Everyone Knows...

Started by TLHeart, May 29, 2015, 01:40:52 PM

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As we have all seen and read, at the beginning of the game,

Everyone knows that you don't want to stay on this rock for long.

But many of us do stay, and build a sustainable colony. Reading the change log, Tynan is making the planet much less friendly to those who want to stay... Is this statement at the beginning of the game, a foretold of the future to come, that he will do everything he can to force us to want to leave?


Well that statement might be true for the first few days. I mean, if you're just crawled out of a capsule crashed on an unknown hostile world, that's probably what you would think of.
They also suggest to give your settlement a name later on, that might indicate that they've realised they're here to stay for a long time


There's no need to overinterpret that sentence.
It doesn't negate a change of minds decided by the player.

Still, to me it would be an error to consider infinite game duration should be the objective.

I made a suggestion topic about getting various ending and storyteller for everybody.
Some storyteller can be made to increase the challenge continuously until it End, including by your death.
Other storyteller could be made to ensure the challenge never get overwhelming.
And obviously you can change Storyteller midgame.
"Sam Starfall joined your colony"
"Sam Starfall left your colony with all your valuable"
Write an Event
[Story] Write an ending ! (endless included)
[Story] Imagine a Storyteller !


I have nothing against infinite-play styles and I hope to support them more and more as the game develops more content.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Well, as long as I don't feel the Storyteller going easy on me... i suppose it is only a question of setting.
But i think it raise the question of how short a game can be with research and resources gathering. I'm not a fan of playing 5~8 years before reaching a conclusion.
"Sam Starfall joined your colony"
"Sam Starfall left your colony with all your valuable"
Write an Event
[Story] Write an ending ! (endless included)
[Story] Imagine a Storyteller !


Its quite simple, after 1 year mechanoids run out of power(faction destroyed), after 2 years pirates and tribals run out of members(faction destroyed). So now player main source of food, steel and cloths is gone, only thing left is a global psychic wave that affect all animals :P
All i do is clutter all around.


Quote from: mrofa on May 29, 2015, 06:10:22 PM
Its quite simple, after 1 year mechanoids run out of power(faction destroyed), after 2 years pirates and tribals run out of members(faction destroyed). So now player main source of food, steel and cloths is gone, only thing left is a global psychic wave that affect all animals :P

But what happens when we run out of animals?  :o


Quote from: Play2Jens on May 29, 2015, 07:41:33 PM
Quote from: mrofa on May 29, 2015, 06:10:22 PM
Its quite simple, after 1 year mechanoids run out of power(faction destroyed), after 2 years pirates and tribals run out of members(faction destroyed). So now player main source of food, steel and cloths is gone, only thing left is a global psychic wave that affect all animals :P

But what happens when we run out of animals?  :o
One of the colonist invents the internet, but! this time peeps that make reaction vids die horribly ;D
Its not a battle unless some limbs are getting shot off!


Although this does bring up the option for alternate starting scenarios. I'd really like an option for experianced players where your in a colony ship and your waylaid by pirates, so your ship settles down intact with lots of pawns, BUT your colonists are immediately attacked by a large pirate raid with no artificial or pre-constructed cover. So by the end of the raid, your not necessarily better off than three guys in drop pods.

As for long-term, we actually do need some more unique late-game events to keep player interest. So adding greater long-term danger is actually a plus in my opinion. But all this cool stuff can wait. Remember, we are still in early alpha!


Id like a random but very rare event thats totaly a late game thing. Kinda like the idea to bring u down in an intact ship, a message pops up saying that your colinists can see rubble and fiery debris falling at the planet from space, and then u get a few seconds to get ur guys into cover, then ur screen goes white for a monent, and when it goes back normal a huge chunk of the maps bee replaced with a spaceship thats plowed into the ground. Theres flames all over the map and chunks of spaceship everywhere. Some might even smash a bit of ur base. The ship couldve hit a mountain or hit an open plain. It could be mostly intact, slightly banged up, or torn in half and scatered accross the map. It would belong to any faction. Could be full of machanoids, pirates, traders, or colonists for the planet. It might have resources, guns, food, supplies, ship parts. Could have anything really. But a big point is it changes the map drematically so players in for the long hall definetly wont get bored considering that the maps just entirly changed, and may have just dropped a ton of enemies on ur head.
Whats Rimworld without a little cannabilism/ murder/ maniacs/ crazy tribes/ nasty pirates/ nutcase animals/ genocidal robots etc.


Quote from: Tynan on May 29, 2015, 04:55:32 PM
I have nothing against infinite-play styles and I hope to support them more and more as the game develops more content.

Thanks tynan, just with the change log, and all the nastiness added, I had to ask.


Quote from: Kegereneku on May 29, 2015, 04:34:50 PM
Still, to me it would be an error to consider infinite game duration should be the objective.

This a million times. Playing on Randy on Extreme with sporatic raids and sieges is super fun to have to deal with on its own. Then slap on the fact that I make my own goals (Like mining out a huge mountain and filling it with batteries for funsies) is just entertaining on it's own.

When I heard you can "win" the game with the spaceship, I was like "meh, I'll never do it.". But some people roll that way, and they might as well have it if they wanna do it.


Oh I'm definitely not against infinite player either.
But I don't wish to loose the feeling of accomplishment that come with finishing a game and keeping a good memory of it before it get tedious.
And since Rimworld is such a massively creative game, it might as well have different ending fitting everyone.
"Sam Starfall joined your colony"
"Sam Starfall left your colony with all your valuable"
Write an Event
[Story] Write an ending ! (endless included)
[Story] Imagine a Storyteller !


Quote from: Kegereneku on May 30, 2015, 09:47:18 AM
Oh I'm definitely not against infinite player either.
But I don't wish to loose the feeling of accomplishment that come with finishing a game and keeping a good memory of it before it get tedious.
And since Rimworld is such a massively creative game, it might as well have different ending fitting everyone.

I could definitely get behind an idea like this.


my preferred ending would be the "i wanna conquer teh friggin world and have a jillion babies ending". which would allow our colony to have more interaction with the world map and directly interact with different factions in their own turf in a long enough timespan (centuries) where bloodlines and family ties would have an indelible impact in the quality of your colony.  ;D

this way, as colonists get older (and maybe die of old age), they can pass off their traits and skills to their children. there can be family feuds, there can be wars and alliances between different colonies, there will be exploration, there will be conquest just like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4Xf games.

rimworld could have epic stories on the same scale as dune or warhammer, etc.


of course, this goes way beyond the initial concept of rimworld, so it's just wishful thinking.

i'm just a fan of 4x games so i think this way. haha.