
Started by PrZe77, April 27, 2016, 08:43:49 AM

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I have some suggestions for the spaceship:

- the reactor porduce energy so the components should need energy to be ready to start. if you use e.g 20 ship cryptosleep casket you have to build more than one reactor.

- give the shipparts a weight: one ship engine should have limited power so you have to use more then 1 for heavy ships

- fuel for ship engines: you have to fill up ship engine with uranium before you can start. so it harder to get all ressources.

- cryosleep pods for animals! my colonist dont want to let there dogs alone on the planet..

maybe for an campaign mode:

cargo: a part for cargo would be nice. so you could crash with your ship against i a random biome and try to survive with more colonists and stuff (with a chance that ressources breaks at the crash an colonist die)

you could have the goal to build a small ship, collect some ressources a travel to an other location to get the materials for an interplanetary spaceship. that materials could be only in an extreme biome with realy small chances to survive..


This is suggested all the time.