Dedicated Supporter in Danger of Losing Interest

Started by RimSol, July 31, 2017, 11:13:28 AM

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Hey guys, I popped up a few weeks ago to talk about my first attack on a computer base.

To keep a long story short, I played out an "intense" difficulty classic 3 man party, survived, built up a 14 man group and was more advanced technologically than my computerized enemies.

At one point, it seemed like the attacks on my base completely stopped. 0 attacks for 2-3 years. This only allowed me to get stronger, up to the point where I laid down my own attack. The rewards of taking down a tribe that is less technologically advanced than my own were nill- making me feel like it was just a waste of time preparing and moving my troops.

I attacked a second base, the strongest computer enemy I could find, wrecked them and came away with some food and a couple batteries.

I have stopped playing because I don't want to mindlessly grind my way up to having all of the materials I need to build a space ship without any challenge.

Bug? Am I too good (highly doubt it!).



What difficulty you playing on? which storyteller? also keep in mind the aim of the game isnt to "win" its to create stories, I will however agree with you in that there needs to be more to doing things in the world, however this is a relatively new function in the game, hopefully itll grow.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?


Don't forget the main goal is still to escape the planet, not to conquere it.
Sure you can build up a big,bigger,biggest colony, but after a while it becomes boring to play with the large almost finished colony.

Then the mod's comes in game.
You can add new enemys, play as different alien race with some unique abilities.
Add more weapons, craft Bionics, train Minions.
A new mod storyteller just got developed which give the game an increased diffulty.

Personaly i enjoy to start new colonies with different set of mods, rather then to play with bigger colonies.


There always comes a certain point where you essentially win.  Nothing the game throws at you is going to challenge you anymore.  Mods can help forestall this time period, but eventually you'll always get there and the game becomes boring, since even with constant raids (my favored scenario has a guaranteed raid every 7 days) you will generally smash them without lifting a finger and venturing out to attack enemy bases becomes more trouble than it's worth.

This is when mods (especially ones like EdB Prepare Carefully), the scenario designer, and a healthy appetite for creativity become your friends.  Make mods and design scenarios to challenge you in interesting ways.  Come up with a story and play it out, specifying the amount of success or disaster you're likely to experience and try to make it work anyway.  Start a colony where everyone has Chemical Fascination and make a drug empire to watch the chaos unfold!  Make a whole planet of Bloodthirsty Psychopathic Cannibals and subsist entirely on human meat supplied by periodic mandatory raids!  Grab Set-Up Camp and start with a few muffalo to make an entirely nomadic tribe!  Grab one of the tech-level mods like Medieval Times or Rimsenal or Glitter Tech and focus on it, making your own feudal empire or late-game supercolony! 

There's a lot of potential to keep things interesting once you move past the base game experience.  Take a look and see what you can do!


Quote from: skullywag on July 31, 2017, 11:33:35 AM
What difficulty you playing on? which storyteller? also keep in mind the aim of the game isnt to "win" its to create stories, I will however agree with you in that there needs to be more to doing things in the world, however this is a relatively new function in the game, hopefully itll grow.

I agree with this one, this game is similar to dwarf fortress, the aim of the game is not to win. The aim of the game is to just have fun, if you find it too easy then you should up the challenge. Either by creating custom rules (no killbox, no turrets, no traps, melee only, etc...) or by using mods. There are a ton of mods out there that improve the game and/or make it harder.

Personally I love the early and mid game the most, once I get into late game I tend to lose interest.

If you want to try something hard that someone already setup for you, try this challenge, it's not super difficult but a decent challenge.


What Trylobyte said .. for me winning in Rimworld is overcoming obstacles and claiming victory over situations I could not foresee.
The moment I get bored with a colony or get another Idea .. this colony is lost .. new horizons await.
I never started a space ship, nor had I ever the ambition to actually go meet the friendly AI .. but thats just me.
If you can't find something to entertain you in Rimworld .. maybe you should take a break before the game becomes a chore to you and do something you can actually WIN at.

Come back later, there is always another Alpha on the horizon.
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Thanks guys!

I played on intense, "beat the game" by becoming impenetrable (do tribes just stop attacking because they know they won't win?), then changed to the hardest setting after the fact, in hopes they'd start throwing me new raids.

I wish I could put my people through some more hell, but it seems as if this colony has "won" and survived.


I'd suggest trying the HardCore SK modpack.  It ramps up the difficulty and makes the game much more complex.  It's definitely prolonged my interest in the game.


Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Extreme and different story tellers will keep you busy for a bit. Try out tribal if you haven't already. Don't forget to play on other biomes cause they have their own challenges.  Even if you don't plan to launch a ship, I recommend to build one anyways in future colonies. That's a lot of wealth, time and resources not used in setting up defenses.


No raids for 2 years is pretty rare, but it could be caused by a couple of things: 1. Randy being Randy, or 2. you're in an extreme biome and the weather is too hot or too cold for humans to survive a raid, so they don't spawn. Although in that case you should at least be getting mechanoids... so I'm guessing you're Riding With Randy? It's the reason I don't use him as a storyteller; too many long stretches of nothing.