Reattaching minor body bits?

Started by AllenWL, April 09, 2016, 08:48:38 AM

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is a bit over the top.

I mean, you ARE living in caves and just survived the ship crash and all...

not like you just walked out of a beauty parlor.


Quote from: pktongrimworld on April 10, 2016, 08:12:36 PM
is a bit over the top.

I mean, you ARE living in caves and just survived the ship crash and all...

not like you just walked out of a beauty parlor.

not really when you consider the rest of the game mechanics, I mean, half of your survivors won't do some very basic survival like hauling, planting some potatoes or defending themselves


Quote from: Negocromn on April 10, 2016, 08:17:09 PM
Quote from: pktongrimworld on April 10, 2016, 08:12:36 PM
is a bit over the top.

I mean, you ARE living in caves and just survived the ship crash and all...

not like you just walked out of a beauty parlor.

not really when you consider the rest of the game mechanics, I mean, half of your survivors won't do some very basic survival like hauling, planting some potatoes or defending themselves

hmmm, guess they are all a bunch of snobs.


Yeah, I can totally buy some noble background colonist who will only fight and hunt and flip switches reacting poorly to a disfigured colonist. ''But he's hideous!''


Quote from: hwoo on April 09, 2016, 01:54:32 PM
I think a simple fix would be that minor body parts fall to the floor as items. And like in real life. There's only a small window of time before you either reattach via surgery or freeze it till you can do so.

With medicine and high skill doctors and the ability to make freezers. We have all the in game tools necessary to do this.

I love the Idea of severed body parts being item's on the ground, very dwarf fortress-y and reattaching limbs is possible now so it should be possible in the future.

Quote from: AllenWL on April 10, 2016, 10:18:00 AM
It'd be nice if there where traits like 'dislikes scars' 'likes scars' or whatever, but we have more than enough traits as it is....

There is no such thing as to many traits, they just need to be better organized.

Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 10, 2016, 05:21:08 PM
Wait, what? Who gives a shit if someones got a scar? My dad has a nose that has been broken more times then you can count, been half scalped which left a scar along his hair line (sheat of iron blew off a roof he was working on and caught him in the head), crushed fingers, a star picket go through his knee - the list goes on - and I don't think anyone has ever not spoken to him because of any of that because he is a nice person.

You telling me you wouldn't talk to a firey because they have some burns?

I (and I hope most people) couldn't really give a shit what someone looks like, especially if it was a wound they sustained helping others, which when you get down to it, is how every wound in Rimworld comes about.

Surely you know that such people do exist, much like there are people who do the same because of skin color and its not that they don't talk to them its that it can be disturbing to look at someone with two-face syndrome and that make's them like there company less.

Quote from: christhekiller on April 10, 2016, 05:39:40 PM
Maybe, but when half your colony are scarred in some way then it kinda starts to get ridiculous

True, people with the same condition shouldn't suffer the debuff, if anyone can look beyond appearances its those in a similar position.

Mikhail Reign

Yeah but one would hope that's the minority and not the majority.


This'd be pretty cool, memories of Meeeshter Reynolds come to mind. ;)

Moderator on come join us! We don't bite


I'm telling ya, if it's severed and not crushed then it should fall to the floor as a item and be able to be surgically reattached.

Although if you did this then you could reverse engineer it and take minor body parts of raiders to supply your own people. Or if you just like to torture and don't use medicine. Pick your poison.

Mikhail Reign

People are grown in vats in the universe. Why cant I just grow Body parts? I mean we are already doing that now.


Holy Crap. ... bioengineering research; what a great idea!

IMHO,  the more stuff that gets added to the research tree, the better.

What else could you do with bioengineering?
-blight-resistant strains of crops
-faster-growing strains
-modify embryos to breed animals with improved stats
-engineer improved / replacement organs



Quote from: NephilimNexus on April 11, 2016, 01:45:35 PM
Need prosthetic head mod.

I don't know if you could really do that since the head is the only thing that keeps someone defined as human. After that they become an android and Im pretty sure we all have the same feeling about mechanoids. I wouldnt mind however being able to transplant heads. I recently had a prisoner that would have been fairly easy to recruit and had pretty amazing stats, but his spine was shattered when we captured him so he was literally useless. I just let him die of starvation to avoid the penalty for euthanizing/executing him. But what if I was able to do a head transplant and switch his stats with one of my other colonists, say Josephine, the Architect who can do almost nothing other than build and handle animals. That would be so cool to do a transplant like that and would have totally made it worth keeping the prisoner alive. I imagine it would have required like all the medical research projects to pull off though.


I think disfigured should only effect mating attractions,  if that,  and like someone said,  scars can be viewed as cool. Just scars though.

But as for platonic stuff,  i generally think it shouldn't matter much...  One of my best friends has a growth on his lip from radiation exposure,  but it doesn't bother me at all.

Definitely reattatching limbs / other stuff would be cool ,  and if not something to reattach,  butcher it for skin / meat.

Would also make fighting just a little more forgiving,  if a blown off leg could be reattached.  This said,  should depend on injuries,  and have a chance not to be salvageable.

Also, might get conplex to add,  like if an arm is shot off,  tracking finger,  and hand health too on it.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


EPOE allows you to transplant ears, noses, eyes and jaws. It also has hand and foot replacements ranging from hook hands and wooden feet up to bionic stuff.
We urgently need things like that in the base game, because right now if someone loses a hand, you need to TAKE OFF HIS ENTIRE ARM, giving him and everyone else in the colony a huge mood debuff for "Harvesting a colonists body part".

Then you have to re-install that arm and voilá, it has a new hand. Or you can take the arm off of a prisoner or whatevs, but you will always get the mood debuff.


Would probably be more believable and intuitive if the social debuff were scaled way back and it becomes a significant mood issue for the affected colonist. I was kind of surprised ugly people don't seem to have any self-esteem issues even though everyone explicitly dislikes them for being so damn ugly.