Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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Quote from: Azovie on July 27, 2015, 12:44:27 PM
Quote from: AruBun on July 26, 2015, 10:05:21 PM
(quote mostly omitted)
... A lot of the temperature stuff has issues of varying severity. ...

If this is true I sure hope Tynan and Co. contacts you or at least gives your words some merit. I love the temperature aspects of the game but I have noticed strange anomalies too especially with cooling corridors vs square rooms of the exact same tile size.

Ever seem like a lone cooler is conspicuously always at high power? I found out why, and I didn't make the connection until after I found the suspect in the code. Each of the issues is totally different, oddly, but for the cooler specifically (heater has the same problem but it manifests less severely) it outputs exactly the amount of cooling needed to reach the target temperature in a single time period (if it can), but the power it consumes and the heat it puts out are as though it remained at full load for the entire time period. I like the fact that they don't work like a thermostat, they don't have two thresholds, one for off and one for on, instead they just give what is needed. But they don't account for the partial output properly in their energy use and heat output. (edit: Meaning they can remain at full power, instead of correctly switching to 10% idle power, even when barely any cooling is needed/received from them... from what I read airlocks *should* help efficiency, but this problem completely defeats them because coolers/heaters would stay at full load most of the time even when it's overkill for keeping the selected temperature, and as with other temperature things, I can tell it's not how they were intended to work.) (edit again: I don't think I fully grasp all of the temperature mechanics in the game, I kind of got tired of trying to read ugly decompiled code, but I'm pretty certain about the things I mentioned.) (edit yet again: I can tell you, from looking at the code, that the number of wall tiles bordering the room affects how rapidly it equalizes with the outdoor temperature... twice the wall tiles, twice the influence. Room area is the other active contributor to equalization with outdoor temperature, however it doesn't look like it works correctly. Closed doors, open doors, and vents cause different rates of equalization with other rooms. Materials for walls and doors (including natural walls) don't matter.)


Quote from: AruBun on July 27, 2015, 10:27:21 PM....Materials for walls and doors (including natural walls) don't matter.)
I was wondering about that! Looks like i built all my fridge doors out of rock for no reason.
Look for me on the KSP forums!
Rimworld. The game where getting a cannibal psychopath with bloodlust is a good thing.


Another reason to make manual prioritizing override forbidden stuff: repairing doors bashed from the other side.
Currently doing this is as fun as the pull-out method. You can't repair forbidden doors, but if you unforbid them
a) other colonists might come by and let raiders in
b) the colonist who was repairing decides to open the door, letting raiders in

So you end up repairing until something like 90%, then forbidding the door, then unforbidding and repairing, and so on, over and over.

How about some combat stats for pawns and turrets ? How much damage a particular turret caused ? How much it took ? How much damage a colonist caused ? Keep track of this.

While placing an IED traps, I'd like to see a blast radius indicator, similar to how it's done with improvised turrets and sunlamps.


Would it be possible to have wargs eat what they kill, instead of leaving the corpses on the ground?


Oh, this isn't really a suggestion, but a tip to follow up what I was saying about coolers being broken. If you have multiple coolers cooling the same room, you can partially circumvent the issue when you have multiple coolers on the same room by staggering their target temperatures, though one of them will still consume more energy and put out more heat than it's supposed to, because it will stay on all the time. But, some of them being off, and one being on all the time instead of sometimes, is better than all of them being on all the time to reach the same temperature, right?


Pawns should rejoice after a long bad event, like volcanic winter and toxic fallout. Maybe simply make it based on duration of the event, so a long eclipse would qualify too, but not a short one.


I'd like to suggest that pawns not instantly die when their heart is destroyed.  Basically, give a chance to save them, if we have a harvested heart in storage and can get them to a hospital bed in time.


yeah, it does seem a bit weird to have a harvestable heart if we cant do anything with it in game..
Look for me on the KSP forums!
Rimworld. The game where getting a cannibal psychopath with bloodlust is a good thing.


Quote from: hairlessOrphan on July 18, 2015, 01:34:15 AM
On the world map, when you select a landing site, add some filters. Should be pretty cheap (if you don't worry about speed, which you shouldn't have to, since it's a one-time thing for players). Filter by stone type, min and max temperatures, growing season months.

Especially stone type. I love the granite and marble maps.

This +1.  We have a visual map of temperature, rainfall, elevation, terrain, but nothing for stone type.


What about one way conductors? It would make it much easier to make redundant batteries, that gets powered by power generators (solar panel, geothermal...), and in the case of power shortage not every system will run out of power at the same time.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Quote from: elec on August 01, 2015, 10:18:15 AM
What about one way conductors? It would make it much easier to make redundant batteries, that gets powered by power generators (solar panel, geothermal...) but in the case of power shortage, not every system will run out of power, at the same time.
I just use a power switch in the doorway. Switch off when batterys are charged, switch on if power is needed (ie: attack during eclipse etc.)
Look for me on the KSP forums!
Rimworld. The game where getting a cannibal psychopath with bloodlust is a good thing.


I search for a workbench to repair weapons and clothes/armor


Quote from: hairlessOrphan on July 18, 2015, 01:34:15 AM
On the world map, when you select a landing site, add some filters. Should be pretty cheap (if you don't worry about speed, which you shouldn't have to, since it's a one-time thing for players). Filter by stone type, min and max temperatures, growing season months.

Especially stone type. I love the granite and marble maps.

+1 for this... of the 5 stone types, granite is strongest, and marble is prettiest.

Quote from: Mr.Cross on July 17, 2015, 08:51:36 PM
Tynan, Instead of insta-jumping when you click on a 'jump to event' perhaps you could have it scroll there instead? that way you know which direction they are from your base (as well as not having to go searching for said base)

+1 this, so much, this *needs* to be a thing.

Quote from: AruBun on July 26, 2015, 10:15:46 PM
Quote from: praguepride on July 16, 2015, 12:56:56 PM
Flywheel capaciters: Batteries that don't explode into fire.
Usually when a flywheel at full speed explodes, it's far more uh, explosive than an electrical fire. All that energy is released not only much more rapidly, but as kinetic energy rather than heat. Would easily kill everything in the room, and neighboring rooms.

I thought I'd add, that it's not uncommon to put a high speed flywheel in a hole in the ground, for the sake of safety, then it wouldn't hurt anyone or anything in the event of failure, although it would still be completely destroyed, leaving behind only scrap metal. And a flywheel would probably require research, for materials, bearings, housing, mounting (must be aligned with planet's rotation axis), etc.

(aside about flywheels: It might be a nice energy recovery system for power stations... in many areas, energy prices are lower at night, during reduced load. Many flywheels are small, designed for spacecraft and hybrid cars (not talking about the traditional mechanical piston flywheel). Some are large diameter, I think there was a set of ~3 big ones used for some particle collider. The small ones need vacuum enclosures, kinetic 'armor' lining, magnetic bearings (possibly HT superconducting), and very advanced materials (carbon fiber) for the disc. (See "flywheel energy storage" wikipedia article.) The big ones are often totally exposed and lower tech, with lower edge velocity. Sometimes there's a safety mechanism to discharge excess energy in electrical resistors. Also, I believe the planned "Ford class" American carriers use flywheels to power the electromagnetic catapult, since flywheels can discharge their energy rapidly (electrical generators and structural integrity being the limiting factors)... I think most catapults are currently steam driven, interesting stuff.)

Quote from: Elec on August 01, 2015, 10:18:15 AM
What about one way conductors? It would make it much easier to make redundant batteries, that gets powered by power generators (solar panel, geothermal...), and in the case of power shortage not every system will run out of power at the same time.

I use switches to make a redundant array. I can add more batteries to the back as the colony grows, and I can add more sets if I want (don't think I need to). See attached image.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Plants which are indoors (not unroofed) shouldn't sway in the wind. Because there's no wind indoors.

CB elite

Quote from: b0rsuk on August 03, 2015, 06:30:19 AM
Plants which are indoors (not unroofed) shouldn't sway in the wind. Because there's no wind indoors.

♫The plants can dance if they wannoo
Even if they are inside
Cause your plants don't dance
And if they don't dance
Then they're no plants of mine♫
