[A17] Epic Omega - Fantasy Total Conversion (WIP - Build 13c) [29 Oct 17]

Started by The-Eroks, April 02, 2017, 01:48:02 PM

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Found a weird behavior.

Have a pawn who keeps putting more and more olives into their inventory.... Handling is off, cooking is off, was holding 80, went and picked up more. Told her to drop them, started grabbing them again immediately. This has happened with at least two pawns so far. To solve this for now I made the olive press and leave the olives forbid until right before I have the cook do the pressing. I then forbid while the process is going on so another pawn doesn't come over and start hoarding the olives.


Hmmm...  ??? if this weren't such an annoying behaviour, I would think it humorous. I can't imagine those olives taste that good. I will be (hopefully) dropping 12d tomorrow evening and I'll look into what's going on here before releasing it.

Did they have any other food stuffs in their inventory?


Quote from: The-Eroks on September 02, 2017, 11:40:15 PM
Hmmm...  ??? if this weren't such an annoying behaviour, I would think it humorous. I can't imagine those olives taste that good. I will be (hopefully) dropping 12d tomorrow evening and I'll look into what's going on here before releasing it.

Did they have any other food stuffs in their inventory?

I think one had a piece of waybread, but not positive on that. One sec, I'll load that back up right now and see if that is still happening. I know I still have olives so I'll watch a person who is definitely carrying food already.

edit: So, I just let it run for a couple days at high speed. No one took any olives this time. At first I still had the press job active so the cook made some olive oil, I then turned that bill off. But still no one took any olives. Perhaps just having that press is stifling that behavior, I may go back and deconstruct that press and see if that makes a change.

Also, during this time, I noticed my cook took 5 rice and 1 olive to cook a simple meal. That caused me to look at olives closer, they are set at .5 nutrition instead of the normal .05 nutrition of most veggies. Intentional? In the same vein, are the standard rimworld meals something you intend to remove as well?


OH, and your description next to the download link in the OP still says 12a. Not a big deal of course, but may want to change it just so someone doesn't ask.


Build 12d is release. See the release notes. Major changes are as follows: New system of thing categories (migration is in progress), extensive clean up recipes and production centers, and realigned most weapons/apparel items with relevant tags.

Also! Here is some stuff that I didn't get time to finish (and it didn't make it into 12d)...

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]


Quote from: The-Eroks on September 03, 2017, 07:45:43 PM
Build 12d is release. See the release notes. Major changes are as follows: New system of thing categories (migration is in progress), extensive clean up recipes and production centers, and realigned most weapons/apparel items with relevant tags.

Also! Here is some stuff that I didn't get time to finish (and it didn't make it into 12d)...

Looks like the links in the OP still point to version C (Google Drive link) and A (Dropbox link), am I missing the link to version D somewhere!?

Tried a couple other things with that olive hoarding deal and couldn't get it to work. Guess I'll just keep my eyes open for that in the future and make sure to preserve the autosave prior to that.


Quote from: The-Eroks on September 03, 2017, 10:27:33 PM
sigh... ::) Guess it's amateur hour here at Epic Omega.

Alright, NOW 12d is updated.  ;)

LOL! Thanks! Gonna start fresh with this one.


First thing I'm gonna mention here is more of a long term thing, but figured I'd throw it in now anyway.

1. Consider changing the opening screen of Rimworld the way HardcoreSK does it. They have their own graphic that replaces the background Rimworld view during the menus. You have that great png file in your .rar that would serve that purpose very well!

2. Plan to eliminate chronological age? Along that same line of thought what about the prostophile/prostophobe traits? Basically are you planning to take out all of the space/future themed mechanics from Rimworld? Electricity? Geothermals? Etc.

3. On the campfire there is an option to do bulk x10 for simple meals. That option doesn't seem to exist at the stone hearth. Seems like if one of the two were to have that option it would be the hearth and not the campfire. Or perhaps both should have it. Either way, I'm good, just seems incorrect the way it is now.

4. Been getting somewhere with the research in my most recent game. Really like the icebox mechanic and the ice creation as well. Just got that up and running at the end of my last play session, so it isn't all the way to freezing yet, but closing in! Not sure if that is from another mod or something you added, but either way, very cool!


Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on September 05, 2017, 05:30:35 PM
First thing I'm gonna mention here is more of a long term thing, but figured I'd throw it in now anyway.

1. Consider changing the opening screen of Rimworld the way HardcoreSK does it. They have their own graphic that replaces the background Rimworld view during the menus. You have that great png file in your .rar that would serve that purpose very well!

That is exactly what I want to do with that graphic  :) unfortunately, I can't seem to find the proper location of the file BG graphic to overwrite with my mod. Maybe I'll load up HardcoreSK and check how they did it.

Quote2. Plan to eliminate chronological age? Along that same line of thought what about the prostophile/prostophobe traits? Basically are you planning to take out all of the space/future themed mechanics from Rimworld? Electricity? Geothermals? Etc.

I like the idea of removing chronological age, consider it added to the list of future improvements. I do plan on taking out or re-contextualizing many of the RimWorld mechanics. Electricity is going to be added back in much later with the introduction of steampower. But yes, generally speaking, the space and future themed objects are going to be removed/phased out.

Quote3. On the campfire there is an option to do bulk x10 for simple meals. That option doesn't seem to exist at the stone hearth. Seems like if one of the two were to have that option it would be the hearth and not the campfire. Or perhaps both should have it. Either way, I'm good, just seems incorrect the way it is now.

Yes, it seems fair that both should have it. Consider it added.

Quote4. Been getting somewhere with the research in my most recent game. Really like the icebox mechanic and the ice creation as well. Just got that up and running at the end of my last play session, so it isn't all the way to freezing yet, but closing in! Not sure if that is from another mod or something you added, but either way, very cool!

Thanks... it was originally a Medieval Times feature. It was very well done. I'm trying to come up with a few ways to expand on the "ice industry"


Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on September 02, 2017, 10:26:03 PM
Found a weird behavior.

Have a pawn who keeps putting more and more olives into their inventory.... Handling is off, cooking is off, was holding 80, went and picked up more. Told her to drop them, started grabbing them again immediately. This has happened with at least two pawns so far. To solve this for now I made the olive press and leave the olives forbid until right before I have the cook do the pressing. I then forbid while the process is going on so another pawn doesn't come over and start hoarding the olives.

Sorry for butting in so late. I've encountered this as well, had dev mode turned on so I received an error message. Something is seriously wrong with olives :P Issue is under investigation.
It seems to happen whenever a pawn pick up olives for anything: eating, hauling, whatever they want to do with them. Game says pawn started 10 tasks in 10 ticks.

IDK, maybe they're trying to pick all of it up one olive at a time very quickly and that drives them mad :D


Quote from: pwndemic on September 09, 2017, 07:20:20 PM
Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on September 02, 2017, 10:26:03 PM
Found a weird behavior.

Have a pawn who keeps putting more and more olives into their inventory.... Handling is off, cooking is off, was holding 80, went and picked up more. Told her to drop them, started grabbing them again immediately. This has happened with at least two pawns so far. To solve this for now I made the olive press and leave the olives forbid until right before I have the cook do the pressing. I then forbid while the process is going on so another pawn doesn't come over and start hoarding the olives.

Sorry for butting in so late. I've encountered this as well, had dev mode turned on so I received an error message. Something is seriously wrong with olives :P Issue is under investigation.
It seems to happen whenever a pawn pick up olives for anything: eating, hauling, whatever they want to do with them. Game says pawn started 10 tasks in 10 ticks.

IDK, maybe they're trying to pick all of it up one olive at a time very quickly and that drives them mad :D

LOL, well at least I now know I wasn't going mad dreaming of olive hoarding!



Epic Omega 12e has been officially released! Among three new mod comps (Animal Armour, MegaFauna, and Community Fantasy Animals), 12e corrects the infamous "olive bug" and tweaks numerous little things. 8)

This release is mostly focused on expanding the number of monsters and creatures floating around... and those dragons are bit tougher now  ;)

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]


Yay, another update!

Got it all installed and running last night along with my usual QoL mods, hope to get some play time in during the week, but my hopes are not high until the weekend.