[A16] Thundercraft's Mods

Started by Thundercraft, January 10, 2017, 05:10:45 AM

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Thundercraft's Mods

I decided to start this thread as a central location for my A16 mods. Please, don't hesitate to give feedback.

Mod index:


Less Default Hair

Isn't it frustrating to have the opportunity to get pawns with good traits and skills, but who happen to have hair so horrendous that we can't stand to look at them? With so many excellent hair mods, there's little reason to continue using all the subpar vanilla choices. But while most vanilla hairstyles are ugly or at least inferior to similar styles in hair mods, some of us would rather not remove all of them.

Vanilla hairstyles I have removed:
  • Afro
  • Braided knot
  • Brief ponytail
  • Burgundy ....(seems too plain to me)
  • Curly
  • Firestarter
  • Greasy swoop
  • Long
  • Messy
  • Pigtails ........(because Spoons Hair Mod's Lulu looks better)
  • Princess
  • Scatman
  • Scorpion tail
  • Troubaduor
  • Tuft
  • Wavy
Vanilla hairstyles I wanted to keep:

* Bob .... (F)
* Flowy .. (F)
* Mohawk . (M usually) ... {now Punk-only, not Urban}
* Mop .... (M) {removed F} {texture has been modified}
* Senorita (F)
* Shaved . (M) {removed F} {removed Rural}
* Spikes . (M usually) ... {now Punk-only, not Urban}
* Topdog . (M)

- Note 0: (M) indicates a men-only style, (F) indicates women-only and (M usually) is rarely on women.
- Note 1: While I did keep Mop, I modified the texture to make it look better and reversed it so that it's easily distinguishable from Rimhair's "Neat" style.
- Note 2: The removed hairstyles can still be chosen for starting characters via EdB Prepare Carefully.
- Note 3: Since this reduces hair to 8 styles, the installation of hair mods for more variety is highly recommended.

Recommended Hair Mods
Other Recommended Mods

Special thanks to:
  • Mittsies for the inspiration that the No Awful Hairstyles mod provided me. (All my files are my own or modified from the core game.)
  • skullywag for extracting and releasing the RimWorld core art source. That made it simple for me to modify the texture for the Mop hair style.
Download for A16

Dropbox: Less-Default-Hair-1.04_A16.zip

Steam workshop A16

Less Default Hair (Steam)


Rage and Zonk

This adds two safely non-lethal weapons:

  • Rage gun: Smithing requires 4 Medikits, among other resources. Darted targets will go berserk. Enraged, they will charge in as fast as their legs will carry them. They will take the shortest path to pummel the shooter, even if it means bashing down the nearest door. It inflicts a lot of pain. A few shots should be enough put the enemy into shock.

  • Zonk gun: Smithing requires 3 Yayo and 2 Neutroamine, among other resources. Darted targets will be doped into a drugged daze. They will become sluggish, barely able to shoot, and soon wander around aimlessly. Before long, they may start casting off their clothes or gear.

For the sake of balance, these guns have a rather poor accuracy and slow fire rate. Maximum range is a bit less than the survival rifle (32 vs 37).

From my testing, these seem to have an extremely low mortality rate - less that 5%, I believe. In other words, they seem to bypass the game's random death mechanic.

Changes in this A16 Update

I had to change some code to make this work in A16, so this is not backwards compatible. Also, it seems that repeated shots would inflict too much pain such that it would often become fatal instead of downing them. The poll in my A15 thread suggested that most want the pain aspect lowered or removed, anyway.

So, I lowered pain per shot such that it might eventually reach "Moderate" or "Severe", but it is unlikely to directly knock them unconscious.

Also, I removed the big movement buff from Rage shots so that they move at their normal speed. Before, berserked enemies usually closed the distance so fast that I couldn't get more than one clean hit in. (Even so, I would recommend putting your shooters behind some sort of embrasure when using the Rage gun.)

I discovered something else in my testing, though: A berserked enemy is constantly looking for new targets. If there are animals or other targets nearby, a berserked enemy is likely to switch to attacking them, instead!

To Clarify What These Weapons Can and Can't Do

These are intended to either (a) strategically make raids a bit more manageable or (b) make a target easier to capture. And I think they're fun to use.

Instead of sensibly standing behind cover and shooting, targets hit with Rage will often blindly run after whoever shot them. Berserked, they will charge via the shortest path, running through your gauntlet of defenses. However, they will try to bash through the nearest door to get to the shooter instead of taking the long path (where you've probably placed traps). More importantly, they will usually try to melee instead of shoot.

The Zonk gun will make a target mostly harmless. But, it does not make them capturable as such. Warning: Even after the target is zonked and starts wandering, if a colonist stands next to them, the zonked will still engage in melee.

After being zonked first, they will sit out the fight, allowing you to mop up the other raiders that you don't want to capture. You can even build a wall around them and they won't complain... unless your colonists get within melee range.

I usually wait for them to drop their weapon. Then I take their weapon away and have a colonist with good melee brawl the target with bare fists, with a free prison cell and my medic standing by with medicine for when they drop.

Do note: After either the Berserked or Zonked wears off, the victim will experience "Catharsis", which gives a significant buff to mood that lasts for over a day. If the victim is captured before it wears off, the resulting positive mood may make recruitment a bit easier.

If that's still not easy enough or non-lethal enough for you, perhaps you'd be interested in the No random death mod?

Saved Games & Precautions

This mod should work with saved games. I've done extensive testing. Though, it's always wise to keep a backup save before trying new mods. Also, I suggest quitting and restarting after activating or deactivating any mods.

Known Issues and Compatibility

NOTE: It is not effective to hit a target with Zonk, first, and then hit them with the Rage gun (or visa versa). Once they've been subjected to Zonk, shots from the Rage gun will no longer bypass the random death mechanic. Another words: After being Zonked, each Rage shot will have a strong chance of killing.

This should be compatible with nearly everything. I have many dozens of mods installed and I've not encountered a mod conflict.

Download for A16

Dropbox download for offline / nonDRM use

A16 version on Steam

Rage and Zonk [A16] on Steam workshop


Special thanks to:
  • Sahothron for the inspiration that the Tranq Gun mod provided me. (All my files are my own or modified from the core game.)
  • johnhain, DasWortgewand, and pixabay for the cool background images used for the logo.


Antimatter Power Boost

All this does is increase the power output of the Ship reactor from 1 kW to 15 kW.

The Ship reactor is end-game and requires considerable research, yet it only generates 1 kW? That's not enough to power a microwave oven, let alone a starship. That's only thirteen 75-watt lamps worth of electricity... yet it runs on antimatter?!

What's more, building a Ship reactor requires a significant investment: 300 Steel, 500 Plasteel, 150 Uranium and 25 Components, for a total market value of 9025 silver. In contrast, a Geothermal generator produces 3.6 kW and requires just 400 Steel and 8 Components to build, with a market value of only 968 silver.

For the cost of a single Ship reactor, one could almost build 10 Geothermal generators for a total output of 36 kW. With those facts in mind, I think having the Ship reactor generate 15 kW is more than fair.

Download for A16

Dropbox: Antimatter Power-v1.01_A16.zip

A16 version on Steam

Antimatter Power Boost [A16] on Steam workshop


Special thanks to geralt, andreymlanhi, White77, and pixabay for the cool images that helped to make this logo.


Mid-Range Drop Pods

All this does is double the Chemfuel capacity of Pod launchers from 150 to 300. That's it.

On mod compatibility

This should be compatible with most mods. The only time a conflict should occur is if you use a mod that changes 'Buildings_Misc.xml' in a way that redefines the PodLauncher. Also, it includes it's own "BuildingBase" abstract to avoid the risk of an XML inheritance issue.

Saved games & precautions

This should work with saved games. At least, it did in my testing. Though, it is wise to keep a backup save before adding new mods. Also, I suggest quitting and restarting after activating or deactivating any mods.

Credits / disclaimer

Thanks to xhatti's LongRangePodLauncher for the inspiration to create this. Quadruple the range just seemed too OP to me, so I created this. (All my files are my own or modified directly from the core game.)

Download for A16

Dropbox: Mid-Range Drop Pods_rc1_A16.zip

A16 version on Steam

Mid-Range Drop Pods [A16] on Steam workshop


Right Tool Rebalanced

This is a fork of ItchyFlea's Right Tool For The Job (RTFTJ). This is my attempt at a rebalance, update to A16, and solving an issue.

There were several players who complained that a colonist with prosthetic arms could not use a toolbelt. Someone suggested that merely changing the clothing layers on the toolbelt would fix this.

So, I copied the toolbelt and advanced toolbelt to make a toolvest and an advanced toolvest. The only difference is that the vests are worn on the Shoulders and Torso, rather than carried in the Hands.

Oh, and I added a <mass> unique to each tool. I researched real life tools for this. Heavier tools require more materials, too.

Further, after looking in RTFTJ-ToolRecipes.xml, I saw that <workSpeedStat> was defined as StonecuttingSpeed and <effectWorking> was defined as CutStone, for all recipes. So, I changed <workSpeedStat> to SmithingSpeed and <effectWorking> to Smith because that seems more appropriate - except for the toolbelts and toolvests, which I changed to TailoringSpeed and Tailor, respectively.

Something else that bothered me was how incredibly fast and easy it was to make them. Originally, it only required 700 work to make any tool or belt. This meant that all these items could be made in a few seconds. So, I increased the work required substantially.

Also, it bothered me how advanced tools like the drill or chainsaw did not require a battery or fuel and how the toolbelt did not require cloth or leather. So, I added chemfuel, cloth and leather as ingredients. Why chemfuel? I assumed that these tools require chemicals for a battery as well as refining chemfuel into organics like plastic or rubber.

Finally, I adjusted the market value of all items. I felt that the simple tools were not expensive enough. But, I also felt that the hammer should cost less than the pickaxe or axe. However, all tools were adjusted to have a value that directly reflects the amount of work required as well as the value of the materials. The toolbelts, for instance, are worth exactly the sum value of the 3 tools, plus the fabric (assuming cloth), plus labor.

Tools and Stats

Market value = $72
Work required = 5000 (was 700)
Steel required = 12 (was 10)
Wood required = 20 (was 1)
Mass = 2.72 kg (6 pounds)
{Approx. weight of a pickaxe: reference 1, reference 2}

Market value = $72
Work required = 6000 (was 700)
Steel required = 10 (was 10)
Wood required = 20 (was 1)
Mass = 2.27 kg (5 pounds)
{Based on avg. weight of a splitting axe: reference 1, reference 2}

Market value = $50
Work required = 4000 (was 700)
Steel required = 10 (was 10)
Wood required = 10 (was 1)
Mass = 1.82 kg (4 pounds)
{Hammers come in all sizes. But I am assuming a four pounder.}

Market value = $600
Work required = 55000 (was 700)
Plasteel required = 20 (was 75)
Steel required = 20 (was NONE)
Chemfuel required = 15 (was NONE)
Mass = 2.77 kg (6.11 pounds)
{Mass is akin to a heavy cordless hammerdrill: reference 1, reference 2}

Market value = $590
Work required = 55000 (was 700)
Plasteel required = 15 (was 75)
Steel required = 50 (was NONE)
Chemfuel required = 20 (was NONE)
Mass = 3.63 kg (8 pounds)
{A bit light for a chainsaw. I'm assuming that this is a small battery-operated chainsaw.}

Market value = $596
Work required = 55000 (was 700)
Plasteel required = 19 (was 75)
Steel required = 25 (was NONE)
Chemfuel required = 20 (was NONE)
Mass = 2.82 kg (6.22 pounds)
{Mass is akin to a big cordless nailer: reference 1, reference 2}

Market value = $334
Work required = 7000 (was 700)
tools required = 1 pickaxe, 1 axe, 1 hammer (same as before)
fabric required = 40 (was NONE)
Mass = 7.5 kg (16.53 pounds)
{2.72 kg + 2.27 kg + 1.82 kg = 6.81 kg; 6.81 kg + 0.69 kg = 7.5 kg;
A sturdy toolbelt should weigh at least 1.5 pounds (0.68 kg); reference 1, reference 2}

advanced toolbelt
Market value = $1990
Work required = 9000 (was 700)
tools required = 1 drill, 1 chainsaw, 1 autohammer (same as before)
fabric required = 60 (was NONE)
Mass = 10 kg (about 22 pounds)
{2.77 kg + 3.63 kg + 2.82 = 9.22 kg; 9.22 kg + 0.78 kg = 10 kg;
A sturdy toolbelt should weigh at least 1.5 pounds (0.68 kg); reference 1, reference 2}

toolvest - Like the toolbelt, but it covers Shoulders and Torso (on Shell layer) instead of Hands.
Market value = $334 (same as toolbelt)
Work required = 7000 (same as toolbelt)
tools required = 1 pickaxe, 1 axe, 1 hammer (same as toolbelt)
fabric required = 40 (same as toolbelt)
Mass = 7.5 kg (16.53 pounds) (same as toolbelt)

advanced toolvest - Like the advanced toolbelt, but it covers Shoulders and Torso (on Shell).
Market value = $1990 (same as advanced toolbelt)
Work required = 9000 (same as advanced toolbelt)
tools required = 1 drill, 1 chainsaw, 1 autohammer (same as advanced toolbelt)
fabric required = 60 (same as advanced toolbelt)
Mass = 10 kg (about 22 pounds) (same as advanced toolbelt)

Download for A16

MediaFire: Right Tool Rebalanced-v1.36_A16.zip


ItchyFlea licensed his mods under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and so that's what this fork uses.



More Population

Author: Thundercraft

This simple mod has duplicates of vanilla storytellers with much higher population caps. That, and it reduces the OrbitalTraderArrival delay from 13 to 2 for Cassandra, Phoebe and Randy. This makes orbital traders visit much more frequently.

This should be save compatible. Just ignore the first-time warning as you load your save, click "Menu" and change your storyteller to one with a red up arrow in the corner.

Desired minimum: 9 (was 4)
Desired maximum: 32 (was 13)
Critical: 64 (was 18)

Desired minimum: 9 (was 4)
Desired maximum: 32 (was 13)
Critical: 64 (was 18)

Desired minimum: 9 (was 4)
Desired maximum: 40 (was 13)
Critical: 100 (was 50)

Download for A16

MediaFire: More Population_v1.0_A16.zip


Thanks to:


Dark Matter Generator







about RTFTJ, i think i twould be better instead of using chemfuel , instead use components, or just 1 ocmponent, in the construction of advance tools. would make more sense IMO, since a component is sorta like a catch-all term for describing any small electronic or non-electronic bit, like a small battery, diode, transistor, etc. its the reason why the same stuff used in tube teleivisons is used in geothermals, and i think it would make sense if 1 or 2 were used in constructing a single advanced tool instead of chemfuel.


Great Job! I would call these essential mods!