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Messages - PhantomFav

Unfinished / Re: [1.0][WIP] Real Ruins
June 26, 2020, 04:43:18 PM
Am I the only one who can't see any skeleton around the ruins? In the options, whatever quantity I set, they seam to be absent. I am not using other mods.
Releases / Re: 1.1 Z-Levels
June 16, 2020, 04:35:40 PM
Your mod is superb.
Quote from: PhantomFav on January 15, 2020, 01:31:34 PM
Thank you my friend, that was exactly what I was looking for!

Nope sorry it doesn't work. There should be a new option called "prevent people from eating unless they are starving or need a mood boost"
Quote from: Razuhl on December 17, 2019, 01:45:06 AM
What can be done depends on your actual goal. One meal a day should be a simple change to the human hunger rate(edit the human race's "race properties"). There is no need to exploit the bandaid(lower hunger at lower nutrition) that the developer put in to prevent people from starving even though food is available.

If that doesn't work you can activate the rule to "prevent people from eating better than simple meals unless they are starving or need a mood boost". Then restrict them to only fine or lavish meals and place some fine meals. That way you can test if the suggested rule would acomplish what you want.

The loss of nutrition by eating too early is not easily moddable. Changing the body size has to many unintended implications and changing the lifestage would affect multiple races. Might be ok for humans but isn't a solution for things like chicken.

Thank you my friend, that was exactly what I was looking for!
Hi Razuhl, thank you for the mod :)

I would like to know if it is possible to implement in your mod what is asked in this post (time schedule for the food administration):

maybe a new option like this:

"Restrict non starving colonists with mood above minor break threshold from eating"
Hi  Jaxe  :)

is it possible to implement in your mod what is asked in this post (time schedule for the food administration)?
General Discussion / Re: Food Administration Mod
September 16, 2019, 02:27:22 AM
Quote from: Canute on September 15, 2019, 05:17:16 PM
Such a feature would be pretty nice for many people who play at extreme maps with lesss/limited food at the beginning.

To be fair, that should be vanilla for me. I don't think it would be too difficult to copy the drug policy frame and use it again for the food restriction.
General Discussion / Re: Food Administration Mod
September 15, 2019, 08:37:35 AM
Quote from: Pangaea on September 15, 2019, 08:26:02 AM
Quote from: PhantomFav on September 15, 2019, 05:21:39 AM
I want that my pawns eat just a meal per day.

Unless you're using a mod that changes their hunger rate, I am fairly sure this will be too little. Typically a pawn eats a meal when he wakes up and before going to bed. There will be slight "losses" since they tend to eat at around 0.2/1.0 foodbar and a meal has 0.9 nutrition, but that's not something to worry much about.

I have done various tests these weeks, and I have discovered absolutely no problem with that rate. In the most desperate cases (middle winter, without immediately usable food) they can easily go with a single simple meal every one and a half day (but in this case, they are grumpy as hell for the most of the day). I am not using any mod for the hunger rate, and their meal is consumed always at 6:00AM, so they are sleeping when they are really hungry.
General Discussion / Re: Food Administration Mod
September 15, 2019, 05:21:39 AM
Quote from: Canute on September 15, 2019, 05:04:08 AM
What else do you want ?

I want that my pawns eat just a meal per day.
General Discussion / Food Administration Mod
September 15, 2019, 04:58:00 AM
I have just discovered that a pawn can comfortably live with just a simple meal per day, if it is in decent environment. So, is there a mod that allow you to administer food like you can already do with drug policy?? Yes, I already use the food restriction "Nothing" with the manual "Consume Simple Meal", but it becomes rapidly boring if you have more than few pawns.
Great mod! How much does a vaccine last?
Releases / Re: [1.0] SeedsPlease!
May 20, 2019, 12:20:22 PM
Quote from: Canute on May 20, 2019, 10:24:24 AM
You aware that you can create seeds out of vegetables ?
Even when a trader don't sell seeds, bulk goods should sell veggies which you can turn into seeds.
yes, and vegetables are pretty expensive and occupy much space if you consider that you need 400 corn for only 40 seed.
Seriously, the only seed that you can buy and are abundant are the tree seed and they are pretty much useless in the majority of the cases.
Releases / Re: [1.0] SeedsPlease!
May 20, 2019, 09:56:08 AM
Is it possible to increase quantity and types of seed that the caravans sell? In 2 full years of treading I could only buy 30 corn seed and 20 potato seed :(
I'm sorry if this was already asked but I have a question:
is it possibile to stop the random events of crash landing during the play? when something crashes near my base is always something overpowered like power armors or charge blasters. this happens often during the early game and completely shut off all the challenges that the game offers :(
(In any case the mod is great!)
I love this mod!