Game stops working

Started by Prodigy3010, February 21, 2020, 09:04:09 AM

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Hi, I need some help.
For some reason My game stops working.
I really don't understand anything about this, so any help will be appreciated.

Thanks a lot.


at first you should cleanup your Mods folder. There are still mods for pro 1.0 versions inside. Ok so long you don't activate them it is harmless, but Rimworld still browser through them.

You still use RimWorld 1.0.2282, you can/should update to the latest 1.0 build.

The repeating error got the name "BetterPawnControl" inside so the chance that these mod cause the trouble is pretty high.
You use BetterPawnControl( but there are a new version up.
You should try at first to update all your mods you use.
Be careful not to use the version are made for the new Rimworld 1.1 unstable just came out.

Export Agency is at the error's too, maybe try to disable that mod, just to check if that helps.