1.0.2150 bug: metorite strikes on constructed floors leave job artefacts

Started by Snafu_RW, May 25, 2019, 05:29:35 PM

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Prolly reported previously, but just in case: a meteorite strike on a constructed floor tile marked to be deconstructed will destroy the floor (as expected), but the job marker remains (can be cancelled) even thru the unmined meteorite

Mostly visual IMO (no obvious way to see if pawns will try to complete that uncompletable job; I'll keep an eye on it), but irritating & unexpected..
Dom 8-)


Wau, finaly a real bug (even when it is just a small one). :-)

Could you at last check if that still happen latest stable 2231 version. You need to update Rimworld anyway.


Couldn't find a steam download for 2231 so I updated to 2272.. then couldn't see a convenient way to target a meteor on a specific spot on the map :( I could have tiled the whole map & set it to remove floor to test, I guess, but I'm sure someone with more familiarity with the dev tools can easily do a quick test to check..
Dom 8-)