Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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Give raw meat a different quality than raw plants.

That way, our guys will eat corn/berries before human flesh.

Alternatively, give cannibal foods their own quality and have it so cannibals consider, well, cannibal foods, to be the highest available

So to a cannibal:

Raw human flesh, lavish human meal, fine human meal, then simple human meal; then as normal

Non-Cannibal:As normal, but all cannibalistic meals are at the bottom; so they'd eat a simple non-cannibal meal before a cannibal fine meal.


I'd like to see some sort of food preservation other than freezing food. This would remove the need of oversized freezers that require lots of coolers and space when your colonies grow to larger populations. Canning food seems to be the most realistic/feasible option. The foods could even still spoil but over long periods of time making them great for emergency situations or a reserve supply for when the long winter months get your food supply low. And to keep this from being OP it could require a meal instead of raw ingredients to be canned maybe even only fine or lavish meals.


I don't know how easy this is but I think it would be great if there was a way to allow prisoners to go through certain doors. Just like a check mark that toggles if a prisoner gets locked in or can pass through, same as our colonist.

This prevents them from getting Cabin Fever, we can make a yard/garden for them to walk around during the day to get them more beauty. It also allows for separate cells and the ability to use Nutrient paste dispensers(Since there is no way to tell colonist to feed certain meals to prisoners I end up giving prisoners fine meals. I'd much rather save the fine meals for my colonist. Plus it saves time as my wardens don't have to keep running around to distribute meals) Currently the only way to use the paste dispenser for prisoner is to make one big complex with multiple beds.

Eventually I'd like to see some kind of prison labor system (plant, clean, art, etc) though that's probably pretty big. I'd be nice if prisoners you can't get to join the colony could be useful. (Other than for the slave traders or the bulk goods trader(if you know what I mean)


Problem: My colonists go out into the wilderness to clean rock rubble around my power lines, wasting time.

Solution: Remove cleaning from home zone functionality completely and create a new zone just for cleaning. Automatically added around new structures just like the home zone, and can be expanded/taken away in the same fashion.


Problem: Colonists are too hot during summer and too cold during winter.

Problem: switching everyone's outfits from my summer wear to winter wear outfits takes too many clicks to do every six months.

Solution: Add a button to apply a single outfit to all colonists at once. Place it on the same level of the 'Manage outfits' button, aligned all the way to the right edge of the window.

Added benefit: This makes it practical to set a war outfit that swaps out cowboy hats for protective headgear. If I get a raid that prepares for a while before attacking, I have time to protect everyone.

Further detail: add a 'lock outfit' button to the right of each line's 'edit...' button to prevent that line's colonist from the mass-change-outfit functionality. My nudists will stay nude, rain, snow, or shine!


Problem: Selling all of the clothing under 50% is a hassle. Click-flick, Click-flick, Click-flick, Click-flick, Click-flick, Click-flick, Click-flick, ...

Solution: add a button to each trader screen that automatically flicks all clothes under 50% to the sell position.


Problem: I want this turret built ASAP, but manually prioritizing a colonist to build it will only get me some hauled steel before the colonist wanders off to go jerk off in his room.

Solution: when a colonist is selected and you right-click a building blueprint, add an option for 'Prioritize working on XXXXX until it's done.'. This will force them to work, putting aside any other needs, even superseding food, rest, and joy.


Problem: I'm playing RimWorld in one monitor while watching YouTube in the other. Suddenly a thunderstorm hits and I can't hear shit from YouTube anymore.

Solution: add a slider in the options menu, between game volume and music volume, for weather volume.


Problem: I missed something. Did one of my colonists just die from a missing bodypart out in the wilderness? The message already faded!

Solution: add a hotkey (`, my choice) to open a window that lets you scroll through all of your recent messages from the top-left corner of the screen.


Problem: I can't tell if something is roofed. The lighting isn't coming down right this time of day... I"m trying to plan my buildings and I can't figure out the roofing! Mousing over each individual square takes too long.

Solution: add a button near the bottom-right of the screen, next to the beauty display, that adds a semi-transparant pink filter over every square on the screen that has a roof over it.

Better Solution: add a button near the bottom-right of the screen, next to the beauty display that's called 'toggle x-ray display'. Turning it off gives you what appears to be a bird's-eye-view of your map, with a new graphic for mountaintops and the roofs of colonist-built structures. This also helps the player figure out what is roofed and what isn't.


Problem: I'm overflowing with clothes and I need to sell them. The RNG gods are too fickle for me.

Solution: add a command when right-clicking the comms console - send up trade beacon. Fullfilling requires hauling 100 steel and 100 silver to the console and building 100 units of work before it goes out. Can be used to request any type of trader.


add three levels of brewing to the brew table, just like the cook stove.

simple brew,  10 hops required

beer, 5 hops, 5 food.

Quality liquor, 10 hops, 10 food.


This is my first post on this forum and I do not know whether the ideas similar to mine have been proposed in this topic, so read and calculate. sorry for my spelling in English.

1.Let's go back to reality, this is the game talking about survival after the accident spacecraft, so let it be. Joy mods destroy true game sense. If it's not, it schould be. 4 example if one of our survivors will watch to much tv, get's dumb faster.

2.The status bar expand to 1000 points, give more modyficators, like God why i shit my pants?

3.Mounting weapons on pods, workbench needed to make powerfull turret, now it look like: shieeet i maked a turret witch a brick of something taken from stone wall.

4. Techtree based on survivors life, like one from glitterworld doesn't know anything about mechanic, but knows a lot about social things. Space mechanics knows everything about their job but don't know anything about planting.

5.Smelters! Mine iron and coal and make steel.

6.Limb transplants and weapon upgrades with minigame to make awesome things or shits.

7.Diablo 2 crafting and enchanting proces.

I have a lot more ideas bigger or smaller, just rate thoes from this post, and we will see.

Turtle Dude

Something that will help me with so much would be another type of periorty quest for stockpiles, and production tables. A way to say what type of material.

I want/wish to be able to say on the smelter table in the details about smelting weapons to state that they should only smelt these weapons that will give this resources.

this would also be nice for a resource pile as an extra option because I can then place all those weapons, or other items near a workbench or in safe places for later use without getting tons of other crap.

Another idea making it so you can set grow zones to not be used, I keep having an issue with my freezer filling to the point it's full completely of the plants I harvest from my grow zones.


Infinite research for profit.

When the game is finished and everything has been researched, you should be able to research various fields of science and sell your discoveries.

Simple small boxes like organs to place at the beacon.

The descriptions can be vague and amusing like the crafted art in the game.