Advised Storyteller?

Started by MisterLock, October 11, 2014, 06:40:51 AM

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I for one would like to ask a very simple question.Which AI is the most advised to play with to get enough raids that it's exciting and get enough time between raids to get your stuff in order and also lets you get a moderate pop colony.

Keep in mind I'm probably one of the many that plays with mods,that includes Minami's event mod so I don't know how the Storyteller affects those events.

I also played Cassandra and Randy.Personally in Alpha 7 I only played Randy,and I am not happy at all with him,I know his definition is "Random" but he is way to random...I went 8+ months without one raider incident.I am 2 years in and the majority of my colonists came either from slavers or I was just lucky enough to incap 2-3 people per the 4 raids I had in this colony.My total colony number is 22 as of now.

About Cassandra,Since I don't know how she was changed in Alpha 7,I'll just post my experience from alpha 6 and 5.She just sends way to many raiders after you,well atleast in the mid-early late game.I once got to the point where I could not litelarly play that colony since raiders were coming faster then I could clean the 80+ bodies in my kill room.And that spireled to mood problems and colonists getting crazy.

To each his own.


If you're using mods that affect the events I'd say it's impossible to answer this unless you turn off that mod. Otherwise only people that understand how that mod works can really advise you.

Without mods, I'd say use Cassandra and turn the difficulty down if you don't enjoy the challenge of whatever you've been using so far. It says in the menu that she sends a flow of events of increasing challenge. You want a flow of events, she's the one to go for.

If you try Phoebe you'll probably not like the lengthy periods between events.

I'm also currently on Randy and started wondering if I'd accidentally turned off raids! Have had a few in quick succession recently though.


The normal Cassandra difficulty is very good for a Vanilla Rimworld experience, seeing as you have a chance to survive and may encounter a challenge, depending on your map and layout choices.
If you have Mods that are directly beneficial to you (Like extra turrets and the ability to craft Medicine and Tools), then I suggest ramping up the difficulty to 120% or even higher.

If you're playing and want a very difficult challenge, then I suggest trying out the Zombie Mod and play it without any Turret Packs. Improvised Turrets are really weak against big hordes, so you'll definitely have a challenge there. ^^


The main difference between the storytellers are their population caps and the amount and frequency of raider attacks, phoebe gives small groups of raiders while cassandra increases raider groups over time and colony wealth, while balancing the frequency on attacks and the amount of various events. Randy on the other hand just releases events based on their chances and selecting whichever pops on its event group.


i just mod cassandra with randy's pop-cap limit.
the events tend to scale nicely with cass, while randy's pop-cap allows me to get high population.

i don't think people really like the low pop-cap of cass and phoebe anyways,
while randy's randomness is just too... random.

which is why i suggested some time ago, to just have an option to toggle the low/high pop-cap limit at the start of the colony so we don't have to mod the pop-cap every new alpha, since it's easier to just keep colony population low (if you want it that way), even if you have a high pop-cap limit.


Quote from: tarickstonefire on October 11, 2014, 07:09:53 AM
If you're using mods that affect the events I'd say it's impossible to answer this unless you turn off that mod. Otherwise only people that understand how that mod works can really advise you.

Without mods, I'd say use Cassandra and turn the difficulty down if you don't enjoy the challenge of whatever you've been using so far. It says in the menu that she sends a flow of events of increasing challenge. You want a flow of events, she's the one to go for.

If you try Phoebe you'll probably not like the lengthy periods between events.

I'm also currently on Randy and started wondering if I'd accidentally turned off raids! Have had a few in quick succession recently though.

Your right on most of your points.I do use alot of mods.Few of them are Extended surgery,Extended Stoneworking,Material Crops,etc there's alot of them,That includes Killroys old turret pack that got updated to alpha 7 not his new one which he is creating on a new forum post.

Trust me.I'm looking for a challange,but I don't look forward getting stomped.The thing is,I did try the zombie mod last alpha.I played with Cassandra back then and let's just say it didn't bow down well.I tried doing some urban defense kinda thing in 2-3 colonies,but I just kept getting killed by 100+ zombie hordes Cassandra was giving me.

The only Storyteller  I haven't tried is Pheobe.I also I didn't use ZP was because It was not updated at the time I started this colony,I wanted just to get into the game and when I saw some moderate amount of mods got updated I just went with those and ZP got updated like 2-3 days later,I just said I will install it when my colony gets wiped,but in the end I'm still waiting to get wiped by Randy,Recently I changed to 100% Challange Mode Cassandra but I am still waiting for a raid.

Quote from: minami26 on October 11, 2014, 09:41:50 AM
The main difference between the storytellers are their population caps and the amount and frequency of raider attacks, phoebe gives small groups of raiders while cassandra increases raider groups over time and colony wealth, while balancing the frequency on attacks and the amount of various events. Randy on the other hand just releases events based on their chances and selecting whichever pops on its event group.

I guess you are right But I just expected Randy to have a increased agresivness factor built into him,Something like that.Especially after his Description is :"Randy doesn't care if a Colony is succesfull or utter hopelost,it's all drama to him".That's what scared me of trying him initially,the idea I could have random raids not based on intervals when I am not mobilized,but he's been way way to nice for what the game describes him to be.I would say Cassandra is actually more sadistic then Randy and like I said,I would of expected the oposite.
To each his own.