Looking for more play value. Where? And how?

Started by antstar, May 05, 2019, 03:21:07 PM

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So, I have my longest ever run and largest ever colony. They don't want to leave. They have a golden rec room - who would want to leave?

The problem I'm running into is the 1 dimension less version of the square/cube law. We can afford more turrets. But there is no way to jam more turrets into the killbox. With a million or so in assets, the raids are becoming unbelievably bad. Was playing on second hardest difficulty; had to drop it by one; we made a ton of more money over the next few years and again back to raids that are just getting insane.

I'm prepared to give up and start somewhere new. But I've played in desert, I've played in ice shelf, I've played in forest and jungle. I've moved to a new base...

I'm bored and I'm sick of this colony due to the above mentioned problem, but I don't want to be sick of this game. Suggest to me what I can do to make it fun again, please?


Well if you want to keep playing with this colony moving to a new location seems like the best idea. If your killbox cant be improved with other means that is.

Ive personally found IED's and autocannon turrets to add some nice lethality to my killboxes. Sometimes things still reach my sandbags but they dont survive in there for very long. 

One thing you can do (if its an option) is to add a few tiles of stone to the front of your sandbags, and make the rest of the floor wood. Then if an attack comes you put the floor on fire and watch them burn to death.  ;D does kinda prevent you from capturing any potential colonists or loot though as it tends to go up in flames as well.

Obviously not a good idea if you are located in a mountain because your own guys would die from the heat as well but if the heat has some place to go it can be a powerfull defense. The tiles of stone flooring infront of the sandbags ensure that your own base doesent go up in flames.


Split up your people, send half of them out with a pile of wealth to start a new home, keep the other half here.


Repeat again

Now you can send mobs of 30+ colonists to raid other settlements and exterminate all humanity on the planet!
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Personaly i would abandon these colony long before i would got all golden furniture's.
Normaly i start something new once once i researched all and made the colony safe and comfortable.
I rarely escape the planet with the spaceship.
But in your case it would be a hugh challenge to survive the final with your high colony wealth.

You should look for new challenges through mods, like special races as Android/Vampire/Werwolf only colony.
Or adding magic from Rim of Magic mod.
With new challenges like Zombie's from Zombieland, or Bug's from Starship trooper mod.


Thanks for the replies. I have added a couple of mods and started a new. I have been playing fixed vanilla until now - that is, with only one mod to fix the broken "I won't walk to table I'll just get a mood debuff"

A few hours in and things are .... different. :D


Quote from: antstar on May 05, 2019, 03:21:07 PMThe problem I'm running into is the 1 dimension less version of the square/cube law. We can afford more turrets. But there is no way to jam more turrets into the killbox. With a million or so in assets, the raids are becoming unbelievably bad. Was playing on second hardest difficulty; had to drop it by one; we made a ton of more money over the next few years and again back to raids that are just getting insane.

I think you have never tried to summon some help from friendly faction? They can do wonders even against entire pack of robotic caterpillars with heavy blasters and whatnot!