Updating mods.... any idea why Tyran changes things like:

Started by pktongrimworld, May 23, 2015, 01:23:44 AM

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<hasinteractionsquare> to <hasInteractionCell>

and many many other painful minor little word changes that screw up mods.

is there a point to that?

*is there a quick way to find out what got changed?


Heath -> Hitpoints

Dont remmber the rest , your best bet is just to see the errors in console and check the core files to compare.

Im not sure why tynan changes this stuff, i personally take it its his sadistic side ;p
All i do is clutter all around.


Quote from: pktongrimworld on May 23, 2015, 01:23:44 AM
<hasinteractionsquare> to <hasInteractionCell>
Makes it easier to read for future modders? Improves the tag readability.

Quote from: pktongrimworld on May 23, 2015, 01:23:44 AM
*is there a quick way to find out what got changed?
THAT would be helpful indeed.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


Yep. Also "<Etype>" or something like that. I think Tynan change it because XML's will be more "clean". Anyway i think he should do something like this:
*Alpha 10 - Yey!*

*Tynan - hey guys i changed this and this, so update your mods until Alpha 11 will come out*

This would be very helpful, because modders would have time to update their mods (and mods still would be playable even mods from A9) but they would know that they need to update mods anyway, because Winter Alpha 11 is coming.


It's done because Rimworld is still in Alpha and keeping the system clean and expandable has priority over not breaking mods.

Quote from: pktongrimworld on May 23, 2015, 01:23:44 AM
*is there a quick way to find out what got changed?

Well, if you still have Alpha 9, you could try using Winmerge or a similar tool to compare the XMLs from Alpha 9 to Alpha 10.


there is no way to keep "api" stable when new features added and existing change.


I would expect that after RimWorld v1.0 is released the changes on the modding side will be less severe between RimWorld updates.  But until RimWorld reaches 1.0...
(2*b)||!(2*b) - That is the question.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world - those that understand binary and those that don't.

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okay, so is not me just being newb then. (well thats part of it)

spent 3 days trying to update cybernetic storm. it was painful....

most of the changes were .... insignifercant. I mean,

<activity> to <capacity>
<Actmods> to <capmods>

Tyran why you do tis.

and minor stuff that feels like taking a dictionary and changing random words.

but took painful amount of time to find it all. (*atleast in cybernetic storm anyways*)

I had to take like 5 other mods that works to find the lines to fix CS. it crazy how all the changes were like minor word changes.


If you read the changelog, every time he says "refactoring" it means he's gone and changed something :P it's easy for him, all he has to do is click a couple of buttons and it changes everything in the project, but for us we have to go through and find every little word that has been changed :(


Quote from: mipen on May 24, 2015, 08:33:32 AM
If you read the changelog, every time he says "refactoring" it means he's gone and changed something :P it's easy for him, all he has to do is click a couple of buttons and it changes everything in the project, but for us we have to go through and find every little word that has been changed :(

guess thats where I should start.... and arrgh just when I thought I fixed all the error logs, new ones pop up T.T


Would be useful if there was an XSD (XML Schema Definition) for each of the XML files, would make validating XML between version far easier.


Quote from: Shackleberry on June 22, 2015, 05:11:21 PM
Would be useful if there was an XSD (XML Schema Definition) for each of the XML files, would make validating XML between version far easier.
Shackleberry: Would be useful if there was an XSD (XML Schema Definition) for each of the XML files, would make validating XML between version far easier.


Quote from: Shackleberry on June 22, 2015, 05:11:21 PM
Would be useful if there was an XSD (XML Schema Definition) for each of the XML files, would make validating XML between version far easier.
def schema validation would be of help. Without it, beyond compare, winmerge and so on.
<Stay on the scene like a State machine>


It benefits in the long term. In each case, the name gets better.

"PawnActivity" is extremely vague. Is it a skill? A work type? An action they can undertake? A kind of job? It was poorly named in the first place.

"PawnCapacity" is much more specific and hard to mistake. "Capacity" is even a medical word in real life.

Similarly, interactionSquare->interactionCell is because "square" was changed to "cell" game-wide. It's shorter, less ambiguous, and also will work in 3D if the game ever goes that way.

I'm sorry it takes effort to update now. However, I believe that this cost will be paid for many times over in the years to come, because developing will be easier and smoother when everything is named as perfectly as possible. Naming is a big issue in software development, and takes constant effort.

Updating this shouldn't be a multi-day process. It's just a series of find and replace operations. Just make sure you have a good multi-file F+R tool and know how to use it well; it's not that bad!
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Tynan on June 23, 2015, 02:15:39 AM
(...)and also will work in 3D if the game ever goes that way. (...)

Half Life 3 z-layers confirmed!