What type of translations are we seeking?

Started by Illusion Distort, December 14, 2016, 05:03:57 AM

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Illusion Distort

In the official translations, should we translate the meaning to something that sounds like a real thing in the target language, or is the official translations word for word translations?

Just want to make sure what style the community wants the translations to be formatted to.
Please leave an example of what you think is sufficient rewriting. (just rewrite something in English and use different words)


I don't think word for word is good idea - e.g. in polish it's really hard to do it "word for word", cause it often sounds stupid or has no sense. BUT I think author's will is very important - so when it's possible, in my opinion you shouldn't add your own sentences and should try to do it fairly. E.g. ex-translators in my team translated "wandering" to polish meaning of "walking", even we have nice word for "wandering" - any I think it's bad, cause Tynan didn't want it to be "walking", but "wandering". It changes the meaning.
But still word for word isn't really possible in my language - cause we little different syntax. It could sound strange if I translated it word for word (e.g. in English you will say "it is nice to do it", in Polish it will be like "nice is to it do" (without first "it")) - so I can't do it. But still I should save the meaning and use similar words (I should't change "nice" to "pleasant" - it's quasi-same, but not same in 100%).

So I just think that when it's possible, we should translate text like it's in English and changes are accetable only if text in you language loses sense - then we can change it a bit, but still shouldn't we give it new meaning - the content, meaning should be same, even if you must change some words.
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I think the translation should be true to original text.
That means you need to know what the word means that Tynan made.
RimTrans translation tool for RimWorld
RimWorld-English original text for translating RimWorld
RimWorld-zh.com my translation team website


I'm of the oppinion that the translation should be true to the meaning of the original, but a word by word translation isn't really needed or desired. The later would only result in a google translation ;)
My oppinion is: Translate it to something that is pleasant to be read in your language, but try to be as close to the original meaning as possible.