What happened to reactors?

Started by ReZpawner, May 18, 2017, 12:42:55 AM

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For those new to the game, back in the olden days Uranium had the tooltip "Uranium: Powers reactors." No reactors were ever added, but the uranium was never removed from the game either.

So... Reactors. Are they completely off the table, or is that something that still might get added at a later time?

While on the subject, same question about rockets.


They're used for Ship Reactors. Under the Ship tab. You need the ship research too, of course. Very end-game stuff.


Yeah, that wasn't quite what I meant. It was implied that there were going to be 'normal' reactors, not just for ships.

I've played since version 0.0.250, so I'm familiar with the way the ship is built :)


You can use the ship reactor as normal powergenerator too.



Quote from: ReZpawner on May 18, 2017, 03:00:42 AM
I am well aware of this.

I think there was a fully covered nuclear energy mod, but it got discontinued form a15. Should find it, I think it was on NexusMods.



Ofcourse serveral mod's use uranium as building material and/or fuel for powergenerators.
But i though he mention just about the vanila game.

And i still have no clue about "rockets" i don't think he mean the rocket launcher weapons.


Quote from: Canute on May 18, 2017, 03:53:16 AM

And i still have no clue about "rockets" i don't think he mean the rocket launcher weapons.

No I'm pretty sure they don't use uranium. Might get a mod balance thread up for that thing.



Concerning rockets:
Rockets and bombs were two unusable items that you could get in the very early versions of RimWorld. The bombs were meant to go in cannons (which later became the mortars we know and love today), and rockets were supposed to be used in rocketlaunchers.
We never did get to see these launchers, and I don't recall what happened to them except they were removed from the game.
I know a lot of people were hoping for rocket-turrets (because I was one of said people), but there's a good chance they just got changed into the single-shot rocketlaunchers we have in the game today.

Edit: picture! http://i.imgur.com/lQsISXL.jpg


Quote from: ReZpawner on May 18, 2017, 05:30:52 AMI know a lot of people were hoping for rocket-turrets (because I was one of said people), but there's a good chance they just got changed into the single-shot rocketlaunchers we have in the game today.

If you want a good rocketlauncher, try More Vanilla Turrets. It's got a great rocket complex. It uses shells though, not rockets.