Sea Ice Community Challenge

Started by Rhadamant, December 29, 2016, 04:33:13 PM

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How much gold and uranium do you need for a ship launch?  I haven't bothered building a ship since A13.
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Quote from: DeathWeasel on January 03, 2017, 06:26:30 PM
Also, floors are your friend. that 50% move speed from ice is painful. It's worth it to set up a few extra hydroponics just for the carpet.

I built some carpets with sky cotton, and holy crap yes. I had gotten used to their movement speed with almost always playing at 2x or more, now it seems crazy when they hit the carpet and take off running.


Quote from: Shurp on January 03, 2017, 06:44:59 PM
How much gold and uranium do you need for a ship launch?  I haven't bothered building a ship since A13.

You need 100 gold for the computer core, 150 uranium for the reactor, and 100 uranium for the engines plus 5 uranium for each cryptosleep casket.


So I had a look at the world map... god, this planet is an iceball.  But it gave me a thought.  Instead of building a ship to get off, why not hike overland to the nearby mountains once you have manufactured enough long pork sausages to survive the journey?
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Quote from: Shurp on January 03, 2017, 07:33:47 PM
So I had a look at the world map... god, this planet is an iceball.  But it gave me a thought.  Instead of building a ship to get off, why not hike overland to the nearby mountains once you have manufactured enough long pork sausages to survive the journey?

We all have our own definitions of victory.  He wanted to escape, you want to move to more hospitable terrain, I want to be the QUEEN OF THE ANTARCTIC!
Two tiers of construction jobs.  One for expensive/quality items, and one for walls/floors/etc.


OK, time for an abusive blow by blow:

Run 5 Day 6:
   After watching Engie research for days, something finally happens.  A new colonist wanders in from the map edge.  Boyer walks over to my camp, builds a bigger overhang on the hut to store stuff under, and starts hauling things over to the hut.  Then horror strikes -- he goes on a food binge!  Angie runs outside and plugs him with plasma before he has a chance to eat the meal he grabbed.  She strips him down, leaves him to bleed, and goes back inside to take a nap.
   I'm not too upset over the incident -- his clothes were tattered anyway.  A few more holes didn't make much of a difference.

Run 5 Day 7:
   A Thrumbo shows up.  I ignore it.  He gets cold and leaves.  Shortly after a lone rader with a steel shiv shows up.  He wanders around for a while, then attacks; Engie puts him down and leaves him to bleed before hauling him to a safe spot. 

Run 5 Day 8:
   Engie finishes researching Electric Smelting.  She grabs Boyer's hat and hauls the last of the steel over, then goes inside to warm up for a while.  Time to start researching Hydroponics... not that she'll need it for a long while.  She smelts Boyer's pistol down later on... for a massive 8 steel.  Wow, getting enough steel for a butcher table and stove is going to take a *long* time.
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Run 4, Day 61: A fleeing refugee! We agree to help. Five shielded melee raiders follow behind her, three of them wearing warm clothes. She's a pacifist. All three colonists get kidnapped, all five raiders escape the map alive.

edit: And Engie died to an infection off screen, no ransom :(

The real kicker is, not two days earlier I decided to use my 100 steel to make another wind turbine instead of a plasteel turret. Oh well, next time!


Quote from: Shurp on January 03, 2017, 08:24:49 PM
Run 5 Day 7:
   A Thrumbo shows up.  I ignore it.  He gets cold and leaves.  Shortly after a lone rader with a steel shiv shows up.  He wanders around for a while, then attacks; Engie puts him down and leaves him to bleed before hauling him to a safe spot. 

Summer Thrumbos are the worst.  You need to run out and surgically implant a few new holes with your charge rifle, then run away while you wait for hypothermia to kick in.  If it has serious hypothermia, you can outrun it, but it's still an annoying game of micromanagement.  If they appear in Winter, they die before they can escape.
Two tiers of construction jobs.  One for expensive/quality items, and one for walls/floors/etc.


Quote from: Sola on January 03, 2017, 08:50:15 PM
If they appear in Winter, they die before they can escape.

I hope to be in my mountain cave before winter.  But first I have to get my sausage factory going.  Two meatbags are waiting to be processed...
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Run 5, Day 9:
   Engie rejects a distress call.  Why does anyone ever bother with these useless losers?

Run 5, Day 10:
   Engie is getting bored waiting for something to happen.  Maybe she should have accepted that call, at least some more meatbags would freeze nearby.  And it would alleviate the boredom.
   Oh, she finished researching hydroponics.  Now on to... well, smithing I guess.

Run 5, Day 11:
   Cargo pods land giving me 8 steel slag chunks -- on the far corner of the map where I'll freeze if I try to grab them.  But Engie is desperately bored so she gives it a try.  And she makes it with only 20% hypothermia!  The hat and parka from the corpses really came in handy.
   Engie also made herself a fancy silver bed.  Her original bed is sitting outside in case she ever finds a friend worth keeping around.

Run 5, Day 12:
   Grabbing 3 slag chunks gave me enough steel to build a butcher table.  Yay, Engie can butcher her meatbags now!  Wow, she's not happy about butchering "humanlike".  -11, that's a heavy penalty for two corpses - and a 5 day duration, ouch!  But she's going to be even less happy when she starts eating 'em...  I think mood management is going to be more difficult than temperature management going forward.
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


I never reject the distress calls. Fresh meat & loot, at just the price of a -3 'colonist died' debuff (or ending your run...).

Which speaking of... that was a rush. I took on a wanderer in late fall. A few days later, a distress call... from his mother. I accept, determined to save his mother, rather than letting the refugee die as usual. Then she walks on to the map, completely naked. It's -124C outside. Had her son run straight towards her (thankfully he was already somewhat on that side of the map), and where they met, he stripped off his wool parka and she put it on. She was already at 58% hypothermic, so while it slowed the loss, she collapsed not long later. He picks her up and runs for the hut... and collapses from his own hypothermia at the door. Engie has to break off from from the two melee raiders attacking her (thankfully another raider shot and killed one) and rush over to haul them into the room. The raiders start collapsing from hypothermia and fleeing (no survivors)... but not all is well. The hut is only -35C and without his parka son's comfortable temperature is only -28C; he's still dying, very slowly. So Engie walls up the door. The room heats up, son recovers & tends his mother. All said and done, the only loss was Engie's right ear and one of Mom's toes, but it was a pretty close call.


Just saw this popping up on YouTube so I figured I'd check it out, as I'm looking for a new challenge (even though I can barely do ice sheet due to mental breakdowns lol)

It sure looks interesting already as it's -86°C right off the bat, and there are no resources whatsoever apart from starting resources. Will feed back on this!


New record: 4 hours

Engie collapsed from Hypothermia before she could get the base built


Quote from: XeoNovaDan on January 04, 2017, 02:33:36 AM
New record: 4 hours  Engie collapsed from Hypothermia before she could get the base built
Yeah, watch the opening youtube intro to learn how it's done.   You have to start small and micromanage temperature in that first day for Engie to have a chance.  But don't worry, it gets easier once you have some corpses to strip.

I do micromanage my food though.  All food is forbidden until Engie gets down to 10%.  And I don't let her carry any meals (she might decide to eat one on her own).

Speaking of food micromanagement... has anyone else noticed that hunger ("Food" bar) declines *much* slower when you get to the bottom?  I think I'm seriously stretching out my food supply by preventing Engie from eating... I think forcing her down to 5% would go even further.  It's day 14 now and I still have 22 packaged survival meals left.  At this rate I may not have to start eating people until winter.
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Between 10% and 20%, hunger rate is halved. Between 0% and 10%, it's 1/4th. Which means if you micro to the point that she always eats at 0% instead of 20%, you can stretch your food supply out twice as long. It's a pretty serious mood hit, though (but then again, so is cannibalism).