[1.3.3066] Slaves Consider Wood to be a Weapon

Started by Enduriel, July 21, 2021, 11:29:52 AM

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Nothing more to say really. This seems unintended or at least not fully thought out. This means that they get the x20% slave revolt interval when close to wood which is rather annoying considering you might want to use your slaves around your storage or have them chop wood etc, and wood is only technically a weapon.


1.3.3076 Linux Sendowl Core + Inquisition Ideology, no mods or Royalty.
Slaves consider beer to be a weapon and get 25% rebellion interval modifier. Many things such as wood were removed as valid weapons in 1.3.3074. Beer remains.


Look's like you never got a bar fight.
A beer bottle are a blunt weapon and a broken (beer) bottle are a piercing one.
And even a simple wood log is a blunt weapon.
All these things got a DPS rating and are considered as weapon.
Nothing new.
Maybe you should give your slaves smokeleaf joints instead of beer.


Somehow, for purposes of a slave revolt, a beer bottle is exactly as effective as an arsenal of machine guns. I did not enslave Riddick.


Thanks for the bug report, I'll put this in for the devs to look at.


For gameplay purposses piece of woods and beer bottles are weapons. This has been the case since at leat 0.7 when I started playing.
They have a Damage/Attack types and Attack speed, same as a club or sword. In D&D they are examples for "improvised weapons".

3074 already reduced this a bit:
"- We are now more selective about which weapons increase rebellion chance (exclude wood, emp, smoke...)"