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Messages - Lobstercraft

So when I'm starting without a lvl. 6 constructor on a map where the temperature is very high with 4 cactus on it.
Because of lack of wood I can't use the generator. So no electricity for the cooler.
Isn't the only way, to leave the map with caravan and travel to a better spot on the map or what?
I know I could randomize another pawn having higher skill in construction.
But I'm just curious because before A18 you could build fast a solar panel and a cooler
even with a lvl. 0 constructor and had a chance to survive. Maybe I overlook a better solution idk
General Discussion / Re: Predict the name for Alpha 18
October 27, 2017, 05:06:46 AM
Alpha 18 - Fancy Endtable
Alpha 18 - Hornado
Ideas / Add an oil resource for desert or tundra maps
October 27, 2017, 04:18:09 AM
On desert maps there could be oil spots on the surface.
I saw something like that in the movie "There Will Be Blood".
You could use that for your generator.
oh wait don't you need a raffinery for that oil first?
I thought it would be a good source for electricity on maps lacking trees and when you are unable to construct solar panels because you don't have a level 6 constructor since A18.

Edit: Thanks Calahan for helping to split my post
Bugs / Re: [0.18.1700] Pawn wearing too many clothes
October 26, 2017, 07:38:46 AM
Sorry but sadly I have only one prior savegame. One before i deconstructed the caskets but after I opened them and after the bug happened. I don't think that savefile will help you more.

Edit: One more thing I remember is using the shock lance on the pawn named Sarai many time, load scumming a savfile I don't have anymore to get her without brain damage. Maybe it has't anything to do with that idk.
The soundtrack is great but sounds way too optimistic for such a brutal game. Especially separate music for the colder biomes would be cool. I often listened to the soundtrack of the movie "The Revenant" and other similar when playing on colder maps. Made me feel so nicely depressed.
As I said, I really like the Rimworld music when it fits the situation. Also I listen the Rimworld soundtrack when playing other games where the world is happier.
Bugs / Re: [0.18.1700] Pawn wearing too many clothes
October 25, 2017, 06:22:57 PM
part 2

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Bugs / Re: [0.18.1700] Pawn wearing too many clothes
October 25, 2017, 06:22:32 PM
part 1

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Bugs / [0.18.1704] Pawn wearing too many clothes
October 25, 2017, 06:21:58 PM
I attached the savegame in 2 parts in two next posts.
It could have something to do with the new queue function I used for undressing the unconscious pawns from the cryptosleep casket.
Edit: Ok it happened already before i stripped them. I've checked an older savegame. But the caskets were already opened in that savegame. Also no one in the ancient shrine attacked me. The bugs were just wandering. Don't remember this behaviour from previous versions.

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Bugs / Re: [0.18.1700] Graphical glitches
October 24, 2017, 12:03:16 PM
Here is one more shot. This time uncompressed. Actually it even doesn't bother me so much

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Bugs / Re: [0.18.1700] Graphical glitches
October 24, 2017, 07:48:38 AM
1023MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (Palit Microsystems). Can't remember having this issue with previous versions
Bugs / [0.18.1700] Graphical glitches
October 24, 2017, 06:49:03 AM
I'm not sure if the second is a glitch though. I can give more infos and the save file if necessary.

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Also it sounds like they grab the item and let it fall again but they are stucked and don't move. Only those 2 Pawns on that Map. Shortly before it happened I created a second colony here because the two were running out of food on their caravan journey. The plan was to harvest berries and then leave again fast.
No mods activated

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Outdated / Re: [A16] Psychology (2017-2-2)
March 23, 2017, 04:01:48 PM
Robbie the link is at the bottom of the first post. It is named Psychology 2017-2-2.rar