[MOD] (Alpha 5) BetterPower+ (V5.0.0): Updated 16/07/14

Started by Architect, February 28, 2014, 07:36:51 PM

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Quote from: NephilimNexus on April 17, 2014, 09:03:01 AM
Finally got the laser drill to work... thanks for the help!   Now burying planet in geothermal plants  :D

Excellent, glad to hear it :D what do you think your issue had been?

Also for everyone who is concerned, I'm leaving for ESMAT training, and will be gone for the next few days. Might still get some chances to come on though. Seeya dudes :P
Check out BetterPower+ and all its derivatives by clicking the picture below.

It adds many new methods of power generation and uses for it, as well as other things such as incidents.


Wall lights still tend to spawn wiring, not as much though. It looks like if they arent connected to batteries and the main energy source goes out then it will start to spawn.


Is there some way to stop the geysers from being created or does the event stop at a certain point?


Well, i guess ill have to take a look at the wall lights when i get him because too many people are still having an issue with it :/ as for the asteroid events, should only happen when the story teller is looking to give you something good because it thinks you need help.
Check out BetterPower+ and all its derivatives by clicking the picture below.

It adds many new methods of power generation and uses for it, as well as other things such as incidents.


How do you get wire coils? I rarely see traders and when I do they don't sell them so?



Ya I just found the table  :P I have so many mods like Clutter so I have lots of things to build. Also ya that light wall bug is still around but this time it is only when you are over your power supply limit.


The Buried Circuits research says that it protects them from explosions, but I just had a turret explode and take out some buried circuits.


so did u find out how to make a battery not blow its power do to the event yet ore is that still in the works


The emergence light have a glitch not sure why but they drain -30000 power when the turn on.
How do i remove your code to fix this so the do not turn on at all.


Quote from: Aenir on April 18, 2014, 12:01:27 AM
The Buried Circuits research says that it protects them from explosions, but I just had a turret explode and take out some buried circuits.

I think Aenir that what it means is that it prevents the conduits from exploding in the rain rather than prevents them from being damaged in general explosions; that's been my observation anyway.



Let me begin by saying thanks for the work you are putting into a great mod! I am enjoying the extra options this gives me without it feeling like it's breaking the game.

Just hit a snag though; for some reason my lit walls have suddenly started spawning wire coils whenever they switch between modes! They haven't been doing this previously, so not sure why they have suddenly started to do this? I know a previous poster had the same issue and I was wondering if you had discovered what the problem was yet or have any advice how I can stop the flood of wire (currently 2000+ coils!)?

Thanks again for a great mod!



Thanks for posting your update, mirrors and download page updated :)

You can find our mirror here:

Sorry for slight delay, been working too much coding the new Armaholic site which is due for launch soon. :)


Quote from: Architect on April 12, 2014, 11:29:47 AM.... I'm at a party right now, so you guys better appreciate how incredibly unsociable I'm about to look getting my laptop out and making the fix work properly :P
Wow mate talk about commitment. Thanks for all the time...now go be social, we don't need you to have a Mental Breakdown


Can you make one without the emergency lighting so I don't go negative power when they turn on.
I have a -30000 power on my base and have to reload to fix it.