Exclusion Zones?

Started by Shadou, October 08, 2015, 11:18:32 PM

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Is there any way to add animal exclusion zones? Areas where animals are not allowed to go?

I like to train my herd of huskies to haul, and so they tend to follow my miner all over the map to where she mines, and they carry the stuff she mines back to the base. If I restrict my huskies to a particular area, they won't be able to go do that anymore. But they've been getting into my Xerigium, and it doesn't seem to have much nourishment value to them, so they end up eating a few before they decide they've had enough. So could we have animal exclusion zones added so I can set them up for my xerigium and other various farm areas? My animals tend to eat four or five of them before either looking for better fare or deciding that's enough 'for now'.


Have you tried tweaking the animal's allowed areas? Setting the allowed area to everywhere but the xerigium should work.

Thankfully the dogs eating plants should be dialed down next alpha:

That said, I'd love a straight-up zone that no one's allowed to enter. That would solve issues with visitors triggering IEDs and traps too.


Ok, so... given that we're barely a month into hiatus, we can expect a fix for this sometime after the next 5 months then? Or is there any chance at all of a release anytime before then?


Quote from: Shadou on October 10, 2015, 12:15:11 AM
Ok, so... given that we're barely a month into hiatus, we can expect a fix for this sometime after the next 5 months then? Or is there any chance at all of a release anytime before then?

Not much chance before that. Just gotta make the entire map an allowed zone, then remove the spot you don't want animals entering.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


Quote from: Z0MBIE2 on October 10, 2015, 12:43:37 AM
Quote from: Shadou on October 10, 2015, 12:15:11 AM
Ok, so... given that we're barely a month into hiatus, we can expect a fix for this sometime after the next 5 months then? Or is there any chance at all of a release anytime before then?

Not much chance before that. Just gotta make the entire map an allowed zone, then remove the spot you don't want animals entering.

Which is really, really easy to do, quite frankly, because of the invert area function.


Quote from: NuclearStudent on October 10, 2015, 12:57:19 AM
Which is really, really easy to do, quite frankly, because of the invert area function.

Your suggestion intrigues me, and I would like to know more. Tell me about this... "Invert area" function.


Quote from: Shadou on October 10, 2015, 01:34:58 AM
Quote from: NuclearStudent on October 10, 2015, 12:57:19 AM
Which is really, really easy to do, quite frankly, because of the invert area function.

Your suggestion intrigues me, and I would like to know more. Tell me about this... "Invert area" function.

I'm a little surprised that it isn't common knowledge, but the tutorial doesn't really tell you how to do it.

1. Select an area as an allowed area.
2. Go to "Manage Allowed Areas." The button to do so is in the tab of "Expand Allowed Areas" and "Clear Allowed Area. You must click on the button to go to "Manage Allowed Areas."
3. You will see the list of the colonist allowed areas and the animal allowed areas.

There will X marks besides each of the areas listed in the list. Clicking the Xs allows you to delete an allowed area. Besides the X marks are two boxes, respectively labeled "Rename" and "Invert Area." If you don't see a list of areas, either your game is fucked and a new, interesting bug has appeared, or you are in the wrong menu.

4. Click the button for "Invert Area" that is besides the area you wish to invert.
5. Everywhere but the area you had initially selected will be allowed.


Nuclear... I did not realize that was a thing. Probably read it and just forgot about it. Tynan's still a bloody genius,  because that makes it easy for this specific situation.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


Quote from: Z0MBIE2 on October 10, 2015, 11:15:11 AM
Nuclear... I did not realize that was a thing. Probably read it and just forgot about it. Tynan's still a bloody genius,  because that makes it easy for this specific situation.

Spread the word!  ;D