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General Discussion / Randy dogs
August 02, 2021, 03:40:20 PM
I just had the most surprising event when I got a notification of my only female Labrador getting pregnant as I knew she was already pregnant. I open the animal screen and see there is a puppy literally just 2 hours old. I mean, just how long ago does a animal need to have given birth to get pregnant again. I have even given them free roam across my entire map except the food storage.
General Discussion / trees on ice sheet
November 06, 2018, 01:41:10 PM
is it possible to farm trees indoor on a ice sheet map? I have already researched tree sowing and my growing area doesnt add any trees and the land caravans are nearly not there. So am i restricted to only the space merchants for all my wood needs? there is 1 town 2 days travel away from me so i might get some wood there but its also on an ice sheet. I am playing with the map set on the coldest setting
General Discussion / Party crashers
April 10, 2016, 10:54:53 PM
Recently in my attempt to tame the coldest place in rimworld in the new patch,i had finally gotten my 2 starting peeps to marry and just as they entered the altar pirates decided it was time to lay siege on me, forcing the marriage to cancel. Anyone else have had something like this occur during a party/marriage?