A12 its all gone a bit Scottish.

Started by Listy, September 11, 2015, 10:54:00 AM

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Word of advise: Do not land in a tropical rain forest! Its a green hell and you'll end up like the Scottish Empire scheme.
I kept on loosing people to heat stroke, infections and rabid Cobras. I hate Cobra's. If one of them gets wounded in anyway, its instantly Cobra revenge, oh and all his mates join in to mug your colonists. For example a Boomalope had a heart attack and exploded, instantly all the Cobras declared it to be my colonies fault and Charge!
I did laugh when I used a Insanity lance on a Pirate, who attacked a Cobra, and caused all the cobra's to mob the Pirates though, so its not all bad.

The heat stroke victims all became unconscious while in bed so there was no way of me moving them, and then Dead.

The Story teller will chuck malaria around with gay abandon. Oh how I laughed when 12 of my 15 colonists caught malaria in two disease out brakes right after one another.

I think I've lost more colonists in this run through on the "easy" Biome than I have in any other one colony. And that's without winter to worry about!

I heartily recommend it.. just grow LOTS of Xerigum


One of my last colonies was in a jungle. For me, the Sleeping Sickness was the worst. Of course, my cook and my best doctor are the ones that got it. I swear they were stuck in bed for MONTHS. Plague? No big deal. Malaria? Ah, just out for a little bit. Sleeping sickness? Well, that colonist is out for the count for the greater foreseeable future.
"In vertigo you will be..."

"Relax, people. It's a teeny indie game; don't kill it with love." - Bozobub


Infections are countered by keeping your hospitals (or anywhere else you are treating colonists) clean. Infections progress significantly faster in dirty rooms. Cleaning is a VERY VERY important job in Rimworld.

Someone with severe heatstroke in their bed can be moved by changing the designation of the bed to a prison bed. Then put a medical bed in an area with a cooling system. (I do this with prisoner a lot during heat waves, often throwing them in my larder/freezer until they cool off.)


forget hauling primary your pointless colonist on cleaning and then handling to teach animals to become haul beasts :P

that and zone your "base" colonists to stay at (within range of sentry turrets)
either way i'll have to try GreenHell for my next letsplay :P
Yes another god damn youtuber.


Quote from: Jamini on September 11, 2015, 11:12:37 AM
Infections are countered by keeping your hospitals (or anywhere else you are treating colonists) clean. Infections progress significantly faster in dirty rooms. Cleaning is a VERY VERY important job in Rimworld.

I know. The issue is do I clean or do job X that also requires my immediate attention? Especially at the start of a colony, and once again I'm desperately reminded of the request for separating "home" and "Cleaning" zones. Which should be even more important now Cleaning is so important.

No, no, that's fine Mr colonist, you go mop that patch of fields where we've planted crops, while the hospital is filthy, we understand. After all plants react well to bleech and water...

It's at that point I desperately wanted the dungeon keeper ability to slap my colonist.

Quote from: FridayBiology on September 11, 2015, 11:26:06 AM
forget hauling primary your pointless colonist on cleaning and then handling to teach animals to become haul beasts :P

Funny thing, there was an incident with a Centipede and an inferno cannon that killed off my Hauling husky, and incidentally burnt my survival rifle away. Leaving me with three pistols, two of which were in dodgy condition that'd Salvaged when two Manhunting elephants showed up...

Even funnier, an Asylum event was one guy who showed up with weakened walking and the raid dropped right behind him. Guess who got clubbed to death. Ahh Colonist whatever your name was, you were part of the colony for all of 30 seconds...

As I said, its been a hard game! So much so at the end of October in the first year the Story teller was still giving me escape capsule and asylum events (did use one of those asylum requests to kite a mob of hostiles from two different factions into each other so I could watch the carnage).


What's your highscore with malaria ? Mine's 7/14 in the same instant.

Sleeping Sickness has very low lethality. Just treat your colonist every time a treatment is needed, and he doesn't need to stay in bed. Only keep him in bed if he's old, because immunity progresses slower for old people.

FMJ Penguin

I actually do really really dig the fact that there's more weight on non-combat issues now but.... but.... yeah maybe some tweaking is in order?

Infections are just laughable.... Cleaning seems to only affect the initial chance to get an infection but not immunity-development  rate so it may as well be the black death if you get a scratch and remotely unlucky early on. It never fails, it's always a torso infection from a scratch lolz.. if I could cut off a torso?

That said if I had a choice between the insanity of it all in a12 or utter dull-drum of previous alphas.... I'll take the black death 7 days a week.
Bits & bobs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/buuxpswcu9rzh3o/AABlRN4f2E4UNfDY8a_RoA6Ea?dl=0 All open source so sell it to Adolf for a new pair of sneaks if you like.
"Curious.... How many credit hours does it take tell you can make a comment like that without laughing uncontrollably at yourself?"


Quote from: FMJ Penguin on September 11, 2015, 12:09:42 PM
Cleaning seems to only affect the initial chance to get an infection but not immunity-development  rate

Nope. Clean treatment rooms also increase how fast immunity rate goes up, as does how much rest the pawn is getting.

FMJ Penguin

Ahhh well the rest thing would make sense then because my prisoners always die from them ridiculously fast. And of course they're the last ones to get a real bed.

I'm not sure what the deal is with the immunity rate but it seems to increase extremely slowly for me regardless of hospital beds, clean rooms, clean tiles, etc.. To the point of feeling broken as it's almost always certain death. Prolly doesn't help that I play towards that end now days. I've just sorta accepted that they're dead so rarely bother trying to save em haha
Bits & bobs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/buuxpswcu9rzh3o/AABlRN4f2E4UNfDY8a_RoA6Ea?dl=0 All open source so sell it to Adolf for a new pair of sneaks if you like.
"Curious.... How many credit hours does it take tell you can make a comment like that without laughing uncontrollably at yourself?"


No, FMJ Penguin was right, room cleanlines does not affect immunity gain, only infection chance. The only way to raise immunity gain speed are hospital beds and vitals monitors as far as I'm aware, otherwise treating diseases completely relies on slowing progress of the disease enough to allow the sick pawn get immune.

FMJ Penguin

Quote from: Rahjital on September 11, 2015, 01:01:01 PM
No, FMJ Penguin was right, room cleanlines does not affect immunity gain, only infection chance. The only way to raise immunity gain speed are hospital beds and vitals monitors as far as I'm aware, otherwise treating diseases completely relies on slowing progress of the disease enough to allow the sick pawn get immune.

There any other way to slow it besides those two things that you know of? Curious as it would be nice to have some option early on. At least some chance at survival if you do get infected, even if it was only like 20% chance. Take any advice or tips I can get.  :) If not then I guess I'll have to edit some research or something in these mods I'm using I guess.
Bits & bobs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/buuxpswcu9rzh3o/AABlRN4f2E4UNfDY8a_RoA6Ea?dl=0 All open source so sell it to Adolf for a new pair of sneaks if you like.
"Curious.... How many credit hours does it take tell you can make a comment like that without laughing uncontrollably at yourself?"


Amputating the body part is my new tactic if i get an infection with no medicine.

Even harder with the ultimate mod pack XD


Quote from: Fernbhoy on September 11, 2015, 02:39:19 PM
Amputating the body part is my new tactic if i get an infection with no medicine.

Even harder with the ultimate mod pack XD

"be prepared" is a better tactic.

currently on randy random extreme, jungle biome. just got rid of 2 colonists due brain problems, had 2 guys and then 2 more with sleeping sickness, which is one of the most annoying sickness in game, specially when the victim is a teetotaler and can't be forced to drin kbeer.

and yeah: cobras are HELL xDDD


here are the different areas that affect immunity, which can all be increased by a hospital bed and a vitals monitor.

As you can see, blood filtration is most important, ie the kidneys.
Then comes food, rest, in bed, and age.

FMJ Penguin

Omg.., how full up your pawn is actually matters for immunity buildup speed? My dudes don't eat tell they're on E lol.
Bits & bobs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/buuxpswcu9rzh3o/AABlRN4f2E4UNfDY8a_RoA6Ea?dl=0 All open source so sell it to Adolf for a new pair of sneaks if you like.
"Curious.... How many credit hours does it take tell you can make a comment like that without laughing uncontrollably at yourself?"