[V1.1 to V1.2] Chemicals extraction & Neutroamine crafting (R1)

Started by ShadowTani, September 14, 2016, 09:06:28 PM

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XML error: Duplicate XML node name comps in this XML block: <ThingDef ParentName="AnimalThingBase"><defName>Boomalope</defName><label>boomalope</label><description>Engineered for chemicals production, the boomalope grows a large sac of volatile chemicals on its back. Though it is weak and fragile for its size, other animals have learned to avoid it because of the huge explosion it produces when it dies.</description><statBases><MoveSpeed>2.15</MoveSpeed><ComfyTemperatureMin>-15</ComfyTemperatureMin><MarketValue>290</MarketValue><MeleeDodgeChance>0.05</MeleeDodgeChance><MeleeCritChance>0.07</MeleeCritChance></statBases><comps><li Class="Chemical_Extraction.CompProperties_Extractable"><extractDef>Neutroglycerin</extractDef><extractIntervalDays>5</extractIntervalDays><chemicalAmount>10</chemicalAmount></li></comps><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.VerbPropertiesCE"><verbClass>CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE</verbClass><defaultCooldownTime>1.65</defaultCooldownTime><meleeDamageBaseAmount>20</meleeDamageBaseAmount><meleeDamageDef>Blunt</meleeDamageDef><linkedBodyPartsGroup>HeadAttackTool</linkedBodyPartsGroup><meleeArmorPenetration>0.13</meleeArmorPenetration></li></verbs><race><body>QuadrupedAnimalWithHoovesAndHump</body><deathActionWorkerClass>DeathActionWorker_BigExplosion</deathActionWorkerClass><executionRange>6</executionRange><herdAnimal>true</herdAnimal><baseBodySize>1.5</baseBodySize><baseHungerRate>1</baseHungerRate><baseHealthScale>0.65</baseHealthScale><foodType>VegetarianRoughAnimal</foodType><leatherColor>(176,150,106)</leatherColor><leatherInsulation>0.9</leatherInsulation><wildness>0.6</wildness><canBePredatorPrey>false</canBePredatorPrey><gestationPeriodDays>30</gestationPeriodDays><lifeExpectancy>15</lifeExpectancy><lifeStageAges><li><def>AnimalBaby</def><minAge>0</minAge></li><li><def>AnimalJuvenile</def><minAge>0.2</minAge></li><li><def>AnimalAdult</def><minAge>0.5</minAge><soundWounded>Pawn_Muffalo_Wounded</soundWounded><soundDeath>Pawn_Muffalo_Death</soundDeath><soundCall>Pawn_Muffalo_Call</soundCall><soundAngry>Pawn_Muffalo_Angry</soundAngry></li></lifeStageAges><soundMeleeHitPawn>Pawn_Melee_BigBash_HitPawn</soundMeleeHitPawn><soundMeleeHitBuilding>Pawn_Melee_BigBash_HitBuilding</soundMeleeHitBuilding><soundMeleeMiss>Pawn_Melee_BigBash_Miss</soundMeleeMiss></race><tradeTags><li>StandardAnimal</li><li>BadassAnimal</li></tradeTags><modExtensions><li Class="CombatExtended.RacePropertiesExtensionCE"><bodyShape>Quadruped</bodyShape></li></modExtensions><comps><li Class="CombatExtended.CompProperties_ShearableRenameable"><compClass>CombatExtended.CompShearableRenameable</compClass><growthLabel>Chemical fullness</growthLabel><shearIntervalDays>20</shearIntervalDays><woolAmount>20</woolAmount><woolDef>FSX</woolDef></li></comps></ThingDef>


Quote from: ShadowTani on June 22, 2017, 02:30:10 PM
Unfortunately Combat Extended is now apparently discontinued and I guess we'll have to wait until the community maintained alternative before we'll know if there's still conflicts.
Is it? There's nothing to suggest that in the forum post


I too would like to know if it's compatible. It threw an error on loading the mods regarding boomalopes and boomrats. Would hate to get into this mod and find my bullet crafting completely gimped.

EDIT: On changing the load order to load CE last, the error goes away but a new one is thrown regarding grenades, so I'm sure it's not related to this mod, probably a CE error.


Quote from: sadpickle on July 11, 2017, 07:40:19 PM
Quote from: ShadowTani on June 22, 2017, 02:30:10 PM
Unfortunately Combat Extended is now apparently discontinued and I guess we'll have to wait until the community maintained alternative before we'll know if there's still conflicts.
Is it? There's nothing to suggest that in the forum post


I too would like to know if it's compatible. It threw an error on loading the mods regarding boomalopes and boomrats. Would hate to get into this mod and find my bullet crafting completely gimped.

EDIT: On changing the load order to load CE last, the error goes away but a new one is thrown regarding grenades, so I'm sure it's not related to this mod, probably a CE error.

CE is not discontinued and never was, dunno where OP got that idea from.

Re the error, its because this mod's xpath patch needs to check first if the boomalope def already has a comp node, add it if it doesn't then add its custom comp to it. Otherwise it'll create duplicate comps nodes if another mod added it already. CE does the check which is why it works fine with it lower in the load order.

For reference, here is what the patch looks like in CE:

  <Operation Class="PatchOperationSequence">
      <li Class="PatchOperationTest">
      <li Class="PatchOperationAdd">
          <comps />

  <Operation Class="PatchOperationAdd">
      <li Class="CombatExtended.CompProperties_ShearableRenameable">
        <growthLabel>Chemical fullness</growthLabel>
"The power of friendship destroyed the jellyfish."


A quality of life suggestion: A bulk recipe regarding neutroamine processing (x4 or 5), perhaps?

Also, since there are many mods that involve neutroamine production (a popular one being Vegetable Garden's Neutroflower), perhaps the recipe should also be specially labelled for neutroglycerin? Such as "Process 5 neutroglycerin"


Here are the German translations.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


Sorry for the delayed response people, but I have limited time during the tourist season. ^^;

Quote from: tristan on June 14, 2017, 10:03:36 AM
Hello,I am Chinese .could i translate this mod into Chinese ?My English is no very well,but I think I  can do it . thank you very much. ;D
I must have missed this earlier, my apologies. >_< Yes, feel free. Though I need to weed out some artifacts from A15 to make it less confusing, I'll add it to my to-do list for revision 4.

Quote from: sadpickle on July 11, 2017, 07:40:19 PM
Quote from: ShadowTani on June 22, 2017, 02:30:10 PM
Unfortunately Combat Extended is now apparently discontinued and I guess we'll have to wait until the community maintained alternative before we'll know if there's still conflicts.
Is it? There's nothing to suggest that in the forum post
Ah, I meant Combat Realism got discontinued; Combat Extended is the name of the mod that picked up after Combat Realism.

Quote from: NoImageAvailable on July 12, 2017, 04:40:40 AM
Re the error, its because this mod's xpath patch needs to check first if the boomalope def already has a comp node, add it if it doesn't then add its custom comp to it. Otherwise it'll create duplicate comps nodes if another mod added it already. CE does the check which is why it works fine with it lower in the load order.
Of course, that makes sense. The game runs as intended despite the error it seems, but I'll definitively get it fixed. And there is a few other mod authors I know that needs to apply that practice too, I'll get the word out.

Quote from: 123nick on July 06, 2017, 06:53:07 AM
i think theres a bug- i have multiple boomalopes at 100% chemical fullnes but none are harvesting, and i cantr seem to prioritize it either- i try righ click but nothing working. they have handling enabled but i still cant prioritize.
I dunno if you're one of those who reported this on the mods steam page too, but if not, then it's likely caused by using an older mod that isn't updated to A17 (like Leadership), particularly if you're experiencing this issue with both shearing and milking too. There was some variables in the jobdriver classes (including the GatherAnimalBodyResources one) that got changed from integers to floats between A16 and A17 which is the likely cause of this issue. I can't help with that unfortunately.

Quote from: jts1702 on July 12, 2017, 04:55:40 AM
A quality of life suggestion: A bulk recipe regarding neutroamine processing (x4 or 5), perhaps?

Also, since there are many mods that involve neutroamine production (a popular one being Vegetable Garden's Neutroflower), perhaps the recipe should also be specially labelled for neutroglycerin? Such as "Process 5 neutroglycerin"
The bulk recipe will be made available as an optional file for those who absolutely want to pursue a larger scale drug production. Until the next revision of this mod you may want to check out Thundercraft's solution a page or so back though.

As for your second suggestion, I already started considering it while working on the chemfuel recipe, so I probably will do something like that.

Quote from: Chais on July 16, 2017, 06:17:01 PM
Here are the German translations.
Thank you, much appreciated. :3


I've only just started A16 and I'm using a stack of mods. My boomalopes were not producing chemicals at all. After changing the mod list to put this one last, finally they have started. Thanks!


Hey man! Looks like a great mod, but ive got a problem to report. I play with the mod Call of Cthulhu, Rim of Maddness Expansion Pack. I tried adding in your mod afterwards, new save and everything, but its seems to be incompatible. I did a few small tests and found it was the mod Elder Things, from CoC, that wasnt working with it. It seems to work with everything else im using.

I dont really know how fixing mods works or anything, so heres my list of mods in order, just incase.

Humanoid Alien Races 2.0
H.P. Lovercraft Storyteller - Remastered
CoC - Cosmic Horrors
CoC - Elder Things
CoC - Cults
CoC - Factions
CoC - Industrial Age
CoC - Straighjackets
Miscellaneous 'CORE'
Misc. Training
Misc. Robots
Misc. Objects
Misc. MapGen FactionBase
Misc. MapGenerator
Misc. MAI
Misc. Incidents
Misc. Bees'n'Honey
EdB Prepare Carefully
EPOE 2.0
Harvest Everything!
A Dog Said...
More Vanilla Turrets
Colony Leadership
Map Reroll
Barbed Wire
Tilled Soil
Simple Sidearms
Rumours and Deception
Rim of Madness - Arachnophobia

Elder Things and your mod are interchangable, if I stop using one, I can use the other. Like I said, I dont know what you need to do to fix it, or if you can fix it, but this mod is something I think should be included in the core game.

PS. If this is a mod you "just decided to upload", I kinda wanna see the other ones. This is very well balanced.



Quote from: BeoTea on August 19, 2017, 06:37:20 AM
Hey man girl! Looks like a great mod, but ive got a problem to report. I play with the mod Call of Cthulhu, Rim of Maddness Expansion Pack. I tried adding in your mod afterwards, new save and everything, but its seems to be incompatible. I did a few small tests and found it was the mod Elder Things, from CoC, that wasnt working with it. It seems to work with everything else im using.

Did a quick test with Elder Things (along with its two required mods), and found no conflict whether this mod came before or after in the load order. Works like a charm on my end..

However, I see you have colony leadership in your mod list. Is that an A16 or A17 mod? It's probably not the same one, but I've had a couple of people report issues with a leadership mod that isn't updated to A17. Unfortunately, I can't help with mods that got outdated C# assemblies so make sure all your mods are compatible with A17.

QuotePS. If this is a mod you "just decided to upload", I kinda wanna see the other ones. This is very well balanced.

Thank you. :3 Sadly my time is barely sufficient for maintaining this one. We will see, I find it tempting to upload my bigger brewing barrel mod at times (as I don't see anyone else having done something similar yet), but a public mod require a lot more work than a private one I've learned.


Just wanted to check in: are you working on a B18 adaptation of this mod so Boomalopes are able to produce both chemfuel and neutroamine?
I love the idea of using in-game lore (backstory of boomalopes) to create something a lot of people want (neutroamine production).


Quote from: Albion on November 19, 2017, 06:05:45 PM
Just wanted to check in: are you working on a B18 adaptation of this mod so Boomalopes are able to produce both chemfuel and neutroamine?
I love the idea of using in-game lore (backstory of boomalopes) to create something a lot of people want (neutroamine production).
Because Neutroglycerin could be used to make ChemFuel to begin with through the refinery the B18 version simply removes the vanilla milking feature to make things more tidy. However, if people really want to have both then I can provide an optional patch file that doesn't overwrite the ChemFuel milking. Personally I think double dipping is too much though, lol.


Well in my opinion the main feature of this mod was the option to craft neutroamine using boomalopes instead of having to only buy it. Since this is still not an option in B18 I thought it might be an interesting idea to create a patch that Boomalopes give neutroglycerin instead of straight chemfuel and still keep your previous crafting system or something.
However if you want to let this mod die I'm somewhat okay with that too and will create my own adaptation. I was playing the idea of implementing my own version anyway  ;)


Ah no, the mod is updated to B18 now. I won't let it die so easily even if my attention will shift to Chronicles of Elyria next year. ;3 It does as you say, give Neutroglycerin instead of ChemFuel. I'm just saying that if anyone wants both direct milking of ChemFuel and extraction of Neutroglycerin I guess I can provide an optional patch for that, but I don't feel like making that the default behavior.


Mod have been updated for Rimworld B19.

Mod now includes an optional patch for all of you that have been requesting a more volatile version of the Neutroglycerin (copy paste the file from the optional folder and into the patch folder), this patch will enable the Neutroglycerin to explode similarly to how ChemFuel now explode.