[MOD] (Alpha 3F) Cremation Inc. (v.6.2)

Started by bolti1703, March 06, 2014, 06:16:01 PM

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Thanks for posting your update, mirrors and download page updated :)

You can find our mirror here:

You can always contact me for changes to be made to the above link, also any updates please be kind to
inform us or even submit the update yourself on our downloads section.


Hi @ll,

for the next bigger update (v.7.x)  i plan to remove and change some things. Since the cremation oven has a build-in counter the dog tags lost their initial function. So i think about changing the system of selling dog tags ( dog tags + licence + metal = box ). What do you think about it? Which things can be removed since nobody use it?  Or should i go the opposing way and expand the existing system?

The next updates will be polishing and fixing updates (v.6.x.x) so make suggestions for balancing and maybe small thing that can be added (these versions should keep the save compatibility). Whats about the thoughts for example? Are they balancing enough or should they be changed? The price for the boxes? And so on...
If somebody can make good textures please contact me because im not very happy with the textures of the trophy cabinet and the office cabinet.
And a last request. Can a native english speaker take a look on the textes ingame?

Greetings bolt


I'm going to miss the fire door. I know it had an error, but I really liked it, I use it all the time. It was a bit out of place in this mod (actually didn't know this was the mod that added it.) Do you have plans of fixing or re-adding it?
You can't rollerskate in a muffalo herd


Quote from: Kirid on May 08, 2014, 06:35:07 PM
I'm going to miss the fire door. I know it had an error, but I really liked it, I use it all the time. It was a bit out of place in this mod (actually didn't know this was the mod that added it.) Do you have plans of fixing or re-adding it?

you re right it was a bit out of place. i dont really plan to re-add the fire door but if you want try for so long this other fire door ( not powered )


A new version again (v 6.2). I changed the oven a bit. It now has a bar which shows the burning time.


Quote from: bolti1703 on May 16, 2014, 07:11:34 AM
A new version again (v 6.2). I changed the oven a bit. It now has a bar which shows the burning time.
Ohh that bar looks cool ;)
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