HALP! I think my mod broke rimworld...

Started by Quasarrgames, June 06, 2014, 05:05:31 PM

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I downloaded alpha 4e, and transferred by alpha 3f WIP mod into alpha 4e. I thought it would be fine.

However upon activating it in the mods menu and going back to the normal menu, well... it just wasn't there. i got the background picture of rimworld, but nothing else.

So i restarted the game, and it was even worse. it was just a black screen.

so i took my mod out of the mods folder and restarted it. It worked fine!

Does anyone know what's going on? how can i fix this without completely redoing my mod?
On the right path, but the wrong medication.

I like how there's a thing that displays how long you've logged in to the forums. It shows just how many hours you've spent here, never to get back...


Usually when there's a serious problem with a mod, the game will pop up an error list telling you what the errors are as soon as it's activated. The game will also write these errors to the log file, found in the \RimWorld462Win_Data\output_log.txt file.

In my case I found that the contents of the <inspectorTabs> tag from A3 mods will always crash the game.
All my mods are licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Ask for permission before using in ModPacks

Click here for a list of the mods I've created

Justin C

Do NOT try to use an Alpha 3 mod with Alpha 4. The game has completely changed since Alpha 3. Your mod will have to be updated to work with Alpha 4.


Quote from: Quasarrgames on June 06, 2014, 05:05:31 PM
I downloaded alpha 4e, and transferred by alpha 3f WIP mod into alpha 4e. I thought it would be fine.

However upon activating it in the mods menu and going back to the normal menu, well... it just wasn't there. i got the background picture of rimworld, but nothing else.

So i restarted the game, and it was even worse. it was just a black screen.

so i took my mod out of the mods folder and restarted it. It worked fine!

Does anyone know what's going on? how can i fix this without completely redoing my mod?

Just look through the new assembly-csharp. A lot of stuff has moved around. To fix my thoughtdefs all I had to do was add "using verse" you shouldn't have to re-do much...