Toxic fallout

Started by Ukas, January 26, 2017, 01:54:49 AM

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When it happened the first time I thought that "now this is a cool event!", but I'm not sure if it's actually changed or is it just randomity of Randy, or if I have become a bit bored to it, but seems like in A15 toxic fallout didn't happen so much, and when it happened it lasted a bit longer. Be that as it may, this is closer how I'd like to see it - not taking place so often and regularly, but when it comes it would stay for a year or even more. As it is now, it's much more a nuisance than fun or a challenging threat for a colony. Probably it makes little difference to those who have closed colonies or who dig their bases inside mountains and hills, but for the ones who run an open colony with farms and whatnot, it can really be a wet blanket.

As soon as I have the colony roofed and all the pawns and animals under that roofed area - the event then ends! Then I have to expand no roof areas etc. etc. A lot of work for no suspense or reward, because at the moment when I experience some joy seeing some of the trees growing back - the event replays again. Blah. It's the one thing which really has turned me into save scumming.

As toxic fallout is much more radical and changing event when compared to most events such as raids or poison ships, or flus and plagues, could it be better if it would really play out as one? Long lasting fallout would require some real attention. What a player would then feel as a rewarding experience would be the relief, that it has finally ended, and won't likely happen again at least for a while.

As a bonus, perhaps there could be a medication you could buy or manufacture and give to your haulers, which would slow down the effect of poisoning and make carcinoma less likely - like you would take iodine for effects of radiation.


Toxic fallouts last from 2.5 to 10.5 days and will not refire within 90 days. One year is 60 days.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


When it was first introduced I had to rapidly build a mountain base for hydroponics hoping to find enough metal.  Also, it never ended.  So I was stuck in there forever lol  Lots of fun though.  The rush of sending everyone to go grab the biggest animals as they die to get them in the freezer before my pawns get sick. 

Once things like gasmasks or whatever get put in the game I think Id like to try a permanent toxic fallout game.


For industrial age colony it would be great if it lasted longer. It would be a death sentence for tribals though


Yea on one side I think this would be cool as a shorter term event if it had more aspects to give it flavor, like all animals with moderate levels of toxins start to foam at the mouth and become man hunters, also it roids them out so they become more dangerous, or so toxic that you can't eat them. Also I think that roofing should only reduce the effect, the stuff is everywhere, on the ground, a little bit in the air, it should be akin to not coming in contact with sand when in a desert.

on the other side I do like the idea of it being simple but a chance to be a longer term event like 30+ days maybe a year or 2, were it would be something that you realize isn't going to be short and where you consider loading up the caravan or setting up a serious hydroponics system, also does this effect traders and visitors?, it should reduce them, or eliminate them when in effect. you should have to pay hazard prices to request trade caravans during these conditions.


Quote from: Serenity on January 26, 2017, 09:55:07 AM
For industrial age colony it would be great if it lasted longer. It would be a death sentence for tribals though

It's more of a micromanagement sentence, which isn't good times but it's not unplayable like season 1-2 plagues or pre-passive cooler heat waves.

If you zone your people out of it whenever they get to minor and spam roofs on anything that is "not farms", plus rotate who's on the farm to limit the buildup, you can get through that w/o serious issues.

I don't like it because it's annoying to constantly bring up pawn "health" and micromanage their zones, but aside that there's nothing wrong with it.  It should never be a game over by itself, and rarely even if in tandem with other things.


I could swear I had a toxic fallout event that lasted two months...


Two seasons? Yea I recall one really long lasting fallout too.

Didn't think about tribals when I wrote this and it's true longer fallout could be really hard for them, but as it is quite easy to survive for industrials, just a lot of work which you have to undo after few days, so maybe time it lasts could depend on what kind of faction you're playing with.


Quote from: Thyme on January 26, 2017, 09:18:43 AM
Toxic fallouts last from 2.5 to 10.5 days and will not refire within 90 days. One year is 60 days.
I took that from the A16 \Core\Defs\Incidents\Incidents_Various_Bad.xml
Maybe it has been changed or is further modified by other things like difficulty. Or plain selective perception, 10 days last quite a bit longer when you have to micro all your pawns.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


Quote from: Thyme on January 27, 2017, 03:05:36 AM
Maybe it has been changed or is further modified by other things like difficulty. Or plain selective perception, 10 days last quite a bit longer when you have to micro all your pawns.

I don't know if it's changed but certainly feels like it has. I thought about selective perception as it's a mistake one easily makes. My earlier experiences were at best like "build roofs, build a full hydrophonic farm, cut forest for about 15k wood, haul in dead animals etc." While I guess it's possible to have all this done in 10.5 days time and time can feel longer especially if there's other stuff happening too, but still the point is that a radical event with long lasting effects could be actually more fun, if it would last longer but didn't happen so often. Now it can destroy your crop every other year, with most of the forest, and new trees won't even have time to grow back to 100% in 90 days. The result is you spend most of your ingame time looking at a plain liveless map. Which is fine if you like it, but why to have boreal or temperate zones, if everything will be like desert after all?


Quote from: Ukas on January 26, 2017, 11:39:36 PM
Two seasons? Yea I recall one really long lasting fallout too.

Didn't think about tribals when I wrote this and it's true longer fallout could be really hard for them, but as it is quite easy to survive for industrials, just a lot of work which you have to undo after few days, so maybe time it lasts could depend on what kind of faction you're playing with.

It's not that much more challenging for tribals, which I play exclusively (which is why I haven't run sea ice).  The only activity you need to do w/o roof is farming, and you can rotate who is on that.  Even then, that's only early game.  Most biomes other than sea ice you get electricity + such after a season or two anyway as lost tribe.  I have, when gunning for it, had every tech by year 5503 on intense (the game that convinced me to move to extreme).

The only real issue I have with this even is that it is annoying micro.  Once you know how to handle it, it will never kill your by itself and if you keep buildup low enough to handle surprise sieges or psychic ships you can handle most of the other problems the game might throw in tandem.

Fallout + blight combo would probably be the most annoying for a tribe though, since growing does cause pretty fast buildup.


toxic fallout randomly and continuously kills plants.

This means that a long fallout will eventually completely remove any map-generated lumber, as new trees will pretty much never survive to full.

It also doubles the work and halves the output (or worse) of crops.  Long term fallout might technically be "easy" - but as others said, it drastically increases the amount of micromanagement you have to do, and there is a limit to the length you can sustain yourself, as the toxic buildup dissipates slowly enough that you'll slowly work yourself up to dangerous toxicities.

Lastly, it removes loads of aspects of the game.  no hunting, no free movement around the map, limited farming, limited hauling, limited new construction, constrained fighting, etc.  7 day toxic fallouts usually end up with all but 1 or maybe 2 of your pawns just idling around until it ends.


The 90 days refire limit does not mean that it's likely that you'll have a toxic fallout every other year (thought, it can happen), it's rather a restriction that it won't happen within short periods of time. Toxic fallout has a low chance of happening, so this is unlikely.

Currently playing ice sheet* and like in every biome with snow, I build roofed walkways to avoid snow cleaning (and speed up walking). Had a 7ish days fallout where I only had to monitor my pawns buildup. A mechraid hit on day 1, which got the buildup to 20%, but it got better from then on. Except my constructor, he kept taking unroofed shortcuts, but in the end, no interference from my side was needed.

*indoor growing ftw!
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak