No REFINERY optionn in research, mod conflict or user error?

Started by Jekko, September 25, 2018, 12:06:37 PM

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Recently moved to B19 along with my 30 or so (updated) mods. Noticed I don't see "Refining" in the research tree anywhere (aside from the advanced tech like biofuel and adv bone refining). Is there a new way to build a refinery in B19, or do I have a mod conflict which is messing up my research tree, or am I just plain doing something wrong?


Don't you know Raider is now called Twix,
and Refining is now Biofuel Refining.
New release new names and rules.

Don't you use th mod HelpTab, so you can search for Chemfuel and see the nessesary workbench and researches ?
Or Research Tree give you the proper research project too, when you search for Chemfuel.