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Messages - Ezrool

Unfinished / Re: [A16] [WIP] Warhammer 40k Corruption
January 25, 2017, 04:26:50 PM
This looks awesome!
The Warlock abilities looks very enjoyable to use!

Cpt.Ohu, sent you a PM!
(Or well, I think I did... Might've closed the tab before sending. Got so much stuff on)
Unfinished / [A16][WIP] Predators
January 25, 2017, 02:57:56 PM
So... Been working on this mod for a couple of days but didn't explore the categories on the forums so didn't notice "Unfinished" and "Released".


I thought of making it able to Skin enemies and pull off their Skull.
Then use the Skin to upgrade armor and Skull to upgrade weapons like Wrist Blades and Combistick.
Just an example, like.. 50 enemy "parts" could increase the damage by only 1.
Haven't really decided yet but it felt like a good idea so you can be as brutal as a Predator actually is!
So instead of switching weapons between too many weapons and such, it's more focused on upgrading!


Finished Textures:
Predator Mask - Done
Predator Head - Done

Combistick - Done
Wrist Blades - Done
Spear Gun - Done
Energy Flechette - Done
Energy Flechette (Projectile) - Done
Spear Gun (Projectile) - Done

Unfinished Textures:
Predator Body
Smart Disc
Plasma Caster
Plasma Caster Turret
Plasma Caster Turret (Projectile)
Netgun (Projectile)
Skinned Human Body
Skin from Body
Skull with (or without) the Spine
Predator Head

Predator Helmet (Mask)


Energy Flechette with Energy Flechette Projectile


Some textures will be fixed to fit the style of the game more later on. So textures like the head aren't 100% finished yet. Making some quick work so I can start fixing with the XML etc
Hey there, interested in a partner for the textures? :)
Unfinished / Re: [A16] [WIP] Aliens vs Predator
January 24, 2017, 07:34:06 PM
Oh woah! I haven't noticed this part of the forums but I'm actually working on some AvP textures myself!

Interested in a partner? :)
Mods / Can weapons be GIFs?
January 24, 2017, 02:05:18 PM
Is it possible in this game for weapons to be GIFs?

Made this flamethrower a while ago for another game but thought if GIFs were avalible here that would be awesome!
Quote from: Razzoriel on January 24, 2017, 01:03:46 PM
One word for you my friend: Plasmacasters.

Another word for you! Already got that covered, just haven't added it to the list!
I figured out a way of making it by adding it beside the helmet texture (Or armor)
And the weapon itself is simply a predator "glove". So while he shoots it he just pulls out his glove!
Come on, no one? :(
Mods / Looking for an "experienced" modder! (Predators)
January 23, 2017, 12:56:30 PM
Thought of adding Predators as a playable race and some Predator related items! Aswell as an enemy faction. So you can like, choose... To play them or, be hunted by them. Or both!
I can fix the textures but I'd need a buddy to help me add them to the game, fix the stats and such!


I thought of making it able to Skin enemies and pull off their Skull.
Then use the Skin to upgrade armor and Skull to upgrade weapons like Wrist Blades and Combistick.
Just an example, like.. 30 enemy "parts" could increase the damage by only 1.
Haven't really decided yet but it felt like a good idea so you can be as brutal as a Predator actually is!
So instead of switching weapons between too many weapons and such, it's more focused on upgrading!


Finished Textures:
Predator Mask - Done

Combistick - Done
Wrist Blades - Done
Spear Gun - Done
Energy Flechette - Done
Energy Flechette (Projectile) - Done
Spear Gun (Projectile) - Done

Unfinished Textures:
Predator Face
Predator Body
Smart Disc
Plasma Caster Turret
Plasma Caster Turret (Projectile)
Netgun (Projectile)
Skinned Human Body
Skin from Body
Skull with (or without) the Spine

So that's what I'd like to fix!
Here's some stuff I made so far. Got a lot more done now but don't want to share the side and back sprites of the Predator Mask!
Unfinished Predator Head, with Finished Mask on.

Finished Combistick.

Finished Spear Gun with Spear Gun Projectile.

Finished Energy Flechette with Energy Flechette Projectile.

Finished Wristblades

My goal is to get this working with all the items and the armor/wep improve mechanics. Then...
1. Playable Race
2. Enemy Faction

Choose to have them as enemies only, and they'll prob raid solo but with a lot of gadgets (adding later) aswell! They'll also have CC so might capture a worker and lift her away to their base, kill her and then skin her!
Or... YOU can go with a caravan (Only Cara for the moment) and wipe out the human race, destroy the planet! And once you have killed enough... Then, the Xenomorphs might've found you. Which means another faction... Collects nothing but people, don't need no weapons or anything. Simply walks up to the wall, jumps down the roof and starts the invation! Might even lay egg somewhere for you to find before it hatches and war cries for more help!
Intense raiding and war between Predators, Aliens and the Human tribes!

If interested, please send a PM!
Help / Re: New here! Need some help!
January 18, 2017, 03:59:53 PM
Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on January 18, 2017, 12:38:01 PM
Just noticed there was another Star Wars mod in progress in the Unfinished sub-forum:

Just in case you wanted to throw your lot in with them. Completely understand if you are doing your own thing though! Just wanted to make you aware.

Oh sweet! Thanks! Nah, just want to play this game as Star Wars! Haha
Help / Re: New here! Need some help!
January 18, 2017, 07:14:39 AM
Quote from: Tomasz95 on January 17, 2017, 06:05:32 PM
In mods/core/defs you have .XML files. In this you can found items, buildings and other. For create mod, first copy file with that what you want edit to mods/"your mod name"/defs. Can you change name of this. For change texture you must move your textures to /"your mod"/textures/ folder and change texture file path in .xml of your items. (in this files is only that path)
I think thats all. If you want do more than can with .XML, you must learn how creating C# mod files. These files is your own code or code copied from devs and edited. (there i cant help, im too new in this)

Ah, nice! That's a quick, simple and great explanation!
Thanks a lot budd!
Help / New here! Need some help!
January 17, 2017, 02:33:21 PM
Hello there!
I know there's a lot of tutorials and such here but mostly looking for some quick specific tutorials, or...
If someone who knows how to add custom items with custom textures to the game, who could add me on steam!
My Steam name is "Ezrool".

There's so much info in the threads etc but all I would like to know is how to create custom items (new name, where to obtain and stats), add custom textures and then of course, make it into a those, mod files Rimworld has.

I love working in Photoshop and really interested in making a Star Wars mod here.
Been doing some stuff and it's going really well!

Already got lots of ideas for the gameplay etc aswell!