Restrictive doors

Started by KillTyrant, April 18, 2015, 12:47:17 AM

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I am curious as to if tiered access doors could be implemented.

level 1 being access for everyone including visitors.
level 2 open access for colonist but restricted to visitors
level 3 Restriction to only white-listed colonist. People can be added to the whitelist much in the same way colonist can be assigned to a specific bed.



Interesting, though it will continue to make easy a few way to starve visitor to death.
"Sam Starfall joined your colony"
"Sam Starfall left your colony with all your valuable"
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[Story] Imagine a Storyteller !


What possible application could level 3 have?
"The power of friendship destroyed the jellyfish."


divide colonist into groups or classes, for instance you created a building for an specific group of colonist, you dont want others to come in or the ones in to come out.

other aplication would be to reduce the effects of unpleasant work as moving corposes, butchering other human like lifeforms and such.
if you can imagine it I can build it with pixels.
if I cant well then imagine something else.


Quote from: NoImageAvailable on April 18, 2015, 12:36:06 PM
What possible application could level 3 have?

Obviously you've never built a large colony where management of work tables, colonist skills and work schedules has been an issue.  While A10 added colonist schedules, it still is one-sided.

I use Haplo's PowerSwitch to control *when* tables are on to limit power consumption during the nights, A10 pawn scheduling helps with that too now.  But, I'd like to white-list doors to prevent certain pawns from transversing areas.  For example, the MD2 Droids, I will build a 1x1 room which only contains the interaction cell of a work table and a droid charging pad in the same spot.  This way I can force my droids to produce a given product 24/7 (typically stone blocks or other low-tier raw resources which don't require a powered table or any skill).

Group-listing and white-listing doors would be a huge management bonus.
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Quote from: Kegereneku on April 18, 2015, 12:32:12 PM
Interesting, though it will continue to make easy a few way to starve visitor to death.
i know that could be a problem, but no more of a problem then have a pre-existing room being fully completed around a group of visitors. That exploit isnt limited to the possible implimentation of this rough draft idea. Though i still appreciate the feedback