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Messages - mecatxis

Translations / Re: Official: Catalan
May 31, 2017, 11:48:30 AM
Thank you @Haplo ;)
Translations / Re: Catalan translation
May 31, 2017, 05:56:06 AM
Quote from: manelmp66 on May 29, 2017, 07:17:09 AM
Moltes gracies per la traduccio  ;)

Estigues al cas per que hi vaig treballant i hi ha coses noves contínuament. Mira d'actualitzar-la un cop al mes o així. T'agrairé molt que m'informis si trobes errors o que facis propostes de millora!
Translations / Official: Catalan
May 27, 2017, 05:22:53 AM

The game is almost playable in catalan, but a lot of work is missing yet. You can get the files here:

Any help and feedback is welcome.


El joc es pot jugar en català de forma gairebé completa, però encara queda molta feina. Podeu descarregar-ne els fitxers a:

Qualsevol ajuda o comentari és benvingut.


I'm translating Rimworld to Catalan, witch is not a official translation yet

With the change of version, some changes has been made (obviously) and there are some strings that stopped working.

I tried using RimTrans, but since the Catalan language is not included yet, is not useful for me.

Any hints to know exactly what has changed and how to reuse all my old work?

As an example:

The bottom buttons were translated and how they appears in English again. I found that the folder and file names has been changed from "tabs" to "buttons". After changing this names, they appear translated again.