Families and Pregnancies

Started by LouisTBR, September 30, 2015, 01:29:05 PM

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It's funny how unacquaintances seem to work with each other perfectly, without any conflict. Maybe, families could be introduced here. You could have generation systems, so you have a group of older colonists, middle-ages and youngers. Pregnancies would occur randomly with colonists over 18 years of age. (Read my post here: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=15436.msg162602#msg162602 for relationships.) This will spawn a child colonist after about 7 months of carrying the baby. The baby will spawn, like Sims, in a pre-made cot (baby bed) and be confined to it. The baby will be fed meals up until the age of 6 months, at which time the baby will age up into a toddler, no longer needing a cot. They will not do manual labour, but will interact with toys bought under the joy menu, and sleep in a regular colonist bed. After a year, the toddler will become a child, who will use all of the facilities of a regular adult/teenage colonist. Children can haul, clean, grow, plant cut and flick switches. After 2 years, the child will become a 13-year old. This may be odd, but no-body has ever reached 15 in-game years as far as I know!

Please, feel free to suggest below.

Only in RimWorld is the phrase "31 Heavily-Armed Siegers are currently bombing your base" preferable to "50 manhunting squirrels are attacking your colony"


Once again a topic on the frequent suggestions list that has the link to the discussion https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=11925.0


Could you elaborate? I have no idea what you just posted.
Only in RimWorld is the phrase "31 Heavily-Armed Siegers are currently bombing your base" preferable to "50 manhunting squirrels are attacking your colony"


In the suggestions category of this forum is a sticky thread called Frequent Suggestions Topic! where I list all the things people are tired of seeing new threads about like its a new idea.  I try to include links to the discussion as well.

You very frequently post new threads on these topics instead of adding to whats already being discussed.  I have informed you of this before.  You also quite often prefix your posts with an acknowledgement that it is frequently suggested.  It would be much more conducive to the discussion if you could post in those threads instead of starting new ones. 



i like this version of the preggers to bahbies to child to adult timeline : (although i think 15 was the year of the minimum adult in this game)

maybe there could be an item that could artificially boost a person's age by 10 years after consumption. (just like neurotrainers)

so that these kids would not just automatically grow into adult like magic. nay! we do it with the powers of pseudo-science!