Apparel Carry Capacity increase for v1.1 and Royalty

Started by Wildcard82, February 29, 2020, 02:32:50 PM

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Hi all, I am trying to make a Power Assisted Loading Frame which is to increase a pawns carry capacity but reduce their movement speed, something like the loader exo-frame in Aliens. I can get the movement speed to reduce but the carryable weight increase doesn't seem to work.
Does anyone know if it has been changed since the 1.1 update and if so what the correct variable is? Currently:
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


The name of stat hasn't changed and there isn't any special stat worker for carrying capacity so this should work. Does the bonus appear at all in game, like in the stat explanation when you look at a pawn's details?


Don't forget pawn can only haul 1 stack.
So they only can haul 75 steel, since this is the stack size but they could haul 150 hay since they stacksize.
There was a 1.0 mod to modify the carry capacity
but i don't think the pawn could carry more then a stack at their hands, but it extend the backpack holding to work well with Pickup&Haul.