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Messages - PhantomFav

Mods / Re: [MOD REQUEST] Lighter
May 08, 2018, 06:12:32 AM
Quote from: Canute on May 08, 2018, 06:08:38 AM
Campfire can cremate corpse  mod is something for you.

Or Vegetable garden, you can cremate corpses into fertizizer.

Yes but I wanna a more rapid method to clean from the grass and trees the surrounding of my base too. Even a wall of flames in my kill boxes would be fantastic.
Mods / [MOD REQUEST] Lighter
May 08, 2018, 03:54:10 AM
With Cassandra Classic, Rough, after 30 hours of game, the bodies around my base are too many to be stocked somewhere safely and out of the sight of my colonists. If some of the riders, didn't bring a molotov, the stockpile space runs out, and my colonists go grumpy.

So, can you please make a mod that enable the "fire starting spree mode", typical of the pyromaniac's mental break, but without the mental break itself?

Yes, there is the mass grave mod, but I don't want mass graves in my colony.
Quote from: FoxXeL on February 09, 2018, 06:10:03 PM
Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at UI/Commands/Shackle in any active mod or in base resources.

The same happen to me.
Hey Thirite, maybe I have just, accidentally, resolved your problem with the pants :)

There is an old and little known mod (but available on A18) called Visible Pants:

Here the results:

The pants are bugged if they are of the same type of the child, but with the other types (devilstrand, cloth etc...) they are pretty normal :)

Therefore the problem is much more complex than how I have just explained (because of other bugs or conflict with other mods).

Ok, the forementioned "more complex" is just disappeared with the first loading of the game.
Only the same-type-pant-problem remain:

(Upper image: all pants are different. Downer image: iguana pants for the child and Le. Dog's photobomb isn't my fault, duh!)
Quoterads don't overheat rooms like electric heaters they cap at 21c so its totally fine to leave them always on if you have the spare power

I think this misunderstanding comes from the description of the radiator:

"As powerful as an electric heater for heating rooms, the capacity changes the maximum heat that it can put out."

If at the end of the phrase you add "Radiators don't overheat rooms like electric heaters, they cap at room temperature." it will more fitting :)
I love you Thirite ^_^
This is the list of mods I use in Rimworld:

Real fog of war
Set-up Camp

Children And Pregnancy
More factions
Basic Bridges

Hand Me That Brick

With this set of mods and mind, are there other similar mods that I don't know and maybe I can like?
Quote from: Dingo on December 02, 2017, 09:23:58 AM
Quote from: PhantomFav on December 02, 2017, 06:56:01 AM
Here is the log of Vanilla + Hand me that Brick.

Every time I start a play with this mod, the debug log is continually on screen with red writes.

You didn't install HugsLib. It's written everywhere as a requirement and is not optional.

THX a lot, my good friend! You are right! I use HugsLib for the Hospitality mod, and when I tried to use HmtB, I
switched off Hospitality with HugsLib because I was too used to switch them off together every time ;D
Here is the log of Vanilla + Hand me that Brick.

Every time I start a play with this mod, the debug log is continually on screen with red writes.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
The game crashes if do I activate the mod only during the period I want visits?
Is there a way to stop the visits? The other faction are upset (in war) with me because their visitors aren't satisfy during the permanence. I just started a play in a cold biome without many resource... I don't have enough wood to build a new room and beds. Why the keep coming in a harsh environment with only my single hut for my pawns? ._.
Ok, even with the error, the game seams perfectly normal ;D
Oh no, I spoke too soon  :P

This is the log after I enter for the first time in a camp with the Set-up Camp. Is this a serious problem? Objects and pawns on the map are perfectly visible :)

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Releases / Re: Release 1.1.1
November 25, 2017, 11:19:29 AM
Quote from: Luka Kama on November 25, 2017, 07:46:01 AM

Change log:

  • Fixed a bug causing pawn, walls, etc to not show up properly on newly created maps for caravans events (new colonies, ambushes, attacks, and so on).
  • Added a safeguard check to prevent anticipated map rendering (due other mods) to break Fog of War mod initialization.

Steam page
Zip to manually install here

THX a lot Luka ;D

EDIT: it works perfectly with the "Set up Camp" Mod ^^ Great!