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Messages - corestandeven

Mods / [Mod request B18] - Rock formation scanner
November 25, 2017, 05:45:10 AM
We have a Ground-penetrating scanner that can scan under the surface for resources, and we have a Long Range mineral scanner that can detect precious metals hundreds of miles from the colony, but there is no technology for scanning regular rock formations close to the colony? Doesnt make any sense that you have advanced tech for those areas, but you can scan horizontally close to the colony.

I would request a scanner (a late game tech) that can detect precious metals (steel, components, jade, gold, silver, plasteel, especially uranium as it is often hard to visually see) in rock formations without the need to just randomly quarry out entire formations in the hope of striking lucky.

In my view this should be in vanilla given you have a scanner for underground and for long distances, but the suggestion hasnt been taken forward and it has been made several times, so I would hope a smart modder could do this. At a very least having a scan function like the Ground-penetrating scanner which only illuminates areas of resouce (without specifing what) would be a big improvement over the current situation.
If the moderators think this is a bug I'm happy for you to move this to the bug part of the forum.  In summary my cook is traveling further to pick ingredients outside when that same ingredient is nearer in the freezer I've created.

In my new B18 colony i have my kitchen and built a freezer next door. I've done this in all my A17 and A16 colonies for food production efficiency and I'm sure is a common tactic of players. Im growing one crop currently in my colony, potatoes. My grower is harvesting the crops, and slowly my hauler is moving some potatoes to my freezer. I have about half the produce in the freezer, and half still sitting outside waiting to be hauled. Although my cook (who is cooking simple meals) is nearer to the frozen potatoes she leaves the main building, walks past the freezer, to go all the way to the potatoes outside, and brings them back to cook, then repeat. The distance to the freezer from the kitchen is about 10 game blocks, and the distance to the growing field is about 40.

I can only assume something has been changed in B18 so that cooks go for produce that has a shorter lifespan (as the stuff outside will expire before the freezer) and that is now a higher determining factor than the distance? It didn't happen in A17 or A16 as cooks went the shortest distance for ingredients.

I have mods installed but none are about adding or changing path finding. Equally no mods i have add new crops, ingredients or meals or change cooking in any way. I have a airlock system for the freezer (steel doors) but both doors are unblocked. There are no items blocking the freezer, as pawns go in there to pick the meals or meat to butcher.

The only workaround is to limit the distance that the cook collects ingredients for, but this is not ideal as I want her to go outside IF there is no food in the freezer.

Anyone notice this in B18?
So B18 is formally announced on twitter, and there is an announcement on Reddit from an official of Ludeon Studios, but no formal announcement or new official thread on Ludeon Studios own forum. As I type the only posts about B18 is a thread started by players disputing whether it is A18 or B18, with no dev or moderator input. Yes Tynan closed the thread about the unstable release and stated it was released, but all subsequent news and information is posted on platforms other than their own. Personally, I think that sends the wrong message to this forum.

My experience in my house in real life is that bright lights do not hide dirt, but make it more obvious :). The slight positive buffs for lamps should come at night. In fact isnt there a mood buff for not sleeping in a dark room already?
I agree that it is odd that Tyran and the devs rarely post and give feedback on the suggestions forum. The 'Your Cheapest Ideas' thread has some good suggestions, some of which are requested frequently, but it is a deafening silence. If the ideas are rubbish, discounted, not cheap, or not in keeping with Tyran's vision of the future of the game then it is better they just say. Z levels and drinking water for example have both been rejected, and the best thing is that he has firmly stated this position. When the suggestions resurface the moderators just close the thread and point to the stated position.

In fact we dont get that much in the way of updates or what he is thinking of adding in the future to the game. My impression from seeing what others post here is he seems more active on other platforms, such as twitter and reddit. For example the swamp biomes seem to have been announced on twitter or reddit way before it was ever mentioned on this forum. Why? What is the point of this forum and the main Rimworld website if he and the devs would rather posts updates and news elsewhere?   
Great. Should be in vanilla imo, but your mod does the job!
Quote from: Yoshida Keiji on November 05, 2017, 10:15:03 AM
Because of not having a "Meal selection bar", it is also difficult to haul "Packaged survival meals" for future expeditions... without the colonists consuming them against the player's will (there's enough meals at the main freezer).
Agree, however there is a fix to that current problem. Just mass select all the Packaged Meals in your storage area and 'Forbid' them. Colonists will not eat them, nor will they be given to prisoners, and you can still select them when forming your caravans.
Quote from: The Nickman on November 02, 2017, 08:26:11 PM
I don't understand this thread at all.  If you're trying to recruit a prisoner, you want them to have the best food and be as comfortable as possible so they recruit faster.  If you don't want to recruit them, and are just harvesting their organs or selling them or whatever, then uncheck "gets food" and build them a nutrient paste dispenser, as has been suggested over and over in this thread.

Otherwise, what's the problem??
People see no problem with limiting the quality of medical care individual prisoners receive (why waste the best medical care on prisoners when colonists take priority) but for some reason cannot see why the same principle might apply when it comes to food quality. The case and reasons have already been stated above.

Yes ticking 'no food' and having a nutrient dispenser works for some prisoner situations but not all. I may want to charm one prisoner in my cell with skills i want for my colony, so I will treat him well, but want to sell another prisoner in the same cell who has poor skills and I do not want to waste my best food on. Yes I suppose I could build separate prison cells, having one cell with a nutrient dispenser, ticking prisoners who I do not care about as having no food, hoping pawns will fill up the dispenser, and building a better cell without this, but a simple tick box (just as with medical care) is just better. Adding this would help with some players whose playstyle is clearly different to your own.

As an aside, I really don't understand why certain people on these forums constantly oppose suggestions just because they wouldn't use the suggestion themselves. I totally get that stance it if a feature being suggested would impact or drastically change everyone's game style. But if being able to limit meal quality was added then the default setting undoubtedly would be set to highest by default, so it wouldn't even affect those who say they see no problem. [Edit - Alternatively you could add a tick box that was 'prioritize best quality food' (default setting), 'prioritize lowest quality food', or 'gets no food', then everyone is happy.]
Quote from: ShadowTani on October 30, 2017, 07:40:14 PM
Quote from: corestandeven on October 28, 2017, 11:37:12 AM
In answer to "Why else would you be feeding prisoners" are you assuming that players always want to recruit prisoners? I often sell prisoners who offer traits the colony doesnt need or have a 99% difficulty in recruiting, as the silver and slight negative mood buff to the colony outweighs keeping the prisoners. So why would I be wasting lavish meals on prisoners I intend to sell? Players may also be even more evil and use prisoners as live organ/limb donors when colonists get injured, so again why waste the best meals on them?
Why waste meals on those at all? ;3 Prisoners I intend to sell or use for organs I give anesthetics and put in cryptosleep caskets. The cryptosleep sickness goes over pretty quickly, so if I take the pawns to be sold out of the caskets shortly after a slaver enters orbit I got enough time to wait for them to recover before selling them.

Hadn't thought of that tactic. If i have a spare cyropod I might do that, especially if food rations are low.
Fair play, I take it your point there is some value in getting better relations, assuming you request trades (I personnally dont as once you get orbital trade beacon and comms station it is more economical to sell to traders imo). Forgot about military reinforcements, but by the time you have a really high rep with a faction I tend to not need assistance anyway as i have the ability to fend off raids.

In terms of negative relations I do not see any difference between -1 to -100 relations, unless you tell me otherwise? Do you get attacked more if have worse relations? Does a faction who hates you more throw more troops at you compareds with one who mildly dislikes you? Are factions who midly hate you happy to steal some stuff from you before leaving, compared with those who'll only settle for killing all your colonists? Do those who hate you more attack harder before giving up? Can you persuade factions who only slightly hate you to not raid you on that occasion? If you are under seige can you reason with the faction to not attack? etc. Unless you tell me differently i'm unaware that any of this is in the game and there is no difference between have -1 relations or -100. 

I for one would like more for faction mechanics. I think perhaps the potential is there, but it is under developed. I'd also in the future like Tyran to explore relations between factions. I would love to set one faction against another, and for that to actually mean something in game.
Quote from: East on October 30, 2017, 04:51:26 PM
Once I escaped at Alpha 18.
There is a lot of talk about tornadoes, but there is no mention of late-stage resource balances during this feedback. So I want to talk more about that part.

Resources required for 10 people to escape.
185 advanced component
125 component
105 gold
4950 Steel
650 uranium
1550 plasteel

The first thing is that the late game is really long. it is considered that a time of about three times as much as that of a17 is required. But are there any events that only happen in late games? In areas where defenses have been completed, there is boredom. If tynan want to take a late game long, he should add a corresponding late game event. I just quietly put up the speed, release the keyboard waited for advanced component to complete.World map events have been added, but when you think about the risk, the only thing to do is the AI core.

This situation becomes worse when there is no uranium in the map. I did deep mining on two maps and could not find it. Eventually, it took us a tremendous amount of time (Waiting for uranium goods to arrive at the store) to buy uranium statue from the nearby village, which is 2 blocks away, for about 8,000 silver. At Alpha 17 , the amount uranium was small, but now we need a terrible amount. The figure above is called 650 Uranium, but it actually requires 1575 Uranium, including 5 Uranium in advanced components. If there was not even a village nearby, I would have taken 2-3 times longer to get the uranium.

Long range mineral radar has been added, but once every 30 days, you have to build a caravan and it's terrible if you arrive at jade or gold. And there are 11 x 35 = 385 resources, too little to compare to the risks. In other words, long range radar is not good.

I mean, if you want to lengthen the late game, add a late game event. Make the World Map Quest more interesting. Make it more necessary. Put more selection and management elements in the caravan. Extremely reduce travel time. Especially winter.

Now A18 late game is too boring!

I find this a depressing and concerning read as these are my criticisms of A17 now. Rimworld is one of those games which, like many other strategy and survival games to be fair, hasn't cracked the problem of a rather boring anti-climax late game. Collecting vast amount of a certain rare resource, and having little to no high tech technologies or events to make it gathering those resources easier, just drags out the late game.

Randomly digging rock formations, or building countless deep drilling sites, in the hope of stumbling upon some uranium (which is not easy to see compared with other resources) is not fun or an exciting way to end. At least have a high tech research item where the player can either scan into rock formations to see uranium, have the ability to identify if there is uranium down below rather than the random way you find out now, or have the long range scanner specifically set for finding uranium and 'lumps of resource' missions that have the resource. After all players have the high tech needed to build a space ship, but havent got the technology to scan rock formations or under the surface? Doesnt seem likely in the sci fi setting the game is based in.

Solving the late game curse is something few games get right, so i appreciate it is a tough nut to crack. However having some new threat or event late game would be more interesting that just waiting to gather enough resources, especially when the game makes it difficult to obtain the quantities needed, so it is bit disappointing to hear A18 (so far at least) doesnt address this.
Quote from: Canute on October 28, 2017, 12:58:10 PM
And do you think this isn't the case ?
Try to feed them with human meat, or simple meals made out of human meat. Harvest some organs.
And don't forget to put him into a 2x1 cell, with just an sleeping spot.

And then watch his mood and try to recruit him.
Just to compare give him fine meals, a pleasant 5x5 cell with superior bed,table,chairs.

I would like to know how much of an increase to chances treating prisoners well brings, as my experience (A17) is it makes little difference. If i have a 99% difficulty prisoner, my best social pawn as warden (level 15 on the A17 game I'm playing) in a decent room with high quality beds/tables,etc, in a well lit room, with fine meals being given, the percentage chance for recruitment seems to be always lower than 5%. It seems the level of social skill of pawns seems to be a higher factor, as my second warden who has a social skill level of 5 has a 0.5% chance of recruitment on the same prisoner in the same enviroment. So with that in mind it seems to me that currently spending lavishly on prisoners, including giving them the best meal, has little effect. I agree completely that treating them well should seriously increase the odds, so maybe this needs to be tweaked in a future amendment.

Quote from: Daniell on October 28, 2017, 01:03:50 PM
Badly-treated prisoners love to go berserk and/or try to escape, and then you end up killing them before you can recruit them.
True, but again this is assuming the player wants to recruit them and cares about their health. Sounding cold, if I am keeping a prisoner as I intend to sell him/her the next time a slaver comes around, then I don't overly care about their wellbeing - certainly not over the wellbeing of my own colonists. If I have the choice of my colonists being sad and slipping into mental breaks and being unproductive, or prisoners, it is a no-brainer - the best resources should go to colonists.

As I say the simplest solution to please players who want to treat prisoners well in order to recruit, and those whose playstyle is to prioritise colonists wellbeing over prisoners, is a system akin to medicine.  That should please all sides.
Quote from: Goldenpotatoes on October 28, 2017, 04:16:20 PM
I believe the main idea with current development was that Alpha was for mainly content additions, with Beta going to be revolving around refining and beefing up what is already there instead. Pretty much everything in the alpha builds has been somewhat base-line content with a good framework to build up from and flesh out once all your major features are in.

I know that he's talked about factions before and how things like interacting with them are pretty placeholder, so I wouldn't worry too much until Beta hits and there's still no sign of changes going on around it.

Good point. I had forgotten that there would be a beta phase to be honest. My concern was more that I do not think factions need 'refining', but actually do need more content as the interactions are just too basic at present. I agree with you though that the current system does serve as a placeholder, so hopefully will be more fleshed out in the future.

Do you have the article where Tynan talked about his visions/ambitions for factions? I thought he would put his thoughts on his own forum, but I'm getting the sense he is more active elsewhere (twitter, reddit?).

Quote from: Limdood on October 28, 2017, 06:53:40 PM
Pretty much every aspect of the game WILL get fleshed out more....people whine that this game has been in alpha forever, but it has been developing, consistently and innovatively, the whole time...we're STILL getting brand new features, and each new alpha no only adds new giant features, but it also adds big amounts of functionality to existing systems, adds little features to flesh out previously added big features, balances some of the more recently added features, and fixes countless bugs.

I dont disagree with your statement. I'm one who actually quite happy with the game being in Alpha, as it does mean more new content each time, though I guess that cannot go on forever. My only concern was that factions havent had any new features or fleshing out in A17 (as far as I recall), and there is no sign of any amendments in A18 (not even minor tweaks), so I was concerned that faction mechanics were deemed good enough by the devs. It would be a shame if factions were left as is, as I think this side of game has massive potential.   
On Steam there is the following message dated 24 October: "the game is maturing and it's coming to the right time to make the content final. In addition, closing these will free up more time for us to work on the game itself."

You can interpret this two ways: 1) postively, in that the devs will be focussing and improving what is in the game now. So as factions are in game now the devs will work on improving faction mechanics in the future, or 2) negatively, in that the devs think that factions are 'mature enough' and will not be spending any time on new content associated with factions.

IMO currently I think faction mechanics are the most lacking part of the game, but have they have the most potential to make mid to late games interesting. They also enhance the experience when traveling over the map. Other members have offered great suggestions in the forum about this. Some are very ambitous and I do not think are techincally possible, some change the nature/lore of the game too much that I think the devs (and players) would reject them, but some ideas are just sensible and would really enhance the current half-baked experience. Currently there seems little benefit if a faction is +1 or +100 relations, and little difference if a faction is -100 or -1 relations. Essentially it boils down to enemy and non-enemy.

The reason I'm pessimistic that the devs have no intention of reforming faction mechanics is there were no significant changes in A17 to factions, and there seems none listed in A18 (that I saw), and this message on Steam seems to suggests a winding down of the Rimworld project.

Anyone know if anything is planned by the devs for factions? Do you share my concerns or do you think faction mechanics are good enough?
In answer to "Why else would you be feeding prisoners" are you assuming that players always want to recruit prisoners? I often sell prisoners who offer traits the colony doesnt need or have a 99% difficulty in recruiting, as the silver and slight negative mood buff to the colony outweighs keeping the prisoners. So why would I be wasting lavish meals on prisoners I intend to sell? Players may also be even more evil and use prisoners as live organ/limb donors when colonists get injured, so again why waste the best meals on them? Finally, when you release prisoners my understanding is players get the same positive factions relation bonus regardless of if the released prisoner has been well fed or given raw food, the bonus seems to only be affected if the released pawn is healthy or unhealthy. So again why would I be wasting my best food on prisoners who offer the same factions relations bonus regardless of how I fed them?

It is just so illogical for pawns to (by default) give best food to prisoners over colonists. The only reason to feed prisoners the best food is indeed if you want to charm and recruit them. Even then in my experience it seems to make little difference to the odds of recruiting prisoners if you do treat them well (e.g. with awesome rooms, great food, loads of art, etc) or if you treat them like worthless scum (e.g. no beds, small room, bad food, ugly environment, etc). If there is an increase in the recruitment probability by feeding them well it doesnt seem large enough bonus. [Note: I'm talking about my experience with A17 here, so not sure if any of this has been or will be addressed by A18.]

Players should have the option, like with medicine, to determine the maximum quality of food. That way if players do want to charm a particular prisoner they can turn this up, and if players do not want to recruit then equally they can turn the quality down.