Year 3 and 4 months

Started by CharlieC, October 31, 2014, 12:33:25 PM

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I am playing Randy 25% difficulty and with no more of anything to mine, and it was a lot of mountain map. 42 colonists, my first 3 launched off planet. I had 36 major threats, 29 raids, 236,286 total wealth. Biggest threat was 5  catapilla thingys with 7 Scythers  midway through year two. Everyone hate the colony 91 - 100%. I have  1 total bionic man and woman, half of the colonists have peg legs, the other half no arms and all have had their eyes removed ( just for sadistic reasons) and now its time to let it play out on auto to see what happens.


Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?


Now Aug 2nd of year 3 and there are 23 left, they have had 4 large attacks all shot up by static defences. Three sieges all of whom starved or killed each other. A space refugee who survived the pod crash all on her own and wandered about the base sleeping on the floor for 2 months before making the poor decision to go eat some besieging pirates food - end of refugee. The power is fading as panels fry and a geo thermal  exploded. The medicine ran out months ago. There has been a very slow mass attack by all the tortoises that killed 3 colonists eventually. 3 colonist have died from madness / starvation. Wonder if any of them will see xmas.

Silly me, of course they won't see xmas not one of them has any eyes.


lol why dont they have eyes? do solar flares burn eyes?


Finally a colony degradation story, this is creepy stuff...


I put a pair of bionic eyes into them and then took them out. I repeated for every colonist. So now none have any eyes - makes little or no difference to the pathing or jobs etc. October now and 16 left alive after a 4 catapilla and 7 Scyther attack, defences now breached. I didn't mean this thread to turn into a story so might be best moved to stories.


Feb 5 year 4 and all dead. Mole was the last, very apt. Driven mad by paranoid thoughts from a crashed ship part. This lead him to murder the other last two colonists before wandering off into the catacombs to die, blind, starved and with a nasty touch of flu. So the colony lasted near eight months with no player interventions whatsoever.


Quote from: CharlieC on November 01, 2014, 12:10:30 PM
So now none have any eyes - makes little or no difference to the pathing or jobs etc.
Actually, it does. They'll do all work slower (and some work worse). Especially healing and shooting, but you might not care about that if you're letting a colony run by itself. Still, they're going to be growing plants if they're staying alive without your help, and plant work is affected 50% by sight, so I think that means they'll do it half as fast.

I don't suppose you really care about that if you're removing their arms, though, since they'll barely be able to work. Manipulation is way more important than sight.

You can click the "i" on a colonist to see some stats, and click on one of the stats to see what affects it.
Some sort of psychic wave has swept over the landscape. Your colonists are okay, but...
It seems many of the scythers in the area have been driven insane.


Ok, I wasn't paying too much attention but they all seemed to be getting along ok. certainly no blind, lost wandering. Apart from the mad, given up ones. They picked about 8000 potato and 2000 berries in that time.