if we will get it back at all?

Can anyone enlighten me on this? :)
General Discussion / How to beat crashed ships?
August 25, 2014, 10:43:24 AM
Okay, so every time i make a colony in alpha 6 on randy random challenging, the same thing always happens. Somewhere between day 100 and 150, i get a small raid that i easily take care of. However, right after the raid i get a crashed ship part. After that, my colony falls within a week. This is the way i deal with it, and this is the way that my colonies always fall:

So after the previous raid there are corpses everywhere, so i spend a day or two cremating them and making sure my colonists are prepped for the assault, all the while pounding the ship with mortars.
After that i send my colonists to the ship to start the first wave of assault. I always get 3 centipedes and 2-3 scythers, and the scythers force me to retreat due to the fact that their charge lances are so powerful.
after that i recuperate for a couple days, and then i send a second assault. By now colonists are starting to mental break. the second assault usually goes okay, but at the end colonists are mental breaking left and right, and the psychic drone gets stronger. and then everyone dies or goes insane. the end.

What am i doing wrong?
Ideas / wont grow in nighttime
August 24, 2014, 05:24:20 PM
I've noticed in alpha 6 that plants won't grow in nighttime, even if you have a sun lamp right next to them. Surely a plant would still grow if it had light no matter what time of day it was (or would it? I'm not a herblogist). Either way, i think this should be taken out. Otherwise, sunlamps don't really have a point.
General Discussion / Some Mechanoid Fan Art
August 23, 2014, 11:25:28 PM
I got bored and wanted to exercise my amateur painting and Photoshop skills so i decided to make these:


This is what i originally thought that schythers would look like, kind of like a hound or something. I also thought that the charge lance would be an actual charged jousting lance that would basically instakill people.

Feel free to constructively criticize
General Discussion / Cool World Seeds?
August 23, 2014, 03:22:27 PM
Has anyone found any cool world seeds that they could share? Maybe seeds with mountains 6km high, or no ocean, or almost entirely arid shrubland?
Ideas / biomes don't match up
August 18, 2014, 12:49:50 PM
I dont really like the fact that the new world generation thing makes worlds that look VERY different from the actual planet. I would suggest either changing the look of the planet, or changing the world generator to have way more arid shrubland and desert and way less forests and oceans.

Just whenever anyone has time :)
Support / a6 not running
August 13, 2014, 01:24:58 PM
Alpha 6 wont run! i clicked the application launcher sherrif badge thing, and i get the windows message saying "are you sure you want to run this software?". of course i click yes, and the message disappears, and then... nothing. no game window appears. i waited for hours, tried several times, and removed all my mods. still... nothing.

anyone else have this? anyone have a fix?
General Discussion / how big will the maps get?
August 11, 2014, 10:28:59 PM
I remember reading something a little while back about how having 1000x1000 and higher maps will  basically never happen, due to the impossibly immense optimization needed. of course the world map circumvents this with its multiple connected maps, but still, i keep wondering how big the maps will ever get.

Of course i know that someone could just hack some stuff and make a mod that adds 10000x10000 map sizes, but i don't think that would work too well. The real question is: how big will the actually playable maps get? (also as a side question, when will the game be optimized enough that we can play with ludeonicrous maps? the 400x400 map is very laggy/unplayable for me at this time) :)
Ideas / BEEKONZ!
August 02, 2014, 01:50:11 PM
i think there should be some kind of way to call to the heavens, more than just with a comms console and an orbital trade beacon.

What it if have too much stuff and not enough traders? A beacon to attract traders (with a chance of attracting pirate ships too) would be very nice.

What if i don't want to build a ship, but i don't want to stay on this rock forever? An emergency beacon to attract rescue ships (with a slightly larger chance of attracting pirate ships too) would also be nice.

What do you think?
Mods / [Request] Enhanced Faction Relations!
August 01, 2014, 05:02:29 PM
right now the faction system just seems kind of empty to me. All it is is bribing and permanently tarnishing your reputation if you make one small mistake, or even sneeze while firing a gun.

This is what i think the relations system should have:

Trading: If a colony is ambivalent of your existence, they will trade with you, just like trade ships. Maybe it will even improve their opinions of you if you give them good deals.
Ways to mend fences: Perhaps some kind of "you-killed-a-lot-of-our-sworn-enemies-so-i-guess-we're-on-the-same-side" thing, or just bribe them to improve relations. Maybe if you call a hostile faction, there's a 5% chance that they'll let your puny colony get down on their knees and beg for forgiveness for your crimes.
Fear and Reputation: Maybe if your colony gets strong enough, some factions won't want to be your enemy and will forgive some of the little things*
MOARR bribery!!: You can pay raiders a weekly or monthly fee for protection**

Could somebody PLEASE make (if they haven't already) ? I will help if somebody does decide to take up this opportunity. :)

*kidnapping a few guys or shooting passers by for example
**not raiding you with 10^infinity guys every saturday

General Discussion / How long have YOU been here?
July 30, 2014, 03:07:25 PM
so, there's that timer on the top of the forums that shows how much time you've spent on the forums. I'm just wondering how much other people have spent here. we could make it like a "game".

i'm nearing a full day on here. it's kinda depressing really :P
I know this has been suggested. Many times. I'm just wondering, why it this not in the game yet?It's such a useful thing to have, and it would help everyone SOOOOOO much!

Please ty, if you read this, PLEASE add the ability to manually get your colonists to eat and sleep in alpha 6 or 7. Please! :)
Help / New Raider Type
July 28, 2014, 12:22:46 AM
Hello again! :)

I need some halp with creating a new raider type. Well, to be honest, i already created one. I spawned it with the dev menu, and it worked fine, but it does not appear in raids. I've force-spawned about a hundred high-level raids by now and i have not seen it once.

I only created the pawnkinddef for the raider, though. I know i am missing something, but i do not know what.

Can YOU help? :)
Ideas / Battle Adrenaline
July 26, 2014, 10:15:58 PM
It seems like almost always after a battle, my colonists will just mental break. What's going on in their head?! They just think "now that the enemies are gone, just screw the colony! I'm running off to nowhere because these bodies freak me out and i don't wanna put out all these fires." It annoys the heck out of me!

It would be nice if there was this thing where during and up to a day or two after battles, colonists would get this "heat of battle" or "adrenaline rush" thing where their mood bar would just freeze where it was and not rise or fall. This way people wouldn't just mental break right after a big battle. It would also make attacking siege camps a lot easier (although that's not really much of a concern).
Ideas / some traits easier to learn
July 23, 2014, 04:26:32 PM
i think that some traits should be easier to learn and improve upon. For instance, people should improve more socially over time. If i spent 3 months living with a highly social person, i'd probably learn to be a little more social too, and by a little i mean one or two levels.
Bugs / 496 - can't get rid of overview!
July 23, 2014, 01:14:45 PM
In my rimworld, when i click the overview button, the overview menu appears too high on my screen. It's so high that the little x that you click to close it does not appear on the screen. this wouldn't be a problem, but sometimes my escape key becomes nonfunctional (not having to do with the game, i don't think) so i can't get rid of it.

to circumvent this i would suggest either making the menu smaller or making it appear further down on the screen.

Unfinished / The QUASARR EPIC WEAPONS Mod! v0.1
July 22, 2014, 02:52:05 PM
Ever thought that the current weapons in the game are just too boring? Ever felt that late-game raids needed more drama? Ever felt the desire to explode, burn, and instakill raiders with more-than-extreme prejudice?

If you answered yes to any of the above, this mod is for you!

This mod adds several new, unique, and awesome guns to the game. Each gun has its own special abilities, and all of them are really powerful. These guns will appear fairly late-game, making raids more exciting (and better for performance since there will be a few very powerful enemies instead of a lot of weak ones).

These are the guns currently in this mod. As usual, greenfeatures are tested and (mostly) balanced, yellow features are mostly finished but still under construction, and red features aren't ready yet.

The AccurAIM Pistol
The prestigious AccurAIM company brings you this marvel of painful death bringing engineering- the AccurAIM Pistol! Garunteed to NEVER miss! Warranty void if fired.

The R.I.F.T Crossbow
This crossbow fires an arrow of fire and death at speeds so intense that it rips through flesh and mechanized steel as if it was air. Basically, INSTAKILL!

The R.I.F.T Sniper Rifle
This gun, provided enough skill is behind it, can snipe enemies from all the way across the map with deadly accuracy.

The M.A.N.I.A.C
If you see someone with this gun, you run. Fast. This gun cleanses entire bases of the weak and unholy in a judgemental river of glorious fire, repent, and blood.

The Healing Gun
This gun fires bullets made of self-replicating healing nanites that instantly heal a couple health to whoever they strike. It's a really cruddy gun, but it could mean the difference between life and death on the battlefield.

The Flamethrower
Better than pathetic inferno cannons, this gun fires a glorious stream of fire at the enemy.

The TP Gun
Fires bullets through walls. It has an unsteady aiming signal, especially in deep caves, but it still indubitabely has the definate power to eradicate malevolent detractors.

The Golden Gun
A golden gun that fires golden bullets. Guaranteed to get rid of any pesky secret agents or drug lords that cross your path.

The Infinity Gun
Advanced cooling and reloading systems make this gun able to fire continuously indefinately.

The F.R.A.K
Stands for Frakin' Radical Assault Kannon! It's basically a handheld mortar!

More guns may be added to this list in time, as well as some new security buildings, and maybe some other fun things.


Please note that this mod is in very early stages of development and some stuff might not be completely balanced. Please also note that i went a little mad with power and put progress reports all over this page, so yeah.

Ideas / stocking crates
July 21, 2014, 06:52:01 PM
i've seen some crazy huge stockpiles. I think we all have. It just seems strange to me. in real life, you wouldn't just pile stuff on the floor. you'd store it in something, like a crate.

that's why i'm suggesting adding stocking crates to the game. they would be 2x2 crates that would behave like 4x4 stockpiles. If you hovered over them, they would show what they had in them. colonists would interact with them like they were 4x4 stockpiles, but they would be crammed into a 2x2 space. i guess you could make bigger ones too.

just an idea
Mods / [Request] Don't go into the dark
July 21, 2014, 06:37:08 PM
This is an idea i had for a mod. It would have these details:

-total darkness, like night or a room with no light, would be pitch black. you couldn't even see your colonists in it
-creatures would lurk in the dark. they would be super fast, super strong, and almost impossible to kill with our weaponry. at night they would come out of holes in the ground and feed on anything that screams. these creatures would also be harmed by light, and try very hard to stay away from it
-on that note, if people died in total darkness, they would make bloodcurdling screams that could be heard across the map
-colonists would have solar-powered flashlights that last 6 hours every night. they would automatically turn on in total darkness, and would light the way and keep monsters away
-some plants would glow in the dark

So basically, rimworld becomes that planet from the Riddick movie. The only way to survive the first night is either to create a standing lamp and a power source to light it through the night, hide among some photoluminescent plants, or bury yourself in a tomb in a mountain (although depending on the thickness of the walls, even this might not be enough to save you)

thoughts? :)