[A16] Combat Realism [closed]

Started by skyarkhangel, November 11, 2016, 03:20:29 PM

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Issue: Doomsday rocket launcher and Triple rocket launcher not craftable even after research.
The problem is that they still have the "BaseGun" propery instead of the "BaseMakeableGun"


Quote from: Senio on January 10, 2017, 01:18:19 PM
Issue: Whenever my pawns try to feed/offer the same food they are carrying (via loadout) to prisoners, they go into a chain reaction of dropping on the floor and picking it up again several times.

Shadow started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. lastJobGiver=, curJob.def=Wait, curDriver=Verse.AI.JobDriver_Wait

受气包 started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. lastJobGiver=, curJob.def=Wait, curDriver=Verse.AI.JobDriver_Wait

If don't set weapon plan,no issue.
But when I set weapon plan(any weapon or bullet)will occur the issue as described on last post.


Quote from: Senio on January 10, 2017, 04:54:44 PM
Issue: Whenever my pawns try to feed/offer the same food they are carrying (via loadout) to prisoners, they go into a chain reaction of dropping on the floor and picking it up again several times.

If don't set weapon plan,no issue.
But when I set weapon plan(any weapon or bullet)will occur the issue as described on last post.

Try setting your loadout to carry 2 meals. I had a similar issue and that solved it.


Issue: When putting drugs on loadouts, if a colonist is currently under he effect of said drug, it will go into a loop of picking up and dropping it.
And since they drop items on the square directly below them, they will slowly walk down until they hit an impassible object and just stand there.


Updated to
Auto ammo finder. All pawns could monitor their ammo themselves, if not settings for loadout.
Advanced AI for AI pawns Now all humanlike pawns can find weapons, ammo for them, checking their inventory for overload, find and equip apparel if needed.
Equipment weight effect on the total weight of pawn.
Fix fillpecent for turrets (can't shoot through sandbags)
Fixed last bullet error.
Fix rocket launcher projectile.
Varius Ammo Tweaks.
Fix turrets having no build time.
Fix mech armor and Pawn move speed.


Quote from: CreepyD on November 12, 2016, 12:23:47 PM
Is there something I can change in the XML files to alter how fast people die?

For instance, 1 swipe from a powerful melee weapon hit a guy in the leg, took it down to 4 health - he died instantly.
Literally from that 1 wound, no bleeding time.

This seems to happen a lot.
I can understand someone going down from being in too much pain, but dying on the spot seems wrong.

thanks .


Quote from: skyarkhangel on January 10, 2017, 09:22:53 PM
Fix mech armor and Pawn move speed.

They're baaaaaaack. :)

Nice update. The auto-ammo thing should make the Workshoppers happy.


The mech armor fix almost devastated my colony. First time using CR in, with birdshot owning everyting. 3 pumps to a centipede and it was down.

First raid after the update to were 2 scythers and 2 centipedes. 12 colonists lined up with assault rifles and FMJ rounds, and the scythers didn't even know what hit them. So I thought "Well, that was a bit underwhelming" When the centipedes showed up... it didn't even tickle them. The inferno cannons almost took everything out. Loaded up on AP rounds, finally got some damage in, which only seemed to make them angry. Luckily I had some EMP shotgun shells around, which I didn't use because birdshot, and 9 EMP grenades from a drop pod. 9 grenades later, somehow I destroyed one inferno cannon, and the other centipede's AI glitched (heh), making it wander around aimlessly. Thought about going melee, but after poor Betty decided to daze out and almost lost her leg to a headbut, I decided to try out the EMP shot shells, and after some time kiting the buggers finally went down.
Most fun and challenging fight I had in a long time.



Quote from: skyarkhangel on January 10, 2017, 09:22:53 PM
Updated to
Auto ammo finder. All pawns could monitor their ammo themselves, if not settings for loadout.
Advanced AI for AI pawns Now all humanlike pawns can find weapons, ammo for them, checking their inventory for overload, find and equip apparel if needed.
Equipment weight effect on the total weight of pawn.
Fix fillpecent for turrets (can't shoot through sandbags)
Fixed last bullet error.
Fix rocket launcher projectile.
Varius Ammo Tweaks.
Fix turrets having no build time.
Fix mech armor and Pawn move speed.

Love the changes, truly delicious. Especially last bullet error fix, using RPG-7 before was a nightmare.


Thank you so much for the update! Centipedes still drop an absurd amount of ammo, but with how difficult they are to kill now I'm starting to think it's due reward... How do y'all deal with them? AP bullets rarely ever seem to cause any damage to them and EMP stun only works a few times.


auto find ammo feature isn't working for rifle (assault,survival,sniper,charge), LMG, and incedenary launcher.
pistol , shotgun, smg , machine pistol works

if mechanoid ammo disappear on death like mechanoid weapon, absurd ammo drop will be solved
ags-30 can deal with mechanoid problem


Also, even though EMP stops stunning them after some time, it still deals damage since they have no armor against electrical.

Edit: I've been looking for the rpg-7, but only found (non-craftable) ammo in the files. Is it from another mod with compatibility with CR?


Quote from: gariba on January 11, 2017, 09:17:31 AM
Also, even though EMP stops stunning them after some time, it still deals damage since they have no armor against electrical.

Sounds like it's working as intended. They adapt to electromagnetic pulse, not electrical charge.

Quote from: gariba on January 11, 2017, 09:17:31 AM
Edit: I've been looking for the rpg-7, but only found (non-craftable) ammo in the files. Is it from another mod with compatibility with CR?

Yes. Rimfire adds RPG-7, among other weapons. RT Weapons too. Both have CR versions for A16.


I am having a problem with hauling/inventory management. (I saw someone mention a similar/same problem a few posts back, so I am adding my two cents)

Pawns will sometimes get stuck in a loop of picking up and dropping an object. I wasn't sure what was happening in previous situations it occurred (usually just telling them to do something else 'fixed' it), but in this recent case, I had a pawn getting very confused about hauling ammunition.

He seemed absolutely determined to move charged cells to Stockpile 1. He would pick them up, drop them, pick them up, drop them, over and over, gradually moving him and the cells 'south' down the map until hitting an impassable object, and then he would keep picking up/dropping the item there in a loop.

The really strange thing was that the cells were already in Stockpile 1. So I have no idea why he decided to move them in the first place.

The only thing that currently makes sense is that charged cells are part of his current loadout (100 of them for his charged rifle). If I remove them (edit for clarity: and the rifle) from his loadout, the bug basically stops, and he puts all of the cells in his inventory and drops the rifle.

In case it matters, in this case I had changed the default Nothing loadout to one that included the charge rifle + ammo, rather than create a new loadout.

Mod List:
Dubs Bad Hygiene
Combat Realism
Vegetable Garden
Xeva's Rimhair
The Birds and the Bees
Fluffy Breakdowns
Colony Manager
Animal Tab
Medical Tab
Relations Tab
OSHA Compliance
Fences and Floors
I Can Fix It!