Started by Visitor000, March 07, 2015, 08:10:58 AM

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can you do an arrogant stuck up snob of a noblewoman?  or a feisty punk chick?


Quote from: JimmyAgnt007 on May 28, 2015, 12:26:34 PM
a younger psychotic cannibal butcher/hunter.

Am I the only one who thinks "Hannibal Lecter" immediately?

Edit: If you need the voice of a Smartass such as myself let me know if you have any colonists with the "too smart" trait  ;)


I was thinking of Hannibal Lecter but i wanted him to be different so i flipped his refined appearance so he will really look like someone who eats people.  Also i dont want to totally rip off personalities.  Once we get things done I think people will enjoy him.

I think Id be hard pressed to find someone who COULDN'T do a smartass voice on here lol  but thanks for the offer and we will let people know if we need them.


Quote from: JimmyAgnt007 on June 03, 2015, 08:48:00 PM
can you do an arrogant stuck up snob of a noblewoman?  or a feisty punk chick?

I have a little more practice with arrogant characters, but I LOVE playing characters that are quick to anger. I think I could probably do either.


sounds good, snipes has a friend whos helping with some of the art and she said she could do a voice so its good to have another female voice in the mix.  but thats all down the road lol


Hey names snipes ill be spear heading the animations for this project. I'm a third year animation student. I'm probably using pivot animation via adobe after effects with maybe small amounts of pencil test mixed in as time permits atm I'm in finals but as soon as that is out of the way ill drop some images here and there to show how the work is coming along.
Just a Animation Student Nothing to see here...move along


the full script of the first episode is finished.  sorry cant share it in public.  might take a while to animate though.  longer for the first time because it involves asset creation.  snipes sure does have the most difficult end of this task.


well i find script writing harder lol i passed character designs to my friend so i can focus on the first few background scenes hehe
Just a Animation Student Nothing to see here...move along


writing words on a page is easy stuff.  sure it takes some degree of talent for them to be good but still, if we assume we are of equal skill of our respective fields, the animation is much more work intensive.  im just glad you enjoy my writing and we are working on this.  i cant wait until we have something to show people.


Probably character designs and Backgrounds would be the earliest assets done. Finishing up finals and ill be able to work a lot more on this project instead.
Just a Animation Student Nothing to see here...move along


seems like we picked the worst time for you to start this project eh?



If any one has suggestions for art directions ill take them now any later then this weekend and it will be to late since i am gonna choose the main art direction but usually i like my back grounds being a little bit different then my characters.

Tree assets done
working on Main Background shots (wooo big Photoshop files)
coming up escape pods
Just a Animation Student Nothing to see here...move along


as much as i may have thoughts on art, im totally leaving that up to you.  go nuts with whatever you want.  looking as much like the game as possible(ish) is about all i would suggest.  dont want it to feel like its totally separate and just sharing the name.


Wow taking a lot longer then expected making the next shot it is a shot of are protagonist getting out of the escape pod.
Just a Animation Student Nothing to see here...move along


I always loved the idea someone posted in the event suggestion sticky - Mad surgeon - something like - If the right conditions are met pawn wise one of your colonist might randomly go a bit nuts and incap a fellow colonist and then proceed to preform unnecessary medical operations on them, they described it with "Where did george go?? and where did all these organs come from?" if you guys are still looking for ideas for stuff that person has gold :) 
If Rimworld taught me anything, it's that 95% of your problems can be killed and eaten.