rimworld biggest map size is playable

Started by gunner123, June 28, 2015, 09:06:55 AM

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hey guys so me and my father built a computer back in '07 or '08 but the video card burnt out about 4 years ago so in '11 but i fixed it anyway i just wanted to see how big the biggest map size was but ended up keeping it because i can keep 60 fps while playing so here is my rig which i don't expect many to have anything like this.
Processor   Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
Video Card   NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Memory   3.1 GB
Operating System   Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit
my cpu is a 64-bit but when we replaced the video card my dad used the wrong disk so when i get more ram i will be changing to a 64-bit


I guess it's just there as a disclaimer. For example it makes a big difference if people have an internal graphic card. My processor is a little bit faster and I also have a bit more RAM, but the biggest map size lags like hell and is not really playable for me. :/


you can start with a big map no problems at all but later on in game you will find out will your PC will able to handle it or not will it start to lagg or not
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I noticed that whenever a raid/visitors spawn I seem to lag for a second or two, outside of that; no performance issues.


Quote from: Skissor on June 28, 2015, 09:32:22 AM
I guess it's just there as a disclaimer. For example it makes a big difference if people have an internal graphic card. My processor is a little bit faster and I also have a bit more RAM, but the biggest map size lags like hell and is not really playable for me. :/
ya my laptop has an integrated video card (which is the same as an internal video card?) and i can barley play on the medium map sizes :( no rimworld on the go. 


I moved to using the biggest sized maps in A10 when I installed combat realism mod and had some sniper rifles with 180 range.
I found the game ran pretty much the same as before, However the game tends to tank faster than it does on small maps, by year 2 or 3 you lag very map unless you always cleaning the map of critters and keeping your colonists active.


fun fact, everything is playable. It just depends on weather or not you will sit through the slow moments


i like it to play on little and big maps same.
but its intressting too, to use cheat engine to make 800x800 maps and build dream bases :)


Quote from: leax256 on June 29, 2015, 08:20:15 AM
fun fact, everything is playable. It just depends on weather or not you will sit through the slow moments
True story. I'm too impatient tho :P
I like turtles.